To manage bookings, Calendar Integration is a compulsory feature for every online booking system. This is the reason we thought of integrating Google Calendar with our Booking App for Shopify.
Thus, you can now have the Google Calendar feature in your booking system.
In the Add-On section of the app, you will get the Google Calendar add-on. Click the install the button to get the add-on installed into your store.
This option will allow admin as well as the customer to add booking events to Google Calendar once the booking gets approved.

There will be two cases:-
CASE 1: When “Auto-approval” tab is turned ON
If you have turned ON the Auto-Approval tab, you and your customers will receive a Google Calendar Link on each booking via mail once the booking gets auto-approved.
Here is the mail received by customer on Booking Confirmation:-

Now, clicking on the link, your customer can add the booking event to the booking calendar.
For this Link, you as an admin need to configure the mail content from the app by adding a placeholder:
Refer below Screenshot:

Moreover, admin can add booking events to Google Calendar from the Edit Booking section of the app.

Now, for the approved bookings, you can click the Edit Booking button to get the option to add an event to Google Calendar.

CASE 2: When “Auto-approval” tab is turned OFF
Even if a booking is unapproved, you need to approve the customer’s booking manually from the app to send a “Booking Confirmation” mail to your customers with the Google Calendar Link.
Now, after the bookings get approved, the admin will have the Calendar Booking option on the Edit Booking section of the app.

Now, in both cases, the admin has to configure the mail by adding placeholders like this:-

Clicking on the link, you will be redirected to Google Calendar from where you can update your bookings.

This way, both you and your customers can manage the booking events using the Google Calendar feature of the Booking App.
Moreover, You can refer the below-given link to use the app Demo:-
Still, you need any kind of support, simply raise a ticket at
Also, You can contact [email protected] to get proper assistance.
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