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    Akeneo DAM (Digital Asset Management) Extension

    Updated 7 December 2023



    Akeneo DAM (Digital Asset Management) Extension: The extension allows you to centrally manage all your media files using the DAM (Digital Asset Management) solution in Akeneo. Now, you can add/upload/edit/delete various types of media assets such as images, pdf, doc, etc within the Akeneo PIM platform. You can provide detailed information about your media files for enrichment.

    Please Note – 

    Basic Requirements

    • This module works with Akeneo 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 3.0.x, 3.1, 3.2.x, 4.0.x, 5.0.x, 6.0.x and 7.0.x.Download Akeneo from here
    • Node and Yarn packages need to be installed. Click Here
    • Also works with Akeneo Cloud Flexibility Mode which is a PAAS Edition of Akeneo


    • With Akeneo DAM software, you can Add/upload digital assets by UI
    • Akeneo DAM helps in storing the product media data and removing the duplicacy
    • You can store Photos and Files with content in Akeneo
    • Support all file asset including images and other files like PDF, DOC, and all others
    • You can add an expiration date for assets
    • An asset can be exported in the CSV file
    • You can import asset with FTP
    • With the help of FTP, data can be added
    • For asset attribute, you can add Thumbnail.
    • You can export/import asset
    • With this, you can upload bulk data
    • You will able to get Dam data from the external store using Rest API
    • With Akeneo DAM, you can work time and cost-efficiently
    • You can create and assign the categories to the assets.
    • Various digital asset management actions for delete, edit, favorite fields, alt text
    • You can reuse the same image in different products
    • Can filter the digital assets using the different filter option
    • You can edit the asset with this Digital Asset Management software.
    • Suitable for both applications – Enterprise DAM and Open Source DAM.
    • Akeneo digital asset management software is compatible with the latest Akeneo version 6.0.x

    Video Tutorials

    Check out the following video tutorials below:

    How to setup DAM in Akeneo?


    How to create Assets in Akeneo?



    Composer Installation 

    Read This Blog 

    Before beginning the composer installation

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     1: Get the ACCESS KEYS [Create a support ticket]
    2: In Akeneo composer.json, add our repository as well as the installation script.

    For Akeneo 6 and 7:

      "scripts": {
            "post-update-cmd": [
               "vendor/webkul/dambundle/src/Webkul/DamBundle/install/ COMPOSER=true NO_DOCKER=true"
            "post-install-cmd": [
               "vendor/webkul/dambundle/src/Webkul/DamBundle/install/ COMPOSER=true NO_DOCKER=true"
            "post-create-project-cmd": [
              "vendor/webkul/dambundle/src/Webkul/DamBundle/install/ COMPOSER=true NO_DOCKER=true"
      "repositories": [{
        "type": "composer",
        "url": ""

    For Akeneo <=5.x  

      "scripts": {
            "post-update-cmd": [
            "post-install-cmd": [
            "post-create-project-cmd": [
      "repositories": [{
        "type": "composer",
        "url": ""


    3: Use composer to install the extension.

    composer require webkul/dambundle

    4: Complete the authentication form.
    5: Send a Message of Success
    6: Delete your browser’s cache. 

    Installing Module for Version 6.0.x and 7.0.x

    • After unzipping the appropriate extension zip, merge the “src” folder into the akeneo project.
    • From the PIM directory, run the following command over the NO-DOCKER Instance.
    ./src/Webkul/DamBundle/install/ COMPOSER=false NO_DOCKER=true
    •  Run the command below over the PIM directory’s DOCKER instance.
    ./src/Webkul/DamBundle/install/ COMPOSER=false NO_DOCKER=false

    Module Installation 4.0.x to 5.0.x

    Please follow these steps for installing Akeneo DAM (Digital Asset Management) Extension in your Akeneo PIM platform.

    • Unzip the respective extension zip and then merge “src” folder into the akeneo project root directory.


    • After that goto config/Bundles.php then add the line:
    Webkul\DamBundle\WebkulDamBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    Ijanki\Bundle\FtpBundle\IjankiFtpBundle::class => ['all' => true],

    in return array.

    • Then copy the “config/routes/webkul_dambundle.yml“folder into the akeneo project root directory for routing.


    • After that you have to navigate first to Akeneo installation directory (Ex: cd /opt/bitnami/apps/akeneo/htdocs). After SSH, you have to run the command to your Akeneo server by the terminal.
    php -d memory_limit=3G /usr/local/bin/composer require ijanki/ftp-bundle --no-scripts
    rm -rf ./var/cache/ && php bin/console cache:warmup && php bin/console wk_dam:setup:install && php bin/console dam:asset:category
    • If you are using php-fpm. Then you need to restart the php-fpm services.

    For Akeneo 4

    sudo service php7.3-fpm restart

    For Akeneo 5

    sudo service php7.4-fpm restart

    Docker Installation Command :

    For Akeneo 5

    alias docker_php='docker-compose run -u www-data --rm php php';
    alias docker_yarn='docker-compose run -u node --rm node yarn';
    docker_php bin/console cache:clear --env=prod;
    docker_php bin/console pim:installer:assets --symlink --clean --env=prod;
    docker_php bin/console d:s:u --force;
    docker_yarn run webpack;
    docker_yarn run update-extensions;
    docker_yarn run less;

    For Akeneo 4

    alias docker_php='docker-compose run -u www-data --rm php php'; 
    alias docker_yarn='docker-compose run -u node --rm node yarn';
    docker_php bin/console cache:clear --env=prod;
    docker_php bin/console pim:installer:assets --symlink --clean --env=prod;
    docker_php bin/console d:s:u --force;
    docker_yarn run webpack;
    docker_yarn run less;

    Module Installation 2.x to 3.x

    Please follow these steps for installing Akeneo DAM [ Digital Asset Management software ] in your Akeneo PIM platform.

      • Unzip the respective extension zip and then merge “src” folder into the akeneo project root directory.
    • src-magento-2-1
      • After that goto app/AppKernel.php and add the following line in function registerProjectBundles()


                 new Webkul\DamBundle\WebkulDamBundle(),
                 new Ijanki\Bundle\FtpBundle\IjankiFtpBundle(),
    • Then goto app/config/routing.yml and add these lines at top of the file

    Routing.yml codes

        resource: "@WebkulDamBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
        prefix:   /
    • You have to navigate first to Akeneo installation directory (Ex: cd /opt/bitnami/apps/akeneo/htdocs). After SSH, you have to run the command to your Akeneo server by the terminal.
    php -d memory_limit=3G /usr/local/bin/composer require ijanki/ftp-bundle --no-scripts
    rm -rf ./var/cache/ && php bin/console cache:warmup && php bin/console wk_dam:setup:install && php bin/console dam:asset:category
    • If you are using php-fpm. Then you need to restart the php-fpm services..

      sudo service php7.2-fpm restart

    Common Issue After Installation

    It might happen that even after proper installation, upon opening your Akeneo admin dashboard, you see a loading screen. In that case, do check for the following solution:

    • Webpack Installation: If you get the below errorWebpack error

    It means that a web pack is not installed in your system. Run the following command

    npm install --save-prod webpack
    npm install
    • Module routing.yml is not configured properly. Re-check the routing.yml file as mentioned in the 3rd step of Module Installation
    • Clear your browser cache.

    Uninstalling Module

    For Akeneo Version >= 5.0.x:

    Please follow for uninstalling the Akeneo DAM (Digital Asset Management) Extension. Run this command after ssh to your akeneo server by the terminal

    php bin/console dam:asset:uninstall --env=prod && php bin/console cache:clear --env=prod;php bin/console pim:installer:assets --symlink --clean --env=prod;yarn run webpack;yarnpkg run update-extensions;yarnpkg run less;

    For Akeneo Version >= 4.0.x:

    Please follow for uninstalling the Akeneo DAM (Digital Asset Management) Extension. Run this command after ssh to your akeneo server by the terminal

    php bin/console dam:asset:uninstall --env=prod && rm -rf var/cache && php bin/console cache:warmup && rm -rf public/bundles public/js && php bin/console pim:installer:assets --symlink --clean && rm -rf public/css && yarnpkg run less && rm -rf public/dist && yarnpkg run webpack-dev && php bin/console d:s:update -f

    Akeneo Version <= 3.2.x:

    Follow for uninstalling the Akeneo DAM (Digital Asset Management) Extension. Run this command after ssh to your akeneo server by the terminal

    php bin/console dam:asset:uninstall --env=prod && rm -rf ./var/cache/** && php bin/console pim:install:asset --env=prod && php bin/console assets:install web --symlink && yarn run webpack

    Uninstall Module: For Akeneo 6 and 7

    • From the PIM directory, run the command below over the NO-DOCKER Instance.
    ./src/Webkul/DamBundle/uninstall/ COMPOSER=false NO_DOCKER=true
    • Then run the command below over the PIM directory’s DOCKER instance.
    ./src/Webkul/DamBundle/uninstall/ COMPOSER=false NO_DOCKER=false

    Set up in Akeneo

    After installation of the module in Akeneo, You have to edit the user role in Akeneo. Then you have to navigate System -> Roles-> Permission and then enable Webkul Digital Asset Management.

    Webkul Digital Asset Management

    After that, you have to create the Asset Group attributes.

    Then you have to navigate Setting-> Attribute -> Create Attribute then select Asset Group.

    Create Asset group attribute

    After creating the attribute, you have to enter the details.

    Enter the attribute details

    For creating the product in Akeneo, you have to choose the family. So, you can assign the digital asset group attribute to a product family.

    Family in Akeneo

    After that, while creating a new family you can choose asset attribute as the main picture in the family.

    Note: The first image that is selected as a thumbnail in the asset will appear as the main picture.


    Create Digital Asset in Akeneo

    Then after the installation in Akeneo, you will find the DAM media icon.


    You can add a digital asset category in Akeneo. Then you can add the asset to a category and subcategory. For creating the category, you have to click on the Setting -> Asset categories.


    After that, you have to click on the Media Icon and the Akeneo DAM page will open.

    Then you will find the Add Asset icon at the right of the screen. After that, you have to click on the Add Asset button.

    add asset

    A new page will be open where you have to enter the Asset code. Asset code is a unique code for a group of products and files.

    Create Asset Code

    After clicking on the save button, the Asset management page will be open. Here, you can upload the files and media as well you can select the thumbnail for the asset.


    After uploading the media, you can edit the asset with the Akeneo dam module. After clicking on the edit button, the image edit page will be open.


    Then you can also add information about the assets.

    • Favourite – You can enable the favorite icon. With it, You can filter the assets.
    • Title – Asset title explains the assets.
    • Alternative text – With alternative text, you can add further information about the assets.
    • Description – It describes the product asset.


    • Expiration Date – In this, you have to select the date by which the asset will expire.
    • Asset Tag – These asset tags will help you while filtering the products.


    Asset Category-

    After submitting these details, you can assign the Categories to these assets. You can assign a single asset category or multiple asset categories.


    Then you can click on the save button on the right corner of your page. Now you can see the asset is added to the Asset list.


    After saving the assets in the Asset list, you can edit and delete the asset.


    Filter the Assets in Akeneo DAM

    In the Akeneo DAM module, You can filter the asset with the-

    • Description
    • Created time
    • Updated time
    • Favourites products
    • Tags



    Filter the Assets with Description:

    In this module, You can filter the asset with a description. For this, you have to choose the operator.

    • Contains – The product description contains the text entered by you.
    • Does not contain – The product description doesn’t contain text entered by you.
    • Is equal to – The product description is equal to the text entered by you.
    • Starts with – The product description starts with the text entered by you.
    • Is Empty – The product description is empty.


    Filter the Asset with Created Time:

    After that in this module, You can filter the asset with created time. For this, you have to choose the operators.

    • Between – You can filter the asset that you have created between two dates.
    • Not Between – You can filter the asset that you have not created between two dates.
    • More than – You can filter the asset after the selected date.
    • Less than – You can filter the asset before the selected date.


    Filter the Asset with Updated Time:

    Then you can filter the asset with updated time. For this, you have to choose the operators.

    • Between – You can filter the asset that you have updated between two dates.
    • Not Between – You can filter the asset that you have not updated between two dates.
    • More than – You can filter the asset after the selected date.
    • Less than – You can filter the asset before the selected date.


    Filter the  Favourites Assets:

    In this module, You can set the favourites asset. With it, you can filter the products. You will find three options in it.

    • All – You can filter the all favourites and not starred products.
    • Yes – You can filter the all favourites products.
    • No – You can filter the not favourites products.


    Filter the asset with Asset Tags: 

    After that, you can filter the asset with asset tags. All the asset tags will be visible after clicking on the Tags icon.


    Product creates in Akeneo with Akeneo DAM Module

    To create a product in Akeneo, go to navigate to Products and click the Create button. Now, you need to choose the product type – Product or Product Model.

    Product create in Akeneo

    Now you have to enter the required SKU, choose a family, then click the Save button.


    Then you can add/upload an asset to the product with the asset group attribute.


    After clicking on the ADD/UPDATE button, you have to select the assets that you want to add to the product.


    After adding the asset, click on the confirm button. Your product details will be shown on the product page.


    Export Asset

    Create Export Job Profile

    You can export assets from Akeneo DAM Extension you can create an export profile.

    After that to create a new export job profile, go to Exports>Create Export Profile


    After that enter a code, label, then select job type to create a new job profile.


    Then click to Save button. Then click Export Now to run the export job.

    After running the export job there will be the option Download Generated File click on that to create a CSV file. You can generate a file or zip.


    Import Asset

    You can import Asset in Akeneo DAM Extension. There are two jobs to import assets in Akeneo DAM Extension.

    • DAM Asset Import
    • Import via FTP

    DAM Asset Import

    To create a new import job profile, go to Imports>Create Import Profile


    After that enter a code, label, then select the job type to create the import job.


    Then click to Save button.

    After that, there will be two options –

    • Import Now – In this, you can enter the file path to import the asset.
    • Upload a file – In this, you can drag the file to import the asset.


    Once you have uploaded the file click to Upload and Import Now option.


    After uploading and running the export job you can check the execution details.


    Import via FTP

    To create a new import job profile, go to Imports>Create Import Profile.


    After that enter a code, label, then select the job type to create the import job.


    Then click to Save button. Then fill the details

    Ftp Setting –

    • Host Name
    • User Name


    Then click to Validate.

    Import Setting –

    Enable Import Image/Files as a single Asset – Enable this option to import all images and files sorted in the mapped directory in Akeneo as a single asset.

    Import Directory as Asset and it’s filed as asset Images/Files – Enable this option import directory as Asset and it’s filed as asset image/file.

    Enable Import Images/Files in an Asset – In this, you can select the digital asset in which you can import the media.

    Extensions – In this you have to select the media file type like jpg, jpeg, png, etc.


    After filling the import setting click Asset Setting.

     Asset Setting –

    In this, you have to fill in the detail for the digital assets which are imported in Akeneo DAM Extension. Details like –

    • Make Favourite
    • Title
    • Alternate Text
    • Description
    • Dam Tags
    • Categories

    After filling in all the details click on the Save button. Then click to import option.


    After running the job you can check the execution detail. After that, you can check the Imported Asset by navigating Media.


    So, that was much about the User Guide of the Akeneo DAM module for any queries or doubts reach out to us at [email protected]. You can also raise a ticket at our HelpDesk System.

    Please explore our Akeneo Development Services and Quality Akeneo Extensions.

    Current Product Version - For Akeneo 2.x.x to 5.x.x || 3.1.0, Akeneo 6 || 4.1.0 and Akeneo 7 || 5.0.2

    Supported Framework Version - Akeneo PIM 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 3.0.x, 3.1, 3.2.x, 4.0.x, 5.0.x, 6.0.x and 7.0.x

    Blog Version - Akeneo PIM 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 3.0.x, 3.1, 3.2.x, 4.0.x, 5.0.x, 6.0.x and 7.0.x
    • Version Akeneo PIM 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 3.0.x, 3.1.x and 3.2.x
    • Version Akeneo PIM 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 3.0.x, 3.1, 3.2.x, 4.x.0, 5.0.x and 6.0.x
    • Version Akeneo PIM 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 3.0.x, 3.1, 3.2.x, 4.x.0 and 5.0.x
    • Version Akeneo PIM 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 3.0.x, 3.1, 3.2.x, 4.0.x, 5.0.x, 6.0.x and 7.0.x
    • Version Akeneo PIM 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 3.0.x, 3.1, 3.2.x and 4.0.x
    . . .

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