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Guide for Adobe Commerce Downloadable Product Akeneo Add-On

Updated 29 October 2024

Magento 2(Adobe Commerce) Downloadable product Akeneo add-on allows the admin to export enriched downloadable products from Akeneo to the Magento 2 store.

So, the admin can create the downloadable products within the Akeneo and then can export them to the Magento 2 store.

Apart from that, the Akeneo admin can import downloadable products from Magento 2 to Akeneo backend.

Also, if you want to import and export group and bundled products between Akeneo and Magento 2, check Magento 2 Group Bundle Product Akeneo Add-on.


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  • This is an add-on to the Magento 2 Akeneo Connector extension, so you must first have installed it before making use of Adobe Commerce Downloadable product extension.
  • Compatible with Magento 2 Akeneo Connector version 4.3.0
  • Support with Akeneo Version – 7.x.x
  • For the Akeneo installation, your Akeneo server should meet these system requirements.
  • Click the link to download Akeneo.
  • Node and Yarn packages need to be installed.
  • Also works with Akeneo Cloud Flexibility Mode which is a PAAS Edition of Akeneo.

You can check the overview of the module from the video tutorial below –



  • Create downloadable product in Akeneo.
  • In Akeneo option to manage the Downloadable Information.
  • Export downloadable product form Akeneo to Magento 2 store.
  • Import downloadable products from Magento 2 store to Akeneo.
  • Quick export downloadable Products.

You will get this extension(within the mod zip file) and needs to be installed within the Magento 2 store.

You need to install ‘DownloadableLinks’ module in Magento 2 store to access the downloadable images.

After installation run the below commands –

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile;
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy;
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush

Installation – Magento 2 Downloadable Product Akeneo


  • CLI User must be the same as the FPM user, a good practice is to use the FPM user for installation.
  • Ownership/permissions for the Akeneo directory must be assigned to the FPM user. otherwise, you will face the permission issue during installation.

Read this blog: How to install Webkul Akeneo Connector via Composer? before start the installation via composer.

Composer Installation:

  • Step 1: GET the Access Keys [Raise a ticket]
  • Step 2: Add our repository and installation script in your Akeneo composer.json
  "scripts": {
        "post-update-cmd": [
           "vendor/webkul/magento2-downloadable-product/src/Webkul/Magento2DownloadableProductBundle/install/ COMPOSER=true NO_DOCKER=true"
        "post-install-cmd": [
           "vendor/webkul/magento2-downloadable-product/src/Webkul/Magento2DownloadableProductBundle/install/ COMPOSER=true NO_DOCKER=true"
        "post-create-project-cmd": [
          "vendor/webkul/magento2-downloadable-product/src/Webkul/Magento2DownloadableProductBundle/ COMPOSER=true NO_DOCKER=true",
  "repositories": [{
    "type": "composer",
    "url": ""
  • Step 3: Install the extension using composer.
composer require webkul/magento2-downloadable-product
  • Step 4: Fill the authentication.
  • Step 5: Success Message
  • Step 6: Clear Browser cache

Manual Installation:

Unzip the respective extension zip and then merge “src” folder into akeneo project.

Run the below command over the NO-DOCKER Instance from the PIM directory.

./src/Webkul/Magento2DownloadableProductBundle/install/ COMPOSER=false NO_DOCKER=true

Run the below command over the DOCKER Instance from the PIM directory.

./src/Webkul/Magento2DownloadableProductBundle/install/ COMPOSER=false NO_DOCKER=false

Module Uninstall:

Run the below command over the NO-DOCKER Instance from the PIM directory.

./src/Webkul/Magento2DownloadableProductBundle/uninstall/ COMPOSER=false NO_DOCKER=true

Run the below command over the DOCKER Instance from the PIM directory.

./src/Webkul/Magento2DownloadableProductBundle/uninstall/ COMPOSER=false NO_DOCKER=false

How to Set up Magento 2 Credentials?

The main admin credentials for the Magento 2 store backend will be required and be used as host name and password for connecting with the Akeneo.


Host – Store frontend URL

User Name – Admin panel main admin user name.

Password – Admin panel main admin password.

Also, permissions are required follow the below procedure.

The admin needs to allow permission to the user for that, navigate to Admin -> System -> User Roles -> Edit your User -> Role Resources.

Select the below mentioned roles for the users:

  • Catalog, Inventory, Products, Categories, product attachment, Management, Customers
  • Stores, Settings, Currency, Attributes, Other Settings.

Here are the other options.

other options

Initial Configuration – Akeneo

Login to the Akeneo back-end by entering the user name and password.

After that navigate through side panel option Magento 2 ->Add Credential option.

Magento 2 cred setup in Akeneo backend

The below section appears.

add credentials magento 2 in Akeneo backend

Here, enter the –

  • Host Name – URL of your magento eStore
  • User Name – The user name of the admin backend panel
  • Password – The password of the admin backend panel

Lastly, save the credentials.

Now, you can see the credentials saved.

Magento 2 cred setup in Akeneo backend

Mapping Magento 2 Attributes With Akeneo – Downloadable Products

Edit the added credentials and go to the attribute mapping section.

Attribute mapping magento 2 downloadable attributes with Akeneo attributes

Here, the user will map the field in Magento 2 Store with Common Product field in Akeneo –

  • Links Titles
  • Sample title

The user then needs to navigate to the other settings section.

other settings Magento 2 downloadable product akeneo add-on

Here, the Akeneo user will setup –

  • Attribute group export – Settings to export attribute-groups to Magento 2 or or export all attribute groups to existing attribute groups.
  • URL key prefix for Product models – URL keys of products/categories can conflict with each other due to no url_key mapping, to avoid this add prefix in the url_key.
  • and other required settings needs to be made.

Lastly, save the mapping.

Create Downloadable Products – Akeneo

Login to the Akeneo, and create a downloadable product by navigating to Products->Create.

Product listing section akeneo

This brings up the section where the user will select – Downloadable Product.

downloadable product creation akeneo

Then, enter the SKU and family for the downloadable Akeneo product.

After entering the details, tap Save.

SKU and family for the downloadable Akeneo produc

Now, enter the basic details for the downloadable product.

basic info of downloadable product at akeneo end

After that, go to the downloadable information section. Here, add the respective links.

downloadable information

Export Downloadable Product – Akeneo to Magento 2

Now, create an export job by navigating through Magento 2 side panel option -> Create Export Profile.

create export profile

Now, you will see the create export profile section.

create export profile for downloadable product import magento 2

Here, the user for the import profile will –

  • Enter the code
  • Enter the label for the profile
  • Choose the Job as – Downloadable Product Export to Magento 2

Lastly, save the export profile.

Also, downloadable products can be exported with the ‘Product Only Export to Magento2’, ‘Quick export to Magento2’, and ‘All export to Magento2’ jobs.

Set Up Properties – For Export Job

The profile gets created and you get the below shown section after that.

export profile created for downloadbale products magento 2

Here, the user can –

  • Only changed or new data to be exported

    Example: If you have created a product in Akeneo and you want to make small changes in these (attributes/category/option/family) data.

    You can enable the option Export only changed or new data in properties and can export the changes made by you in Akeneo.

    Please note – It will not override the product in Magento rather it updates the existing data.
  • Export product SKU changed at Akeneo end this can be enabled or disabled
    To avoid product duplication, delete Magento 2 products if the Akeneo Product SKU changes.
  • Export the categories associated with the channel in products
    To export the categories associated with the channel in the product, enable this option.
  • Choose not to export category value in product export
    If it is enabled then it will not export the categories value while exporting the product.

Set Up Filter Data – For Export Job

Now, navigate to the Content tab.

filter data for the export profile created akeneo magento 2 downloadable product

Here, the user will –

  • Choose the Channel.
    Each export job can select multiple channels in a single job, please select all the relevant channels of products to export.
  • Select the Locales.
    Select one or more Locales depending on your requirements.
  • Choose the attributes.
    Then you can select which product attributes you want to export all or a few of them.
  • Filter export products per – Family.
    Select one or more product families to export to Magento. If you want to export products belonging to specific families.

    Then click on the drop-down list and click on the families to add in the field like clothing, shoes, and t-shirts.
  • Set the status as – Enabled.
    You can also filter the status of your products, three options are available.
filter data
filter data for the export profile created akeneo magento 2 downloadable product
  • Choose the Completeness as required.

This enables you to filter on the completeness of selected locales. Four options on completeness are proposed:

  • Select the Time condition for export.

You can now export your product in a specific time condition.

Filter with time condition
  • Choose the category.

Then you can configure the categories of the channel tree you want to export. For example, you want to export the clothing products to update.

  • Enter the identifier for exporting specific products.
    Make a selection of identifiers to export by adding them to the SKU field. You can copy and paste a list of identifiers, and separate them by using commas, space, or line breaks.

After that, go to the Credentials tab and choose the credentials that we had created.

choose credentials magento 2 akeneo downloadable products

Lastly, tap the save button and the export profile is ready to export the Magento 2 downloadable products into the Akeneo PIM.

profile ready for export downloadable products

Now, tap the export now button.

After that, the export process will start to export downloadable products from Akeneo to Magento 2 store.

akeneo downloadable product export to magento 2 store

The exported product is then visible at the Magento 2 storefront and backend.

exported product from akeneo to magento 2

Import Downloadable Product – Magento 2 to Akeneo

To import the downloadable product from Magento 2 store to Akeneo, the admin will create a product at the Magento 2 store.

Note: if you are trying to create a downloadable product using a URL then you will get this error.

url domain not listed in env.php file

So, the admin just needs to add the respective media file domains to the env.php file before creating the downloadable product.

to add the domain use the below command –

php bin/magento downloadable:domains:add

In order to get all whitelisted domains run below command

bin/magento downloadable:domains:show

To remove a domain from whitelist, run the below command

bin/magento downloadable:domains:remove

After creating the downloadable product, now go to Akeneo and login.

Now, create an Import job by navigating through Magento 2 side panel option -> Create Import Profile.

create import profile

Now, you will see the create import profile section.

create import profile for downloadable product import magento 2

Here, the user for the import profile will –

  • Enter the code
  • Enter the name
  • Choose the Job as – Magento 2 Downloadable Product Import

Lastly, save the import profile.

The profile gets created and you get the below shown section after that.

import profile created for downloadbale products magento 2

Now, navigate to the Content tab.

filter data for the import profile created akeneo magento 2 downloadable product

Here, the user will –

  • Choose the Channel
  • Select the Locales
  • Choose to import only new products as required
  • Choose to import specific products using identifier.

After that, go to the Credentials tab and choose the credentials that we had created.

choose credentials magento 2 akeneo downloadable products

Lastly, tap the save button and the import profile is ready to import the Magento 2 downloadable products into the Akeneo PIM.

profile ready for import

Now, tap the Import now button.

After that, the import process will start to import downloadable products from Magento 2 store to Akeneo.

imported downloadable product to magento 2

lastly, check the imported downloadable products within Akeneo.

imported downloadable product list at akeneo from magento 2

Support – Magento 2 Downloadable Product Akeneo

That was much about the Magento 2 Downloadable Product Akeneo module.

For any queries kindly drop us an email at [email protected]

You can also check our Akeneo Development services for in dept overview of what we can assist you with.

Current Product Version - 1.0.0

Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x

. . .

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