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User Guide for WooCommerce Matrix Multi Level Marketing

Updated 27 January 2025

WooCommerce Matrix Multi Level Marketing allows store admin to set up a matrix MLM system in their WooCommerce shop.

A Wallet system comes with the plugin that lets the store admin monitor and manage transactions related to commissions.

Additionally, there’s a dashboard included for sponsors, where they can view their earnings statistics.

The admin also has the ability to determine the commission percentage that the sponsor will earn. Sponsors can earn commissions from signups, product sales, or upgrades of their members.

Apart from this, you can check the WooCommerce Binary Multi Level Marketing if required to add a binary MLM system to the WooCommerce store.

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Note: This module is compatible with WooCommerce’s latest feature Cart and Checkout blocks and WooCommerce’s new High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) feature.


  • The admin can share a sponsor reference ID to add customers as sponsors based on the defined matrix.
  • Admin can access and view sponsor profiles and details.
  • Store admin can view the complete genealogy tree of sponsors.
  • Admin sets the commission structure for the sponsor tree.
  • The admin defines commissions for new member signups, sponsor member upgrades, and product sales.
  • Admin can configure multiple sponsorship member levels and their prioritization.
  • The store admin can create and modify sponsor member levels.
  • The admin can review commission logs for all sponsors within the tree.
  • Sponsors can send emails to customers to encourage them to join or promote products.
  • Sponsors can view their complete genealogy tree.
  • Each sponsor earns a predefined commission percentage for product sales, new signups, and sponsor member upgrades.
  • Sponsors have a dedicated dashboard to track their earnings statistics.
  • An Ask to Admin feature for sponsors to ask their queries with admin.
  • Dedicated wallet is provided to sponsors for receiving commissions.
  • Sponsors can raise commission withdrawal request with admin through a dedicated section.

Plugin Installation 

The user will get a zip file that he has to upload in the “Add New” menu option in the WordPress admin panel.

For this, login to WordPress Admin Panel then Under the Dashboard, hover your mouse over the “Plugins” menu option which brings out a Sub-Menu then select the “Add New” option.

After this, you will see an option on the top of your page that is “Upload Plugin”, Now clicks the option to upload the zip file.

upload plugin

By clicking on the “Upload Plugin” option, below that you will see a button “Choose File” click on the button to browse for the zip file as per the snapshot below.

choose zip file

After browsing the file, click the “Install Now” button to install the plugin as per the snapshot.

woocommerce matrix multi level marketing zip file uploaded

Now when the plugin is installed correctly, you will see the success message & an option to activate the plugin.

Henceforth now, click on “Activate Plugin” to activate the installed plugin.

plugin being installed

After the plugin is installed successfully, it is visible under the Installed Plugins section as per the image below,

plugin installed and activated

Module Translation

To learn how to translate the module, you can click here.

Activate and Update Plugin

Check how to activate your WooCommerce plugin through the purchase code and get updates on Webkul Modules directly on the Plugins page.

Wallet Configuration – WooCommerce Matrix Multi Level Marketing

Initially, admin configures the wallet by navigating to WooCommerce>Settings>Payments>Wallet. Here, they configure the Wallet as per requirement. It is visible as per below,

wallet configuration

The following configurations are available,

  • Enable or disable Wallet payment.
  • Enter the title of Wallet payment.
  • Enter the description
  • Input the instruction for payment via wallet.
  • Checkbox to accept wallet payment for virtual orders.
  • Field to input Maximum amount the customer can keep in the Wallet.
  • Field to set Minimum Wallet Credit Amount.
  • Field to input Maximum Wallet Credit Amount.
  • Area to input Maximum Amount Transfer From Wallet.

Additionally, the following settings are also available for the admin to set as per image below,

additional wallet configurations
  • Set Maximum Wallet Debit Type as Fixed or Percentage.
  • Set Maximum Wallet Debit Amount.
  • Checkbox to enable applying discount coupons on recharging wallet.
  • Enable or disable OTP verification for wallet checkout and wallet transfers.
  • Allow or disallow withdrawals from wallet.
  • Field to set the Withdrawal options for customers.
  • Textbox to enter the information about Withdrawal.

Configuration for Matrix Multi Level Marketing

To configure the Matrix Multi Level Marketing system, admin navigates to Webkul WC Addons>Matrix MLM. Let’s check below the sections available.



matrix mlm

Under this section, admin first gets the General settings where they get the following fields,

  • Admin Sponsor ID: Check the Sponsor ID.
  • Matrix Height: Set the height of matrix.
  • Matrix Width: Set the width of Matrix.

Further, they can reset the data with the Reset Data button.

Referral Code

In this section, admin configures how the referral codes are generated. It is displayed as below,

referral code settings

The following fields are available to set the referral code generation,

  • Referral Code Length: Set the referral code length between 5 and 30 characters.
  • Include special characters in Referral Code format: Select Yes or No if required special characters in Referral code.
  • Referral Code prefix: Set a prefix for referral code.
  • Referral Code suffix: Set a suffix for referral code.
  • Referral Code separator: Include a separator in referral code.


In the commission section, admin sets the different types of commission settings available in the plugin. They set the commission based on Joining, Sales and Level Up.


In this section, commission settings are configured in the event of a new sponsor registration. Admin sets the sponsor joining amount.

matrix mlm sponsor joining commission
  • Joining Amount Enable: Enable commission amount on joining.
  • Total Amount on joining a lot (Fixed Amount): Set fixed amount on joining a lot.
  • Commission for Sponsor (Admin) Joining (%): Set a commission percentage for Admin for new joining.
  • Levels: Set the levels and commission percentages according to them.

Note: If commission allocation for any level is not specified. then it will be treated as 0, and sponsors with that level will receive no commission on referred product sale.


The commission settings for sponsors sales commission is configured when a product sale occurs.

sponsor sales commission
  • Commission for MLM (Admin) sales (%): Enter a value between 0 and 100 to set the admin commission for sales.
  • Levels: Set the levels and commission percentages according to them.

Note: If commission allocation for any level is not specified. then it will be treated as 0, and sponsors with that level will receive no commission on referred product sale.

Level Up

This section is used to set the commission in the event of a sponsor leveling up.

sponsor level commission
  • Enable Level Commission: Dropdown menu to enable or disable commission based on levels.
  • Commission amount on Level Up (Admin Fixed Amount): Set a fixed commission amount for admin on sponsor level up.
  • Levels: Create Levels and set commission percentage.

Note: If commission allocation for any level is not specified. then it will be treated as 0, and sponsors with that level will receive no commission on referred product sale.


Under the Sponsors section, admin can view the list of registered sponsors on the store. They can tap on the Add New button to add new sponsors. Below image depicts the details they’ll fill,

add new sponsor
  • Username: Enter the Username
  • Email: Enter the Email
  • First Name: Enter sponsor first name
  • Last Name: Enter sponsor last name
  • Website: Fill the website URL
  • Password: Enter the password
  • Send User Notification: Checkbox to send new user an email about their account
  • Role: Enter the Role as Sponsor.
  • Referral ID: Create the referral ID.

After filling out the details, admin taps on Add New User to successfully create a new Sponsor. The sponsor list is visible as per below image,

sponsor list


Admin can view and check the commissions along with their types such as Sale, Joining, Level Up and Bonus. They can also view All commissions at once from the Commission section.

admin commission section

From this page, admin gets the option to Pay the commissions to the sponsors directly by tapping on the Pay button.

They can also pay it in bulk by selecting the sponsors and tap on Pay in Bulk Actions.

They also get the option to search sponsors through Email and filter commissions based on Paid and Unpaid status.


Admin’s complete Genealogy tree is displayed under the Genealogy section. It allows the admin to view the sponsor matrix in full screen as well when they click on Fullscreen button.

genealogy tree

By tapping on the Search Button, admin can search from the sponsors by their Name or Emails and locate them or go through their profiles.

genealogy search


To carry out Wallet transactions, admin navigates to the Wallet section. Here, they can debit or credit wallet amounts manually to different users.

wallet transaction
  • Sponsor name: Enter the sponsor name.
  • Amount: Enter the amount for transaction.
  • Action: Select from Credit or Debit action
  • Transaction Note: Enter a transaction note if required.

After filling details, tap on Create Transaction to process the wallet transaction.


Admin check the list of wallet transactions from this section. They can view All, Credit and Debit type of wallet transactions from here.

They can also search from the transactions with the help of transaction ID and filter transactions based on date range as well.

wallet transaction list


The list of Withdrawal requests is visible under the Withdrawal section. Admin can view the withdrawal request based on Withdrawal Method and the Status of withdrawal as well.

A filter is provided also to search withdrawal request based on name of user.

withdrawal request list


Badges for sponsors can be created by admin from the badges section. They can enable, disable or delete them as per their requirement.

To create a new badge, admin taps on the Create button. After it, they’re redirected to the below page,

create new badge

Once details are filled, Admin taps on Save button to save the newly created badge. The list of badges is displayed on the Badges page as well.

matrix mlm sponsor badges


The queries section displays all of the queries posted by the sponsors to the admin. The full list is displayed as per below,

sponsor queries for admin

They can view a particular query to chat with the sponsor and can also delete them as required.


Initially, to become a sponsor in matrix multi level marketing, a customer has to Login to the store and and then navigate to Dashboard.

Here, they’ll get a query asking to become a sponsor. They’ll have to enter the Reference Sponsor ID here and then tap on Submit. It is displayed as below,

register as sponsor

After entering the reference sponsor ID, customer is prompted to purchase the membership to become a sponsor. To purchase it, they tap on Join Now button.

purchase sponsor membership

Next, customer redirects to the Cart and Checkout page to review the details and subsequently purchase the membership. The order details will also be visible as per below,

membership order details

Once admin approves the membership purchase, the customer will now get access to the Sponsor dashboard and subsequent sponsor features as well.

Let’s check the Sponsor functions below,


The Sponsor dashboard provides all of the essential information to the sponsor.

The dashboard provides an overview of total sales revenue, commissions generated from new enrollments, bonuses, and the overall business performance of the sponsor.

Additionally, the sponsor dashboard features graphical representations of sales statistics.

mlm sponsor dashboard

The sponsor is also able to access their genealogy tree and information regarding downline members directly from the dashboard.

additional information on sponsor dashboard

Sponsor Ads

In this part, the products made by the admin can be seen by the sponsor. The sponsor then shares these products with customers for them to buy.

There are two ways to share the products. The first is by using HTML code, and the second is by using the Open Link.

Additionally, they can share through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and via Email.

sponsor advertisements

Genealogy Tree

Here, Sponsor checks their matrix Genealogy tree. It allows them to get a visual representation of their downline members.

They can expand, collapse and view the genealogy tree in full screen also.

sponsor end genealogy tree


This section enables the sponsor to view various types of commissions received along with the payout status as well.

sponsor commissions

Ask To Admin

The ask to admin feature allows sponsor to create queries for the admin wherein they can log their questions for the admin. After logging, the admin can view those queries and answer them.

The status of the queries is also visible to the sponsor. The ask to admin query is visible as per below,

ask to admin

Referral Link

The referral link section enables sponsor to view their Referral ID. They can share it with other customers to add sponsors below them.

Sponsors can copy this code and share it directly with the customer.

Note: Sponsor can only members as per the matrix defined by the store admin.

referral link


The wallet section allows the sponsor to add money to their wallet as per the limits defined by the admin. If a range is set by admin, it is visible on the page.

Sponsors can also check the current wallet amount and credit it with additional amount as well.

sponsor wallet

To credit the wallet, Sponsor enters the required amount in the text box and taps on Add to Wallet. Next, the wallet will be added to cart and sponsor has to redirect to the Cart.

sponsor wallet added to cart

They will next proceed to Checkout page and pay for the wallet credit amount as required. Next, the Order details will be visible as below,

wallet credit order details

Once the admin approves the order from admin end, the wallet amount is credited successfully in the sponsor’s wallet.

wallet amount credited

Wallet Withdrawal

Sponsors can also request withdrawals from the admin into their selected withdrawal method. They’ll navigate to Withdrawal to create withdrawal requests. It is visible as per below,

wallet withdrawal

Next, Sponsors select the Withdrawal Account and enter the Withdrawal Amount which they require to withdraw and then tap on Withdrawal to raise the request with admin.

Additionally, sponsor gets the Information button. When they tap on it, the Withdrawal information is displayed in it as set by the admin. It is visible as below,

withdrawal information

By tapping on the Add Withdrawal Method, sponsor adds a new withdrawal method to accept the amount into.

add withdrawal method details


So that is it for the WooCommerce Matrix Multi Level Marketing Plugin.

If you have any more queries or require further assistance, Please mail us at [email protected] or create a ticket.

Current Product Version - 1.0.0

Supported Framework Version - WordPress - 6.7.1, WooCommerce - 9.4.2

. . .

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