Dropshipping is a shipping method where the online store owners don’t keep the products stocked in their store.
Instead, all the products are stored in various third-party warehouses across the region.
So when a customer places an order, the product is directly shipped from the nearest warehouse instead of the store.
Now, the admin can import products from AliExpress into his store. And can start selling those products within his own store very easily.
To place the orders at AliExpress the admin just needs to click a single button and then make the payment as we have automated the order process for AliExpress Orders.
Note: To Import products from AliExpress the user first has to install WooCommerce AliExpress Importer to his Chrome browser.
Watch the video to understand the AliExpress Dropship plugin
Features of AliExpress Dropship
- Add warehouse and manage warehouses accordingly.
- Create a warehouse manager for a particular warehouse.
- Mass assign or Unassign products to a warehouse.
- Import products from AliExpress into your store.
- Shop URL verification while registering your WooCommerce store on AliExpress to import products from there.
- The description of the product also gets imported from AliExpress.
- The product information like base name, price, product reviews, meta description, SKU, description, and variations get imported along with the product.
- View all AliExpress Orders in a separate section.
- Automated Order Process for the AliExpress Orders.
- Mass Assign/Un-Assign the imported products AliExpress to various warehouses.
- Update products if already exists on importing from Aliexpress.
- Importing reviews on the basis of selected countries.
- Autosync feature for auto-updating inventory details of the product.
- Manually enable or disable the auto-syncing process.
- Setting a time interval for the syncing of product details.
- Importing product inventory details.
- Option to enable ePacket Identification within the extension popup for the AliExpress products.
- Option to hide the products without ePacket within the extension popup for the AliExpress products.
Installation of Woocommerce AliExpress Dropship
The user will get a zip file and uploaded it in the “Add New” menu option in the WordPress admin panel.
For this login to WordPress Admin Panel and in the Dashboard hover your mouse over the “Plugins” menu option select the “Add New” option.

After this, the user will see an option on the top of the page that is “Upload Plugin”, click the option to upload the zip file.

On clicking the “Upload Plugin” option, the user will see a “Choose File” button. Click on the button to browse for the zip file as per the image below.

After browsing the file, click on the “Install Now” button so as to install the plugin as per the snapshot.
Once the user installs the plugin, a message “Plugin installed successfully” displays. An “Activate Plugin” is visible to activate the plugin.
The user needs to click on the “Activate Plugin” button to activate the plugin.

Thus, in this way, the module can be installed.
Module Translation of AliExpress Dropship
To know how to translate the module, you can click here.
Dropship Settings
Account Settings
The Account Settings section allows admin to connect their WooCommerce store with AliExpress. Here, you need to enter the following details:
- Username
- Token
- Client ID
- Client Secret

Once these details are added, then there are two buttons below:
- Dropship Connect Button – This button establishes a connection between WooCommerce and AliExpress.
- Save AliExpress Settings Button – Saves the entered credentials for future use.
Product Settings
The Product Settings section helps configure how products are imported and managed in your WooCommerce store.

Below are the available options:
- Default Category – Assign a default category for imported products.
- Enable/Disable AliExpress Categories Import – Allows importing categories from AliExpress.
- Enable/Disable Auto Syncing – Enables automatic synchronization of product data.
- Default Time Interval for Auto Sync (in hours) – Set the frequency for auto-syncing updates.
- Default Product Stock – Define stock quantity for imported products.
- Default Product Status – Choose product status (Published, Draft, Pending, etc.).
- Default Product Visibility – Set visibility (e.g., Visible, Hidden, Search Only, etc.).
- Default Product Warehouse – Assign a warehouse location for imported products.
- Default Product Price Configuration – Configure pricing rules for imported products.
- Default Product Language – Select the language for imported products.
- Default Currency – Choose the currency for product pricing.
- Import Product Description – A checkbox to enable/disable product descriptions during import.
- Don’t Import Images from Description – A checkbox to skip importing images from product descriptions.
- Save Product Settings Button – Save all configured product settings.
Review Settings
The Review Settings section manages how product reviews are imported. The available options include:
- Import Product Reviews – A checkbox to enable/disable review imports.
- Reviews per Product (From-To) – Set a range for the number of reviews to be imported per product.
- Reviews Rating (From-To) – Define the minimum and maximum star ratings for imported reviews.
- Skip Empty Reviews – A checkbox to exclude reviews without content.
- Send Reviews to Draft – A checkbox to keep imported reviews in draft status before publishing.
- Save Review Settings Button – Saves all configured review settings.

By customizing these settings, WooCommerce store owners can streamline their dropshipping process and efficiently manage their AliExpress imports.
Admin End Warehouse Management – AliExpress Dropship
Warehouse Manager
The admin can create a warehouse manager and then assign a warehouse to him. To create a warehouse manager navigate to Warehouse Management > Warehouse Manager.

Now click on “Add New” to create a warehouse manager. OR click on a warehouse manager to edit the details of a warehouse manager.
Add Warehouse Manager
After clicking on “Add New” the user redirects to the Add Warehouse Manager page. Add all the details of the warehouse manager and then click on Save User to save the warehouse manager.

Edit Warehouse Manager

The user can click on the edit button to edit a warehouse manager. They can edit the details accordingly and then click on the “Update User” button to update the warehouse manager details.
Warehouse List
Under the warehouse list, the user can see all the warehouses. They can also create a new warehouse and can edit or delete a warehouse.

Add New Warehouse

After clicking on the “Add New” button the user will enter the details of the warehouse. After that, click on the “Save Warehouse” button to save the warehouse.
Edit Warehouse
Similarly, by clicking on the Edit button the user gets redirected to the warehouse page where they can update the warehouse details accordingly.
Admin can check the AliExpress Import product list under the product section.

The user can see all the assigned and as well as unassigned products here. Afterward, users can select products to assign to a particular warehouse or remove a product from a warehouse list.

Users can also choose a warehouse to view the items assigned to it.
Assign Products to a Warehouse
The user will select the products and then select the warehouse to which he wants to assign the products and then click apply to assign the products to a particular warehouse.

AliExpress Products
Admin can see the Aliexpress products list and select the warehouse for them accordingly.

Price Rule Information
To add a pricing rule admin will tap on the “Add Price Rule” button.

The admin can create new price rules as per need and can see the created ones.

Here, the admin can
- Rule Type – the rule type i.e Fixed and as well as a percentage which is going to apply on the cart.
- Cart Total from – Enter the minimum cart total.
- Cart Total to – Enter the maximum cart total.
- Price – Enter the price added to the admin income.
- Select Rule Status – Set the enable and disable rule status.
- Click the Save button to save the price rule.
Warehouse Orders
The user can see all the orders for different warehouses and can also select a particular warehouse to see its orders. The user can also view order details by clicking on the view link with the order.

After clicking on the view link, the user is redirected to the order details page where he can see the details of the respective order.

The user can see all the warehouse’s incomes and the admin income/commission from those warehouses accordingly.
The user can also see the amount paid to the warehouse and the amount payable to a particular warehouse owner for the orders.
The admin will click on the Pay button to manage the transaction for the amount paid to the warehouse for the orders.

Note: If the product belongs to admin then admin will receive a total amount of the cart.
After clicking on the Pay button, the user redirects to the warehouse transaction page where all the detail regarding the payable amount is shown as per the orders.
Now the admin will click on the Pay Amount button to complete the transaction.
The admin can also select the orders from the list for which he has paid to the warehouse and completes the transactions for the order’s payment.

Transaction Log
The user can see all the transactions completed by the admin for different warehouses for different orders here and can also see the transactions for a particular warehouse accordingly.

Warehouse Manager – Settings
Similarly, like admin the warehouse manager can also login and manage their warehouse.

Warehouse manager can also see their warehouse list including its name, manager, and status.

The warehouse manager can also see their assigned product list.

Also, the warehouse manager can check the AliExpress products list, in which they can see the product name, warehouse, warehouse manager, price, and it’s status.

Moving ahead the warehouse manager can also see the pricing rules, orders, income, transaction logs.
How to Import Products from AliExpress
**Note: Before importing the products from AliExpress into your store you should first install the AliExpress product importer extension in your Google Chrome browser.
After that, you can continue as explained below.
The user can add the WooCommerce AliExpress Importer chrome extension to your chrome browser here – WooCommerce AliExpress Importer.
WooCommerce AliExpress Importer
After adding the WooCommerce AliExpress Importer the user can see the update details button.
From where the user will authenticate his store on AliExpress to which he wants to import the products from AliExpress.

Here the user will add his store URL to authenticate.

Afterward, the user will enter the username and token which the user will get from the AliExpress settings under Warehouse Management > Dropship Settings.

After authenticating the details, the user will get a success message for successfully authenticating the details.

After authentication, the user can now see the product import button visible on the products. Now, the user will click on the button to import the products to their website.

The product details will also get imported with a product like Name, Price, Reviews, Description, etc.
The user can also select the number of views imported with the product information and the imported review shown on the product page accordingly for the customers to see.
After Importing the product to the website, the user will get the Product Imported Successfully message as shown in the image below.
Product Filter with ePacket:
The user can also filter the products that are having ePacket Identifications by clicking the Enable ePacket Identifications button on the extension pop-up.
This will show the products supporting ePacket shipments.
Also, if the Hide Products Without ePackets option is selected then the products not having the ePacket shipping is hidden from the category page.

AliExpress Products
The user will see all the imported products from AliExpress under AliExpress > Products.
Here the user will see all the imported products directly assigned to the warehouse which the user has selected under the AliExpress settings.

AliExpress Orders
The user can see all the AliExpress orders under AliExpress > Orders. Now the user will click on the Place Order link to place the order on AliExpress for the customers.
After clicking on the Place Order button, the user gets redirected to the AliExpress website.
Where the product will automatically be added to the user cart and then automatically get processed to the next step.
Now, the user gets redirected to the shipping details page, where the customer shipping address will automatically get added to the shipping details to process the order further.
Now, the admin has to enter the payment details to place the order successfully.
Customer Front-End
The customers can see the Shop products and products imported from AliExpress under the AliExpress Products tab.
After clicking on the AliExpress Products, the customer redirects to the AliExpress products page from where the customer can view any product and can add the product to the cart to purchase.
After clicking on the product the customer gets redirected to the product page from where he can select the option and as well as can add the product to the cart.
Once adding the product to the cart, the customer can view the product details in the cart and then proceed to checkout.
The customer redirects to the check-out page, where he will add his shipping details.
These details will automatically add to the shipping details on AliExpress when the admin will place an order for the AliExpress product so as to place the order on AliExpress.
Thus, that’s all for the WooCommerce AliExpress Dropship. Still, have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the AliExpress Dropship module better webkul.uvdesk.com.
This extension is also available on different platforms including:
Current Product Version - WooCommerce Dropship Management: 1.6.0
Supported Framework Version - WordPress: 6.0.2 WooCommerce: 6.8.2
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