WooCommerce Shipping Restrictions is a plugin in which the admin can restrict shipping methods to be applied When a rule is applicable on the cart only then will the shipping will not be visible at the checkout otherwise, not.
The admin can add multiple restriction rules for shipping methods and if all rules should be applicable in the cart, only then shipping will be restricted and displayed to the customer.
Restriction rules can be created on the basis of measurements i.e. length, width, height, weight and volume or the cart basis i.e. subtotal, products, categories.
1. This module does not create any new shipping method, you can restrict only existing shipping methods.
2. If the product does not have any shipping method restriction then all active shipping methods will be displayed at checkout.
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Watch the video to understand the extension workflow:-
- Restrict shipping methods to be applicable in the cart.
- Only assigned shipping methods available while checkout.
- Create restriction rules on the Measurements basis(length, width, height, weight and volume).
- Create restriction rules on the cart basis(i.e. subtotal, products, and categories).
- Restriction operators for creating the required restriction logic.
- Select products/categories for applying restrictions.
- Admin can use include exclude and present all operator to restrict shipping.
- Restrict the shipping methods for the product types – Simple, Variable, External and Downloadable.
- When a rule is applicable on the cart only then will the shipping will not be visible at the checkout else not.
The user will get a zip file which he has to upload in the “Add New” menu option in the WordPress admin panel. For this login to WordPress Admin Panel and Under the Dashboard hover your mouse over the “Plugins” menu option which brings out a Sub-Menu and then select the “Add New” option.
Click on the option “Upload Plugin” on the top of your page to upload the zip file.
After clicking on the “Upload Plugin” option, below that you will see a button “Choose File” click on the button to browse for the zip file as per the snapshot below.
After browsing the file, click the “Install Now” button to install the plugin as per the snapshot.
Now when the plugin is installed correctly, you will see the success message and an option to activate the plugin. Click on “Activate Plugin” to activate the installed plugin.
Also, discover various solutions to add more features and enhance your online store by visiting the WooCommerce plugins page.
Woo Shipping Restriction – Add Restriction
After the successful installation of the extension, the admin will have the Woo Shipping Restriction menu option within the admin backend panel.
Under this menu option, the admin can create multiple different shipping restrictions that are depending on the:
- Measurement Units that include – length, width, height, weight and volume
- Cart Rules that include – subtotal, products, and categories.
Tapping the menu option ‘Woo Shipping Restriction‘ brings up the section with all the created shipping restriction rules.
Adding New Restriction
To add a new restriction tap the ‘Add New Restriction‘ button on the top and that brings up the section to add a new restriction.
Here, under the Add Restriction section –
The admin has to set the Restriction Title and the Description for the restriction to create.
After that, under the Restriction Basis the admin will setup which restriction basis that will be applicable –
Restriction Option(Choose from Measurements & Cart Options)
1. Measurements
2. Cart
- Restriction Operator
Greater than
Greater Than or Equal to
Less than
Less than or Equal to
When the admin has selected the Restriction Option as Products, then the admin needs to select the products for which the restriction will be applicable.
To do so, click on the restricted products box and a list of products gets available. You can also type in the name of the product to add restrictions to it.
- Restricted Shipping Method
For this option, the admin can see all the shipping methods that are enabled for the store. And can select the one from the drop-down-option for which the restriction is to be applied.
- Status
Set the status of the created restriction method as Enabled or Disabled as required
Workflow – Without Shipping Restriction
While the customers are purchasing without any shipping restrictions the checkout process would be as normal. The customer will add the products into the cart and click the Checkout button to proceed further.
Now, the customer can check the respective details for the order and the shipping rates that are applicable for this particular order. Click the Place Order button to place the order.
If you are looking to streamline custom eCommerce shipping methods, Check out our WooCommerce Shipping Method Development Services
Lastly, the customer can see the Order Success page with the order details.
Workflow – With Shipping Restriction
Here, we will show how the admin can create restriction rules. We will demonstrate this with a few examples of the same.
To create the restrictions, navigate to the admin backend panel and go to Woo Shipping Restriction-> Add New Restriction.
Example 1: Subtotal Restriction
Here, we have set the –
- Restriction title
- Description for the restriction(to know what the rule does)
- Restriction Basis
Set the Restriction Option as Subtotal
Set the Restriction Operator as Less than or equal
Set the Restriction Input to 50
Set the Restricted Shipping Method as a Flat rate
Set the status as Enable
At the cart page, when the customer checks out to place the order, if the cart total is less than or equal to 50 only then the Flat Rate Shipping method will not be visible at the checkout page for selection by the customer.
Order Received
After checkout, the customer will get the below “Order Received” message.
Similarly, if the admin has created a restriction rule that has a restriction basis on the cart as shown below in the snapshot –
Now, at the cart page, when the customer checks out to place the order, if the cart total is Greater than or equals the 500 then the Local Pickup method is not visible at the checkout page for selection by the customer.
lastly, the customer can check the details of the placed order with the selected shipping method.
For any technical assistance, please raise a ticket or reach us by email at [email protected]. Thanks for Your Time! Have a Good Day!
Additionally, if you require expert assistance or want to develop custom unique functionality, Hire WooCommerce Developers for your project.
Thanks for Your Time ! Have a Good Day !!
Current Product Version - 1.1.1
Supported Framework Version - WordPress version: 6.4.3, WooCommerce version: 8.6.0