Webpack is module builder in JavaScript which is used to server single file to the browser instead of multiple different files.
Webpack is also npm dependency in Akeneo. if webpack is not present then you may not modify/customize Akeneo views and UI.
Rebuild webpack bundle
Whenever js or view files are added or updated in Akeneo. then the user need to rebuild webpack files by running the command
yarn run webpack
But when webpack is not installed. User may get an error like in the image below
So, the solution is to add webpack to npm packages by running the following commands from Akeneo installation directory
npm install --save-dev webpack npm install yarn run webpack
After running these commands
webpack dependency would also be added in the packages.json
webpack dependency would also be added in the packages.json
{ "name": "pim-community-dev", "description": "Akeneo PIM Application", "homepage": "http://www.akeneo.com", "scripts": { "webpack": "webpack --config webpack.config.js --env=prod", . . .
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