What is Salesforce SSO ( Single Sign On) for Magento2?
The Salesforce SSO solution provides secure Single Sign-On access to multiple On-Premise and Cloud applications using a single set of login credentials.
Our Magento2 Single Sign-On module streamlines local and remote applications by providing simultaneous logins.
This allows faster access to applications. With our Salesforce SSO module, you can log in to multiple applications using a single Salesforce username and password.
Features of Salesforce SSO ( Single Sign On) for Magento2:
Option to sign up using credentials from a third-party platform
Support for Single Sign-On
Configuration of customer group mapping
Magento multi-store support
Multi-factor Authentication
How to install Salesforce SSO ( Single Sign On) for Magento2?
Installation at Salesforce End:
- At first, you need to login to your Salesforce Account using your Salesforce login credentials
2. Then, you need to go to Setup and search for Identity Provider Keyword in the Quick Find Box
3. First you need to search for the Identity Provider Keyword in the Quick Find Box, then, after searching you will see the Identity Provider option as seen in the screenshot down below:
Then, you need to click on the Identity Provider option to enable the Enable Identity Provider access for SSO.
4. Afterwards, you need to click on Save to save the details for Identity Provider Access.
5. Firstly, you need to go to the App Manager, where you can easily search for App Manager in the Quick Find box.
Then, after clicking on the App Manager, you need to click on the New Connected App as shown below:
6. Upon clicking, firstly, you will be asked to fill in these basic details like Connected App Name, Email, these details can be filled per your requirements.
7. Going forward, you need to follow the below-mentioned steps in order to enable the SAML.
8. For this, firstly, you need to fill in all relevant details in the Web App Settings section as Start URL, Entity ID, and ACS URL:
These URLs can be obtained from here:
Start URL = http://devcscart.huebeam.com/SF/acs.php
Entity Id = http://devcscart.huebeam.com/SF/acs.php
ACS URL = http://devcscart.huebeam.com/SF/acs.php
- First, Go to Connected Apps, then, click on the Manage Connected Apps option in accordance to create a Custom Attributes for user.
10 . When you click on the Manage Connected Apps, you will be redirected to the SETUP page.
Creating Custom Attribute for User:
In order to create a new Custom Attribute, first, you need to click on New to create a New Custom Attribute Value.
- After Clicking on New, firstly, you will be redirected to the page shown below, where you need to fill in details for new custom attributes.
- Then, you need to first enter Custom Key and Custom Value for New Users that will be obtained as described below:
New Custom Attribute Values for User:
- 1) Attribute Key: LastName Attribute Value: $User.LastName
2) Attribute Key: FirstName Attribute Value:$User.FirstName
The process of creating these Attribute Keys and Values have been shown below for your reference:
That’s how the configuration is done at Salesforce End.
Installation at Magento2 End for Salesforce SSO:
- The user will be provided with a zip folder salesforce_login_for_magento2-master.zip from where they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system.
The user needs to transfer this app folder into the Magento2 root directory on the server as shown below:
2. Secondly, you have to check that the folder SalesforceSSOForMagento2 is in the same format as app/code/Webkul/SalesforceSSOForMagento2 in the extracted format:
3. Thirdly, you have to put sfCallBack.php at the root directory of Magento2:
4. Therefore, you have to run the commands mentioned below in the Magento2 root directory:
First Command: php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Second Command: php bin/magento c:c
5. Afterwards, now you can perform this configuration at Magento2 End.
For this, firstly, you need to login into your Magento store.
6. Secondly, after you signed in, click on the store option, thirdly, after clicking on the store option, you can see the Settings tab where you can click on the Configuration tab to configure SSO details.
How to Configuration Details at Magento2:
After clicking on the Configuration button, at first, you will be asked to fill in these details as mentioned below:
Entity Id
Single Sign-On Service URL
Single Logout Service URL
x509cert = Idp Certificate
These details could be obtained at Salesforce’s end. The steps are mentioned below:
7. Extracting Details From Salesforce’s End:
The details can be obtained from your Salesforce’s End as explained in the below screenshot:
Firstly, you need to go to the Connected App Section, then, you need to click on Manage Connected Apps created for SSO login to extract details.
8. Copy Relevant Details from Salesforce End:
Issuer ( At Salesforce End)
SP-Initiated Redirect Endpoint ( At Salesforce End)
Single Logout Endpoint ( At Salesforce End)
Idp Certificate ( At Salesforce End), click on this certificate to copy the details used at Magento2 End.
Pasting Relevant Details at Magento2 End:
Firstly, you need to paste all the relevant details as per the naming conventions used at Magento2 End as:
Entity Id = Issuer ( At Salesforce End)
Single Sign-On Service URL = SP-Initiated Redirect Endpoint ( At Salesforce End)
Single Logout Service URL = Single Logout Endpoint ( At Salesforce End)
x509cert = Idp Certificate ( At Salesforce End)
Secondly, Click on Save Config to save the configuration details at Magento2 End.
9. Configuring Details at Magento’s End:
Firstly, after configuring all the details at Magento2 End, our module Salesforce SSO (Single Sign-On) is ready for operations.
Logging into Magento2 Using Salesforce SSO:
Therefore, you can now easily log into your Magento2 store with the Salesforce Login Button as shown below:
10. When you log in from your Salesforce account, you will be easily logged on to the dashboard of your Magento2 Store.
That sums up our Salesforce SSO ( Single Sign-On) for Magento2 Configuration and Set Up.
Our Salesforce Single Sign-On extension for Magento2 will be able to offer extended login options to your customers and ensure the safety of their personal data.
Our Salesforce SSO Magento2 module helps to increase customer’s trust and reliability in an online store to provide a smoother experience for the user’s end.
That’s all from our side for our Magento2 SSO module.
However, if you have any further queries and suggestions that could improve our existing product functionalities, for this, you can create a ticket at our HelpDesk System.
Current Product Version - Version 1.0
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