Remember the times when you visit a store to buy a product but find it out-of-stock or times when you are soo excited about an upcoming new product that you wish to order it in advance (preorder).
This is the same condition that the merchants might also face when they run out of their product’s stock or they are about to launch a new product on their store. So, until the products are back in stock, the sales are also in hold phase. To avoid this situation, merchants can take advantage of ‘preorder’ functionality to keep their bills rolling!
Multinational companies like Amazon & Apple also use the preorder functionality on their website to keep the production ongoing.
In this article, we are going to put highlights on points like what is preordering; how it can serve you; its drawbacks and lastly how you can introduce the same on your eCommerce store.
Pre-ordering is a functionality that lets your customers reserve a product in advance. Merchants are using this functionality for years now and it shows how effective it is.
No matter what kind of items you are selling on your eCommerce store, from electronics to craft, you can easily implement this & have the good results.

How the pre-order button can serve the merchants?
A pre-order button will help the merchant with selling the products which are currently not in stock. Moreover, using the pre-order functionality, the merchant can examine the market & know about the demand for certain products even before launching them or putting them back in stock.
The last line takes us to another point that if the merchant can keep a check on the stock that is required by testing the market in advance, he doesn’t need to worry about the unsold stocks.
The pre-ordering functionality also guarantees you a certain amount of revenue and parallel sales. Also, the merchant will be able to receive funds in advance which he can use to better the services for his customers.
When you are about to launch a new product in the market, you need to promote it really well to get the attention. Using the pre-ordering functionality, the merchant can create a buzz about the upcoming launches on his store, whether on social media or by other advertising modes.
As effective as it sounds, the pre-ordering functionality is a task of great responsibility too. If you fail to deliver the products on the release date, this could highly affect your online repute.
Let’s look into some of the fallbacks you might face regarding pre-order functionality
There may be chances that the pre-order functionality doesn’t work for a certain product. In other words, this may or may not work for every product in your store. So, don’t be dependant on just this particular factor when it comes to your eCommerce growth.
Moreover, be very particular about the release date of your products that are on pre-order. In case your supplier fails to deliver the product on time, you can face a huge loss of customer trust.
Allocate the release date on pre-order products with a margin of one or two days after the date your supplier has given you to deliver the stock.

How to introduce the pre-order functionality on your eCommerce store?
While looking for pre-ordering software, you should pay attention to the points mentioned below:
It should let you provide a proper description and an attractive frontend display. As you need to provide each and every detail regarding the pre-ordering process to avoid customer doubts. A countdown timer on the frontend with functionality to limit the number of products that customers can pre-order will excite your customers.
It should provide a way to notify your customers whenever the product is back in stock. Also, a facility to auto-publish the products on the set date.
The most important feature is the payment type of pre-order products. There are times when your customers don’t want to pay the whole amount while pre-ordering but a fraction of it to reserve the product in advance. The software should allow you to set the payment type for the customers. That is, whether the customer will pay the full or partial amount while pre-ordering the product.
For merchants who are using Shopify as their eCommerce platform can use the Pre-Order Controller app for Shopify. This app has all the functionalities as defined above.
And for merchants who are using the Adobe Commerce platform, please use Magento 2 Pre Order extension.

Know more about the Pre-Order Controller app:
Shopify Pre-Order Controller app User Guide.
If you have suggestions to make something better, do let us know. In case of any issue or suggestion, create a ticket at Webkul UV desk.
Until next time. 👋