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WooCommerce POS Stripe Card Swipe Reader Add-on

Updated 23 October 2024

WooCommerce POS Stripe card swipe add-on offers the functionality to integrate the Stripe card swipe machine into the POS.

The extension allows POS sales merchants to make payments by connecting the Stripe payment gateway to the card swipe machine.

The POS agents can make payments and generate the invoice after making the payment.


  1. This plugin is an add-on to WooCommerce POS System. So you need to download the WooCommerce Point of Sale System first.
  1. To connect the Stripe card swipe terminal (Machine) with the POS Outlet, you need to have a Stripe Reader S700, BBPOS WisePOS E and Verifone P400 type of card reader. You may check Strip Card Swipe terminals.
  2. Stripe terminal supports specific countries and currencies, you may check stripe terminal country & currencies.
  3. How to add stripe terminal devices you can check the reference here.
  4. We provide a production version of the plugin. If you want a development version then you can get it at an additional cost. Please contact [email protected] for it. 

Apart from that, you can also process the payments at the POS outlet using the WooCommerce POS Square Payment Terminal plugin via customer’s credit/debit cards.

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Check a brief overview of the plugin –




  • The store admin can make a stripe intent payment via POS.
  • The POS agents can make a default payment gateway as a stripe.
  • The POS sales agent can store tests as well as live keys.
  • They can allow simulators for test payments via Stripe.
  • Support for almost all kinds of cards including Visa, Mastercard, American Express & Discover.
  • Auto connects stripe reader.
  • Multiple stripe reader connection.
  • After payment confirmation, the sales agent can generate the invoice.
  • The sales agent can also generate stripe invoices.
  • This module is now compatible with WooCommerce’s new High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) feature.


The user will get a zip file that needs to be uploaded in the “Add New” menu option in the WordPress admin panel.

installation -1

So, for this login to WordPress Admin Panel and in the Dashboard hover your mouse over the “Plugins” menu option and select the “Add New” option.

After this, the user will see an option on the top of the page that is “Upload Plugin”, click the option to upload the zip file.

installation -2

On clicking the “Upload Plugin” option, the user will see a “Choose File” button. Thus, click on the button to browse for the zip file as per the image below.

installation -3
installation -4

After browsing the file, click on the “Install Now” button so as to install the plugin as per the snapshot.

Once the user installs the plugin, a message “Plugin installed successfully” displays and an “Activate Plugin” is visible to activate the plugin.

So, the user needs to click on the “Activate Plugin” button to activate the plugin.

installation -5

How to get the API keys – For Configuration

First Step: Go to and enter your login details.


Second Step: Now on the Home tab, the test keys will display.


Third Step: Click the Developers option present in the top right corner then the API Keys menu option on the side panel to see the live Publishable key(API Publishable Key).


Now, click the “Reveal test key token” to get your Secret Key(API Key). Clicking the “Reveal test key token” will bring up the – Secret Key(API Key).

How to Setup Stripe Terminal Device

For detailed information on how to add stripe terminal devices you can check the reference here.

Admin Configuration

After successful installation of Stripe Connect the admin can configure this under WooCommerce > Settings > Payments>POS Stripe Reader Gateway.

POS Stripe Reader Gateway

Now, the admin will enable the plugin to configure it. Here, the store admin will make the following configurations:

Stripe payment Configuration

Enable/Disable – Here admin needs to click on the checkbox to enable the module.

Default Gateway- Select the Default Gateway option if you want to make it the default payment gateway to make POS payments.

Title- Enter the title for the payment gateway.

Description- The admin can add the description which will display to the user during checkout.

Use Simulator- When the device is not available, enable the simulator for testing payment via the terminal.

Card Number- Enter the card number to test.

Test Mode- The store admin will be able to test when he will select the Test Mode option

Stripe Test Publishable Key- Enter the publishable key to test.

Test Private Key- Enter the private key to test.

Live Publishable Key- Here, the store admin will enter the live publishable key when the device is integrated with the stripe payment gateway.

Live Private Key- The store admin will enter the live publishable key when the device is integrated with the stripe payment gateway.

Customer View

The customer can connect multiple card swipe machines and can see the listing and the status of all the devices.

Reader Simulator

Now, the POS agent will add the products to the cart and proceed to checkout he has to select the POS Stripe Reader option as shown

If you require expert assistance or want to develop custom unique functionality, hire WooCommerce Developers for your project.

Customer use POS Strioe Reader Payment Method

Now, the POS agent will enter the amount and click on the Confirm Payment and Generate Invoice button to make payment.

 Confirm Payment and Generate Invoice

Thus, the payment is made and the order receipt will be generated as shown below.

Payment receipt generated.

Stripe Invoice

Sales agents can also generate invoices through the Stripe payment gateway after making the payment.

To generate a stripe invoice navigate to Order > Print Stripe Invoice.

Click on click here.

Print Stripe Invoice.

Now, it will redirect to the new tab and the sales agent can download the invoice.

Stripe Invoice


For any technical assistance kindly raise a ticket or reach us by email at [email protected].

For any queries or custom development needs, our WooCommerce POS Development Services team is here to help. Contact us to learn more

Also, discover various solutions to add more features and enhance your online store by visiting the WooCommerce plugins.
Thanks for Your Time! Have a Good Day !!

Current Product Version - 2.1.0

Supported Framework Version - WordPress: 6.5.2 WooCommerce: 8.8.3 WooCommerce POS: 5.1.0

Blog Version - WordPress: 6.5.2 WooCommerce: 8.8.3 WooCommerce POS: 5.1.0
  • Version WordPress: 6.3.0 WooCommerce: 7.9.0 WooCommerce POS: 4.1.0
  • Version WordPress: 6.0.3 WooCommerce: 7.0.0 WooCommerce POS: 4.1.0
  • Version WordPress: 5.9.3, Woocommerce: 6.3.1,
  • Version WordPress: 6.5.2 WooCommerce: 8.8.3 WooCommerce POS: 5.1.0
  • Version WooCommerce POS: 4.1.0, WordPress: 6.0.2, WooCommerce: 6.9.4
. . .

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