WordPress blog to pdf generator bears two prominent features of getting the desirable revision of post as it keeps track of all the post revisions and generates its pdf to read it in offline mode.
It holds a large variety of customizations from the pdf generate button to the generated pdf. One can choose where to place the pdf generate button either on the right or left.
Before generating pdf one can customize color, size, and contents.
Furthermore, one can choose where to place the pdf generate button either on the right or left. Before generating pdf one can customize color, size, and contents.
It is highly customizable and contains a rich feature that makes it even better and flexible enough for quick use.
Check a brief overview of the plugin –
- Blog Content will be available and can be accessed in Offline Mode as it is exported as a PDF Doc.
- WordPress Blog Revisions can also be Exported as a PDF Doc.
- PDF’s Color and Font Options can be Customised.
- WordPress Admin can set Permissions for Authors/Guests/both.
- For the downloaded PDF, the Background color and the Heading Background color can be changed.
- Watermark can be added to the PDF being generated.
- The Front-end button position can be set as Fixed or Absolute.
- The PDF Download version can be chosen as – Latest Revision or All Revision. Under all Revisions, you can select – Monthly(User gets the latest revision of the month ), Yearly(User gets the year-wise latest version), or All revisions.
Installation Blog To PDF
The user will get a zip file that he has to upload in the “Add New” menu option in the WordPress admin panel. For this login to WordPress Admin Panel and Under the Dashboard hover your mouse over the “Plugins” menu option which brings out a Sub-Menu and then select the “Add New” option.
After this, you will see an option on the top of your page that is “Upload Plugin”, click the option to upload the zip file.
After clicking on the “Upload Plugin” option, below that you will see a button “Choose File” click on the button to browse for the zip file as per the snapshot below.
Here browsing the file, click the “Install Now” button to install the plugin as per the snapshot.
Also, discover various solutions to add more features and enhance your online store by visiting the WooCommerce plugins.
Furthermore, when the plugin is installed correctly, you will see the success message and an option to activate the plugin. Click on “Activate Plugin” to activate the installed plugin.
Plugin Activation
Check how to activate your WooCommerce Plugins through the purchase code.
Configuration Blog To PDF
Go to the Blog to PDF tab from the dashboard and change the settings.
WordPress Blog to PDF plugin comes with a bunch of customizable settings which can be edited as per the needs. Each setting and its respective functionality is briefed below –
Background Color –
The user can customize the Background Color of the generated pdf.
Heading Background Color –
The user can customize the Heading Background Color of the generated pdf.
Font family –
The user can customize the font family for the generated pdf.
Title Font Size –
The user can customize the title font Size of the generated pdf.
Title Font Color –
The user can customize the title font Color of the generated pdf.
Heading Font Size –
The user can customize the heading font Size of the generated pdf.
Heading Font Color –
The user can customize the heading font Color of the generated pdf.
Paragraph Font Size –
The user can customize the paragraph font Size for the generated pdf.
Paragraph Font Color-
The user can customize the paragraph font Color for the generated pdf.
Link Font Size –
The user can customize the Link font Size for the generated pdf.
Link Font Color –
The user can customize the Link font Color for the generated pdf.
Optional Content
Title –
The user can select to show the Title on the generated pdf.
Author –
The user can select to show the Author on the generated pdf.
Images –
The user can select to show the Images on the generated pdf.
Watermark –
The user can add Watermark for the generated pdf.
Frontend Button Setting –
Select The Position –
The user can customize the Blog Revisions Button’s Position (left, right).
Button Position –
The user can customize the Blog Revisions Button’s Position as Absolute or Fixed.Button Background Color –
Afterward, the user can customize the Blog Revisions Button’s Background Color.
Button Border Width –
The admin can add the button border width in pixels.
Button Stroke Color –
The user can customize the Blog Revisions Button’s Border color.
Button Text Color –
The user can customize the Blog Revisions Button’s Text Color.
Button Border Radius –
The user can customize the Blog Revisions Button’s Border Radius.
User Access –
The user can set who can download the pdf – Registered or Guest Users or both.
PDF Download Option –
Under this section, the admin either selects the option “Latest Revision” (the user will get the most recent updated revision of the blog). Else, select the option “All Revision” – (the user will get all revisions of the blog).
Front End View
Once you are over with all the customizations, Go to the Blog/Post Page to Export/Generate the PDF.
Furthermore, click the Blog Revision button to get the blog PDF.
When you select the PDF click on the download button it will provide the PDF of the blog.
That’s all for the WordPress Blog To PDF Plugin, still, For any technical assistance kindly raise a ticket or reach us by email at [email protected] . Thanks for Your Time! Have a Good Day!
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Current Product Version - 3.2.0
Supported Framework Version - WordPress 6.6.1