Delivery Slot Management App allows merchants to add delivery methods & create slots for the Shopify store’s products. Thus, the customer can select their preferred delivery timings to get the item delivered.
Offer seamless on-time scheduled delivery service to the customers that drive more online sales.
So, here is the Guide to help You with the App Installation & Configuration. Have a look at the Complete Workflow of both Admin & Customer End.
To install the Delivery Slot Management app to Your Shopify Store, Visit the Shopify App Store.
Go to Shopify App Store.
Search for the Delivery Slot Management App
Click on Add App button.
Now, approve the app charge and add it to Your Shopify Store.
Workflow – ADMIN PANEL
As soon as you install the app, you can view the same in the Apps section of Your Shopify Store.
Now, clicking the App, you will be redirected to the Delivery Methods section of the app.
Proceed to add delivery methods first.
All the delivery methods that you add, get listed in this section. If required, you can change the status, edit or delete delivery methods.
Click Add Delivery Method button.
Now, enter Delivery Method Title, Enable/Disable status, Assign Delivery Slot to the delivery method.
After adding the delivery methods, proceed to create delivery slots.
Click Add Delivery Slot button.
Now, redirecting to the Product Information section, enter the title, manage status, select delivery type.
Single User Delivery: Select this delivery type if you want to allow only one customer to book a slot at a time.
Multi-User Delivery: Select if you want to offer the same time or date slot to multiple customers. Thus, You can allow more than one customer to book a single slot at a time.
Now, Go to the Availability section. Then, select if you want Fixed Day Delivery OR On-time Delivery.
Fixed Day Delivery: Select a date range and enable the days to choose for deliveries.
Also, On-time Delivery: Let customers choose delivery timings based on their availability.
Now, to enter the delivery slot details, click the Form button after selecting the delivery type.
A dedicated section to manage all the delivery-related configurations in the app.
General Configuration: Configure your organization name, email, timezone.
Delivery Configuration: Configure no. of days you want to make slots available in the future. Also, auto approve delivery & reschedule.
Email Configuration: Moreover, you can configure the email template as per your requirement.
Configure Delivery Widget: From this section, you can choose where to show the delivery widget i.e. product page, cart page, or order page.
Moreover, set the Preparation Time. It is the time required to prepare the item to get it delivered to its destination.
Also, enable the toggle if you want to show the timezone selector on the delivery widget. Then, get an option to set date & time format as well.
Last, but not least. Label Configuration: Configure the labels of your storefront.
To show the delivery widget, you need to first add the codes to the liquid files. Visit the Front Configuration section.
To display widget on the product page, add the below codes:
<!-- Delivery product page snippet --> {% if shop.metafields.dsm_widget and shop.metafields.dsm_widget.dsm_widget_allow_page and shop.metafields.dsm_widget.dsm_widget_allow_page == 'Product Page' %}{% include 'dsm-product-widget' %}{% endif %} <!-- End of delivery product page snippet -->
Now, once codes are added, this is how the widget appears on the product page:-
Also, to display the widget on the cart page, add the below codes:
<!-- Delivery snippet --> {% if shop.metafields.dsm_widget == null or shop.metafields.dsm_widget.dsm_widget_allow_page == null or shop.metafields.dsm_widget.dsm_widget_allow_page == 'Cart Page' %}{% include 'dsm-widget' %}{% endif %} <!-- End of delivery snippet -->
Delivery Widget on Cart Page
Now, to show the delivery details on the customer’s My Account section, you need to add the below codes:
<!-- Delivery Order snippet --> {% include 'dsm-order-widget' %} <!-- End of Delivery order snippet -->
Customer End
So, after adding the codes, this is how the delivery details appear:
Customers can view the complete delivery details. Moreover, they can request the admin to reschedule the deliveries.
Manage Deliveries in the App
All the scheduled delivery order requests can be managed with ease via the app.
For this, visit the Deliveries section.
Then, select a delivery out of all delivery requests from customers.
Click the Edit Delivery button to manage delivery.
From here, you can approve or reschedule customer’s deliveries with ease.
Dashboard To Track Delivery Records
To know about the app in detail, please refer to this guide:
Additionally, check the Demo here:
If you need any kind of support, just raise a ticket at
Moreover, you can contact [email protected] to get proper assistance.
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