In this blog, we will learn how to set up a Stripe terminal device with POS.
To connect the Stripe terminal device the admin needs to sign up or log in with the Stripe account.

After logging in, the admin is directed to the home page, where they must then proceed to select “More > Terminal” from the menu options to set up Stripe terminal.

After selecting the “Terminal” option, the admin should proceed to add a location by clicking on the “+ New” button.

Selecting “+ New”, the admin must proceed to establish a new location for their POS (Point of Sale) terminal setup.

After creating the location, the admin should select the newly created location and then proceed to click on “+ Register reader”.

After clicking on “+ Register reader”, the admin needs to enter the registration code and Reader label to set up the Stripe terminal device.

Note: When the admin starts their terminal, they will receive the registration code during the initial setup process.

Once the code and reader label have been entered, the admin has the option to include multiple terminal devices.

Configuration in WooCommerce Stripe POS Terminal Connector
Once the terminal is connected, the admin must configure the backend settings of WooCommerce Stripe POS Terminal Connector to enable the terminal’s functionality.
- Enable/Disable: Here the admin needs to enable the POS Stripe Terminal gateway.
- Default Gateway: The admin needs to mark this check box for the default payment gateway for POS.
- Title: The admin can define payment gateway name.
- Description: Here the admin can describe related to the payment gateway.
- Allow Auto Connect: Need to mark this check box to allow auto-connect of the Stripe POS device.
- Use Simulator: The admin does not need to mark this check box.

- Test Mode: The admin can enable or disable test mode.
- Stripe test publishable key: Here the admin needs to enter the publishable key.
- Test Private Key: Here the admin needs to enter the private key.

Furthermore, the admin has the option to choose a POS terminal and initiate a Stripe payment.

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