There are many predefined js validation rules available in magento2.You just need to add CSS class for that rule to apply.
Some of them are given below :
- min_text_length
- max_text_length
- max-words
- min-words
- range-words
- letters-with-basic-punc
- alphanumeric
- letters-only
- no-whitespace
- zip-range
- integer
and there are many more….
But we can also define our new custom validation rule and override a predefined rule and apply it as CSS class and to do that we need to include validation.js file (located in lib/web/mage directory of Magento2) in our module js file.
require([ 'jquery', 'mage/validation' ], function($){ $.validator.addMethod( 'integer', function (value, element) { return this.optional(element) || /^-?\d+$/.test(value); }, $.mage.__('A positive non-decimal number please')); $.validator.addMethod( 'validate-script-tags', function (value, element) { return !/<script\b[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/.test(value); }, $.mage.__('SCRIPT tags are not allowed.')); });
Here I have override integer rule message which was previously “A positive or negative non-decimal number please” but after override it becomes “A positive non-decimal number please” and describe a new rule validate-script-tags which will validate the use of script tags in form input fields Now we can use these two classes to validate via from form or js file.
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