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Guide for WooCommerce Order Receipt Cloud Thermal Printing

Updated 10 September 2024

WooCommerce Order Receipt Cloud Thermal Printing plugin facilitates the store admin to print order receipts with the help of thermal printers.

It prints the order receipt automatically from the connected thermal printer and reduces the need for manual printing.

For store admin, the plugin also provides a custom printing functionality. They can simply input a custom text and print it through the thermal printer.

Apart from this, if you’re looking to add thermal printer to your POS store, then you can check WooCommerce POS Thermal Printer Add-on.

Note: Multi Vendor Marketplace for WooCommerce is also completely compatible with this plugin.

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Additional Info:


  • Plugin is used for the automatic printing of order receipts and invoices directly from thermal printers.
  • Printer software for thermal printers is compatible with Linux, Windows OS, and Darwin(Mac OS).
  • Store admin has the ability to enable or disable the automatic printing feature for order receipts as needed.
  • Option to upload a preferred image for logo to be printed on the receipt.
  • Admin can perform bulk actions to print multiple order receipts simultaneously through a thermal printer.
  • Various order statuses can be selected for the automatic printing of receipts such as Processing, Complete, Cancelled etc.
  • The printed receipts will include the specific admin and vendor store name, along with the address for differentiation.
  • Plugin supports simultaneous connection of multiple thermal printers for the printing of order receipts.
  • Admin can view the connected thermal printers of the vendors as well and print order receipts through them.


The user will get a zip file which they have to upload in the “Add New” menu option in the WordPress admin panel.

For this, login to the WordPress Admin Panel, and Under the Dashboard hover your mouse over the “Plugins” menu option. This brings out a Sub-Menu and then selects the “Add New” option.

Add new

After that, you will see an option on the top of your page that is “Upload Plugin”, click the option to upload the zip file.

Upload plugin

Then click on the “Upload Plugin” option, below that you will see a button “Choose File” click on the button to browse for the zip file as per the snapshot below.

choose file

Post browsing the file, click the “Install Now” button to install the plugin as per the snapshot.

plugin zip added

Now, when the plugin is installed correctly, you will see the success message. Additionally, an option to activate the plugin.

Click on “Activate Plugin” to activate the installed plugin.

plugin zip installation

Plugin Translation

Know how to translate the module.

NOTE: To generate JSON from your translations, save your translation file in the default WordPress languages directory.

Then run the following command in the same directory: Note xx_YY refers to the locale (eg. en_US)
“`wp i18n make-json wc_pos-xx_YY.po –no-purge

Flush Rewrite Rules

The admin has to flush the permalink by navigating to Settings > Permalinks so that the links to the WooCommerce Marketplace Select and Sell store work correctly.

woocommerce order receipt thermal printing permalink

Plugin Activation

Check how to activate your WooCommerce plugin through the purchase code.

WooCommerce Order Receipt Cloud Thermal Printing-Configuration

After successfully installing the WooCommerce Order Receipt Cloud Thermal Printing plugin, the admin has to configure it.

They will navigate to Webkul WC Addons>Order Receipt Thermal Printing from the WooCommerce admin dashboard.

The following sections are available for the admin,

Server Configuration

server configuration

Under this section, the server settings are configured, the following fields have to be setup,

Server Configuration
  • Server ( Domain / IP ) Address: Enter Domain/IP address without http or www prefix
  • Server PORT: Enter Server Port number. Noder server will start on this port.
  • Server HTTPS Status: Enable this option if your site has SSL installed.
  • Server Timeout: Enter the node server api request timeout.
  • Start/Stop Server: Button to Start or Stop the server.
Server SSL Keys
  • SSL Certificate Keys: Enter the SSL Certificate Key
  • SSL Private Keys: Enter the SSL Private Key


  • SSL keys will be different for different servers.
  • This is not provided for the HTTP.
server configuration additional
Download Desktop Application

Download the thermal printer desktop application from this section. The required and compatible files for Windows OS, Linux OS and Darwin (Mac OS) are provided here.

For Windows OS

Click on the ZIP, EXE, or MSI button to download the application on your Windows system. Once you click on the button the file will download to your system.

When you download the exe file, the file will be directly downloaded to the system.

wc pos

After that, a pop-up will appear and you can click on run anyway to proceed further

wc pos1

Then you have to enter the domain detail.

wc pos3

Linux OS

Similarly, the admin can download the app on their Linux OS.

wc thermal app install1

Then extract the Zip file on your system.

wc thermal home

Now right-click on the file and move to the permission option.

wc thermal allow permission

Once the execute permission is enabled the admin can launch the app on their system.

wc thermal app download

Darwin OS

Similarly, the admin can install the app for Apple desktop in Darwin OS.

wc thermal zip file

Once the Zip is installed extract and open it.

wc thermal open zip

Click on the open icon and the process will run in the background.

wc thermal install

Once the app gets installed the admin can check the icon on their home screen.

wc thermal installed

Click on the app, the app will open in your Darwin OS.

wc thermal app install

App Settings

Once the app gets installed the admin can configure the app settings.

wc thermal app install1

The admin will enter the domain URL or IP address and port number.

wc thermal app install1

The admin needs to click on the connect button to connect the app to the server port.

wc thermal app install1

Click on the printer’s option to check the connected printers and connect new ones.

wc thermal app install1

Check the log setting on the app and download or clear any logs from the POS thermal app.

wc thermal app install1

Once you click on the download button the log file will download in your system.

wc thermal app install11

Check the log file directly on your system with every detail of the POS thermal printer app.

wc thermal app install1

If the admin wants to clear the log they can simply click on the clear button and the log will be cleared from the app.


Next, admin has to configure the Thermal Printer settings, the options which will be available are as per the image below,

order receipt thermal printer configuration
  • Auto Print Receipt: Enable this to print order receipt without order confirmation popup
  • Ruler (Separator) Character: Select the ruler character from dropdown menu.
  • Invoice Logo Status: Enable or Disable the option to include invoice logo on order receipt.
  • Printer Width: Adjust the printer width for receipt printing.
  • Auto Print Order Status: Select the order status for which automatic printing will be triggered.
  • Default Printer: Select the default printer for order receipt printing.
  • Invoice Logo: Upload the image for invoice logo.

Custom Print

This section is available to the store admin to print custom text over the order receipts.

The admin can input any text in the provided text area and tap on the Print button. This will print that text on the receipt paper through the connected thermal printer.

custom print section

An example of Custom printed receipt is in the image below,

custom thermal print

Admin Manual Printing

The admin can also print the order receipts manually as per their requirement. They have the option to print order receipts specifically or in bulk.

First , they’ll have to navigate to WooCommerce>Orders. From here, they’ll tap on the printer icon under the Print Invoice column to print the order receipts specifically,

print order receipts manually and specifically

Additionally, if they wish to print the order receipts in bulk, they’ll select the orders, then tap on Bulk Actions and hit Print Invoice to print all the selected order receipts at once.

print invoice mass action

Storefront Working

Now that the plugin and printer has been configured, the order receipts will now be printed from the thermal printer.

The Customer will login to the storefront, select the products and add it the cart as per below image,

products in cart

Next, they will proceed to the checkout page, where they’ll add the contact information, billing address and payment options,

checkout page

After tapping on Place Order, the order will be successfully placed and the customer can view the order details,

order received

Now, if the store admin had Automatic Printing enabled, once the order has been successfully placed, the Order Receipt will be printed automatically. The receipt will be as below,

order receipt print

Vendor Flow

This plugin is also completely compatible with the Multi Vendor Marketplace for WooCommerce.

Therefore, the functionality to print order receipts through thermal printer in extended to the vendors listed on the marketplace as well.

From their seller dashboard, they’ll navigate to My Profile>Print Config to access the configuration.

They’ll be able to configure the thermal printer settings as per the below image,

marketplace vendor thermal printer configuration

System Username: Enter the System Username. (Enter the username for the computer where the thermal printer software is installed)

Default Printer: Select the default printer from which to print the order receipt.

Once the thermal printer has been configured, the seller can start printing invoices of their orders.

They’ll navigate to Order History and tap on the Print icon on the specific order to print the receipt.

vendor specific order receipt printing

The vendor order receipt will look as below,

vendor order receipt


So that is all for the WooCommerce Order Receipt Cloud Thermal Printing plugin.

If you have any more queries or require further assistance, please reach out to us through [email protected] or create a ticket.

You can also check our WooCommerce Marketplace Development Services.

Current Product Version - 1.0.0

Supported Framework Version - WordPress - 6.6.1, WooCommerce - 9.1.4, WooCommerce Marketplace - 5.5.5

. . .

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