Magento 2 Vendor One Time Pay Commission (Adobe Commerce) extension allows the admin to provide the functionality of one time commission payment for the sellers.
This way, the sellers will pay a one time commission in advance as defined by the admin.
The admin will create and add the vendors to the one time commission seller group as per their preference and requirement.
Note: To use this extension, you must have the Magento 2 Multi Vendor Marketplace, Magento 2 Seller Group Marketplace add-on, and the Magento 2 Split Cart Marketplace add-on.
Additional Information: Prior to utilizing this extension, it is necessary to have at least one of the marketplace shipping modules installed,
- Magento 2 UPS Shipping Marketplace Add-On
- Magento 2 USPS Shipping Marketplace Add-on
- Magento 2 DHL Shipping Marketplace Add-On
- Magento 2 Per Country Per Product Shipping Marketplace Add-on
- Magento 2 Free Shipping Marketplace Add-on
- Magento 2 Fixed Rate Shipping Marketplace Add-on
- Magento 2 Multi Vendor Distance Based Shipping
- Magento 2 Table Rate Shipping Marketplace Add-on
You can also go through the below video tutorial to get to know the working of the extension,
- Admin can add vendors to one time commission payment seller groups.
- Only one time commission to be paid by vendors to admin.
- PayPal payment method available for sellers to accept payments. It deposits payments directly into their accounts.
- Vendors get all the revenue generated by their sales.
- Function available for admin to allow specific sellers to view the one time commission payment seller group on storefront.
- PayPal payment method can be enabled/disabled by the admin.
- Bulk action for admin to assign/unassign sellers to seller groups including one time commission groups.
- Integrated with Split cart functionality for seller wise commission management.
The installation is quite simple just like the standard Magento 2 extensions.
#1 Download Module
Firstly, you need to log in to the Webkul Store, go to My Account>My Purchased Products section. Verify, and then download and extract the contents of this zip folder on the system.
#2 Upload Folder
Once the module zip extracts, follow path src>app and then copy the app folder into the Adobe Commerce root directory on the server.
#3 Run Commands
After uploading the module folder, you need to run the following commands in the Adobe Commerce root directory,
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush
Multi-Lingual Configuration
For Multilingual support, please navigate to Store>Configuration>General>Locale. Then, select your desired language from the Locale option.
Thus, in this way, a multilingual configuration can be done.
Language Translation
For Adobe Commerce One Time Pay Commission extension translation, navigate to the following path in your system src/app/code/Webkul/OneTimePayCommission/i18n.
Open the file named en_US.csv for editing as shown in the below screenshot,
Now, upload it to the path src/app/code/Webkul/OneTimePayCommission/i18n where the installation of Magento 2 is on the server. The module gets translated into the desired language
The user can edit the CSV like the image below.
After editing and translating the CSV file, you need to save the translated file name according to your regional language and country code such as de_SA.CSV.
Followed by uploading the translated file to the same folder from where you have obtained it, Now your module translation is complete.
PayPal Configuration Settings
After the successful installation of the extension, the admin will navigate the Stores-> Configuration -> Marketplace Seller Group Options -> One Time Pay Commission Payment Methods.
- Enabled: The store admin can enable or disable the payment method.
- Title: The store admin can set the title of the payment method.
- Payment from applicable Countries: Admin can enable payment method for all countries or select specific countries.
- Payment from Specific Countries: Choose the specific countries.
Admin End Workflow
The Store admin can create the groups for vendors to provide the one time commission payment functionality.
To add a new seller group, admin navigates to the Marketplace Management > Manage Seller Groups and then tap on Add New Group.
The following configurations are available to the admin,
Status: Admin can enable and disable the group.
Group Name: Admin will input the group name.
Group Code: Admin will add a group code.
Admin Get Commission: If the administrator selects Yes, they will receive the commission as specified in the default commission setting.
Admin has to select this option as No to provide the one time commission payment functionality to vendors,
Check Type: Check on selected option will be used for membership time period.
- No. of Products: If admin selects no. of product the, admin needs to specify the quantity of the product.
- Only Time: If admin selects the only time then, need to specify the Membership Time Period.
- Time and No. of Products: If admin selects the time and no of product then, need to specify the membership time period and no of products.
Fee Amount: Admin can enter the amount for the respective group.
Group Image: Admin can upload the image for the group.
Allowed Account Functionalities: Admin can select the functionality which he want to provide to the sellers group.
Sort Order: Admin can also set the sort order.
Assign One Time Pay Commission Group to Seller
After creating a one time commission payment seller group, the admin has to assign sellers to that group.
After being assigned, the sellers will not have to pay regular product commissions. They’ll only have to pay a predefined one time commission to the admin.
For assigning seller group, the admin will navigate to Marketplace Management>Manage Seller and then select the seller(s).
Further, using the Actions dropdown, navigate to Assign a Seller Group and assign the applicable group.
Additionally, only those vendors will be able to view the one time pay commission groups who have been provided access to view them.
The admin will select the seller(s) and navigate to Access One TIme Commission Groups and tap on Enable View. If they want to revoke the access, they can tap on Disable View.
Vendor End Workflow
When the vendor is provided access to the one time pay commission seller group by the admin, they can view the membership details.
The details can be accessed from the Pricing and the Manage Seller Membership pages
Seller can purchase the membership accordingly.
Once the seller has purchased the membership, the seller membership details will be available in the Manage Seller Membership page as per the image below,
Addtionally, they can purchase Membership Boosters or Cancel Memebrship by clicking on the respective buttons.
PayPal Client ID and Secret Key Generation
Generate Sandbox Client ID and Secret Key:
To retrieve the Client ID and Secret key, log in here.
Then navigate to My Apps & Credentials as shown in the given image:
Create App
On clicking the Create App, it redirects to the Create New App page.
Sandbox Create New App Page
Here, enter your App Name and select the Sandbox developer account and proceed further by hitting the Create App button.
Subsequently, select the sandbox or live account for which you want to create the API credentials ie; client ID, and secret key.
Sandbox – Get Client Id and Secret
Get PayPal Live Client Id and Secret Key:
For the Client Id and Secret, log in to the dashboard.
Then navigate to My Apps & Credentials as shown in the given image:
Create App
On clicking the Create App, it redirects to the Create New App page.
Create New App Page
Here, enter your App Name and proceed further by hitting the Create App button.
Find the Live Client Id and Secret:
Hence, copy the client ID and secret key and configure them in the seller dashboard under the PayPal Payment Details as per the image below,
Partner Merchant Id and Partner Account Email: The seller must follow the given path to gather the Merchant ID and the Account Email.
Step 1: Log in to PayPal Developers Account.
Path: Thereafter, navigate through- SandBox Account > Account Name > View/ Edit Account > Account Details.
In the Account Details page, the admin will find the Email ID or Account Email and the Account Id or the Merchant ID as shown below:
Customer End Workflow
If a seller is operating under the one time commission payment seller group, then they will be provided with a PayPal payment method which they can use to accept payments from customers.
The payment made by customers will be credited directly to the seller account and will not be routed through the admin.
Now, once the customer adds a product to the cart and proceeds to shipping page, they’ll enter the address and select the list of available shipping methods as per the below image,
After clicking on Next, the customer will be redirected to the Payment Page where PayPal payment method will be available for the customer to pay for the product.
Now, the customer will proceed further for payment and redirected to a secure PayPal pop to complete the payment,
After the user has logged in, they can complete the payment to place the order.
After the payment is successfull, the customer will be redirected to the storefront and the order will be placed. The order number will be visible to the customer as well.
Order and Transactions – Seller End
Once the customer has placed the order for their product successfully, the seller will now receive the full payment. They will not have to pay any extra commission to the Admin.
The Admin Commission will remain zero as the seller is in the One Time Commission payment group. The order and transaction details at seller dashboard will be as follows,
Split Cart Functionality
Additionally, if a customer adds products belonging to multiple sellers, then their cart will be split at the time of checkout. This is used to manage the seller wise commission.
When the cart is split, the payments will be credited to the particular sellers individually to their accounts.
So that’s all for the Magento 2 Vendor One Time Pay Commission extension.
If you have any more queries or require further assistance, kindly reach out to us through [email protected] or raise a ticket at
Current Product Version - 5.0.0
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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