Magento 2 Pick Pack(Adobe Commerce) extension is a powerful extension that enhances the order fulfilment process in your store.
This module provides an efficient way to manage the picking and packing of orders and ensure that products are accurately prepared for shipment.
The customer will place the order from your store and the store owner will send the order to the warehouse for the shipment.
Now the warehouse employee will pick up the ordered item and place it into the respective box and add the barcode to the box.
After that, the order is successfully ready for shipment.
If you want to enhance your store with the dropshipping feature you can check out our Magento 2 Dropship Extension.
- It allows the admin to create the warehouse employee.
- Both the admin and the employee can create multiple barcode sequences at the same time.
- The warehouse’s employees are allowed to create barcodes and the boxes.
- Warehouse employees are allowed to pack the ordered items into the respective boxes.
- Employees can attach the created barcode to the packed boxes of ordered items.
- The admin and warehouse employees can also set the barcode’s label width and height.
- Provides a separate dashboard for the Warehouse employee.
- It supports GraphQL implementation structure.
Note :
This module works with the Simple, Configurable, bundled, and grouped products only.
The installation is quite simple just like the standard Magento 2 extensions.
#Download Module
Firstly, you need to log in to the Webkul Store, go to My Account>My Purchased Products section, verify, and then download and extract the contents of this zip folder on the system.
#Upload Folder
Once the module zip extracts, follow path src>app and then copy the app folder into the Magento 2 root directory on the server as shown below:

# Run Commands
You need to run the following commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush
# Additional Commands
composer require picqer/php-barcode-generator
composer require mpdf/mpdf
Language Translation
For translating the module language, navigate through the app/code/Webkul/PickPack/i18n and edit the en_US.csv file.
Thereafter, rename the CSV as “en_SA.csv” and translate all right side content after the comma in the Arabic language. After editing the CSV, save it.

Now, upload it to the path app/code/Webkul/PickPack/i18n where the installation of Magento 2 is on the server.
The Magento 2 Pick Pack gets translated into the Arabic Language. It supports both RTL and LTR languages.
The user can edit the CSV like the image below.

Initial Configuration Settings
After the successful installation of the module, the admin will navigate the Stores->Configuration>PickPack.
Apart from that, the admin can check the admin side panel option Pick Pack and navigate to the configuration settings from there as well.

General Settings:
Active: The admin can select Yes to enable the module or select NO to disable the module. After setting click on Save Config to save the configuration.
User Role Settings
After the configuration of the module, now you have to add the user role. For that go to the System->Permission->User Roles.

To add the new user role click on Add New Role, you will get the New Role Page.

Role Information –
Role Name: Here the admin can add the desired role name.
Current User Identity Verification –
Your Password: Put your password for the Current User Identity Verification.

Role Resources :
Resources Access – Here you will get two choices first one is custom and another one is All. You have to select Custom now.
After selecting custom you have to check for two resources for the resource access i.e. sales and PickPack.
Now, click on the Save Role button to save the new user role.
Magento 2 Pick Pack – Admin End Workflow
You can manage the Pick Pack by navigating the PickPack option as you can see in the below image.

Here you will find three options Packaging Boxes, Barcodes, and Warehouse Employees.
Warehouse Employees
Firstly you have to navigate the Warehouse Employees, you will see the list of employees who have already been added to the warehouses.

Now to add a new Employee you have to click on Add New Employee. A new page will be open as you can see in the below snapshot.

After filling up all the warehouse manager details, click on Save User.
Packaging Boxes
By using this option the admin will add multiple boxes for the packaging of the ordered item for the warehouse.
As you can the list of packaging boxes is here in the below image.

To add the new box or container click on Add New Container you will see a new page open.

Now, click on the save button to save the box.
Barcodes – Pick Pack
Now the admin will create the barcodes which will be used to attach to packed boxes of the ordered item.

You can add a new barcode for the packaging box by simply clicking on the Add New Barcode.
Once you click on the Add New Barcode a barcode setting page will open as you can see in the below image.

Barcode Starting from – Here the admin will put the desired number to start the barcode in a sequence manner.
For example: If you set it for 6 then the barcode will be like 6, 7,8,9, and so on.
No. Of Barcodes – The Admin can create the desired number of barcodes.

Barcodes Configuration :
Starting Prefix – Admin can set the starting prefix of the barcode.
Label Height – Set the label height of the of the barcodes.
Label Width – Set the label width of the barcodes.
Click on Save to the new Barcode.
Now, you can check the generated barcodes by clicking on the view button.

Here you can see the sequence of barcodes with barcodes starting from along with the prefix added.

You can also filter the barcode by selecting the Assigned or Not Assigned from the dropdown button as you can see in the below snapshot.

As you can see the the assigned filter displays the list of barcodes that are assigned.

The admin can also print the barcode PDF. This barcode PDF will be requiredd to add the barcode to the ordered item.

Now, you have to navigate to the the Sales->Orders. You will get the list of orders in your store.

As you can the in the below image the pick pack status is pending. So now, you have to click on the Pending button.

Once clicking on the Pending button, you will receive a message to assign the order to the warehouse employee first.

So to assign the orders to the warehouse employee click on the action’s dropdown button you will get the list of actions.
Among them, you have to select the last option Assign Warehouse as shown in below image.

Along with the Assign Warehouse option, you will get the list of employees belonging to the Warehouse.
So you can choose the desired warehouse employee from the list to assign the orders.

After assigning the orders to the warehouse employee now you can see the pick pack status is “assigned” with a message.
The name of the employee in the Pick Pack staff is also visible as you can see in the snapshot below.

After that, you have to add the box first to pack the ordered items, to do that click on the assigned button.
A pop will be open with the ordered item, on this pop you will get an Add Box button.
Click on the Add Box button to add the desired box to pack the ordered item.
As you see there are two boxes available here, you have to choose one of them.

After choosing the desired box you have to add the Barcode now. To add the barcode click on the Add Barcode button.
You will redirected to the camera and the camera will read the barcode and will reflect a message that Item Packed Successfully.
Click on the OK button after the successful message of the item packed.

Now, the status of the Pick Pack changes from Assigned to Packed as you can see in the below image.

After the packing of the item, now the admin will create the shipment for the particular packed item ordered.

Click on the Submit Shipment to create the Shipment.
Once the shipment is created the status of the Pick Pack gets changed from Packed to Ready to Ship.

If you click on the Ready to ship status, will receive a pop with various details of the ordered item such as Order ID, Barcode no. , Status, Customer name, Purchase Date, Assigned to, and many more.

Pick Pack – Warehouse Employee Workflow
First of all the Warehouse employee will log in to the Warehouse by using their credential.

Once the employee logs in will directly get into the sales section. They can find the two options on the dashboard Sales and PicK Pack.
Also, the particular employee will see the Pick Pack status as assigned and the Pick Pack Staff would be self.

The employee can also create the warehouse staff, package the box, and create the barcode, as you can see in the snapshot below.

Now the Warehouse Employee can also pack the item and prepare the item for shipment.
For that, navigate to the Sales-> Orders. Now Click on the assigned Pick Pack Status, a pop-up will appear to add a box button.

You can proceed with any of the listed boxes and click on Add to Barcode to proceed further.

After choosing the desired box you have to add the Barcode, now click on the Add Barcode button.
You will redirected to the camera and the camera will read the barcode and will reflect a message that Item Packed Successfully.
Click on the OK button after the successful message of the item packed.

Now, the Pick Status changes from Assigned to Packed.
Partially Packed

In the above image as you can see one of the orders has Partially Packed status. It means that this order contains two or more product items.
And all the products have not been packed there are some remaining to be packed. That’s why the status is Partially Packed.
Create Shipment:

The employee must create the shipment for the particular packed item to proceed.
Now, the Pick Pack status will change to Ready to Ship, as seen in the image below.

On clicking Ready to ship an order package details pop-up will open along with the various item ordered details as you can see in the below snapshot.

Note: A warehouse employee cannot reassign the assigned orders to the other employee, this can be done by admin only.
That’s all for the Magento 2 Pick Pack Extension.
If you still have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to improve the module at our helpdesk.
Current Product Version - 4.0.1
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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