CS-Cart Order attachment provides an essential feature for any eCommerce store as it enables customers to upload relevant files or images related to their orders such as medical prescriptions, heavy machinery require docs like licenses, etc.
This can be specifically useful for stores that sell customized products or offer personalized services.
With the help of the CS-Cart order attachment, the admin or vendor can allow their customer to upload their order-related files or images during or after the checkout.
Simultaneously, the admin or vendor can also attach order-related files or images and communicate with each other.
Check the video mentioned below for an overview of the extension:
- This add-on supports Multi-vendor/CS-Cart.
- The customer can upload order attachments while placing the order.
- The customer can upload order attachments even after the order is placed.
- Customers can add multiple attachments for a single order.
- The admin can set max attachments for a single order in the backend.
- The admin, vendor, and customer can download order attachments.
- The admin can deny or accept uploaded order attachments.
- The customer can upload new attachments if the admin disapproves the old attachments.
- Email is sent to customers when an attachment is denied.
- The admin can select the file type and max file size for the customer to upload.
- When the customer creates an attachment the Email is sent vendor.
- Admin, customers, and vendors can easily add any attachments for a separate message.
- Admin, vendor, and customer can download any attachment from the message.
Installation and Configuration: CS-Cart Order Attachment
When you download the add-on, you get one zip file and the install.txt file. Please read it carefully and follow it. Firstly click on the icon and select Manual installation to upload the zip file as per the below screenshot.
Now, Click on “Local” to browse the zip file and then click on “Upload & Install”.
After installation of the add-on, you will find the “CS-Cart Order Attachment” in the list of available add-ons. Make sure, the add-on is activated as shown in the below snapshot.
The user needs to click on “Order Attachment” to configure the module.
Setting: CS-Cart Order Attachment
Setting: Here the admin needs to enter some required fields to configure this module.
- Enter Max File Size – The admin can enter max file size(Less Then server upload Size) To upload a file in Kb(1MB = 1024 kb) and default = As defined on the server and upload only less than the server side.
- No of File – The admin can enter the number of files to upload from the customer end.
- Show on Checkout – By Clicking on this check box, the customers can get an attachment option on the checkout page.
- File Type – Hold down the Ctrl (windows) or Command (Mac) button to select multiple options and please select the file type to upload.
Front End: Order Attachment from Customer End
After the CS-Cart Order Attachment configuration in the store, the customers are able to “Add an Attachment” during checkout by Clicking on the “Upload File” then the customer can place an order.
After placing the order with an attachment the customer will get the “Order Attachment” section. In this section, customers can check their attachment details and download the image.
After the checkout, the customer can add an attachment to the order by clicking “Add Attachment”.
Vendor End: Order Attachment
Once the customer adds an attachment, the vendor will receive an email regarding the attachment with the URL.
Here the vendor can view their order details and check the attachment details and the vendor can change the attachment status, download the attachment and delete the attachment.
Customer Receive Emails on Order Attachment Status Changes
After the vendor’s review of the order attachment, if the vendor changes the attachment status then the customer will get an email notification.
Checking the order attachment details, the vendor can add an attachment by clicking “Add Attachment”.
After clicking on “Add Attachment” the vendor need to click on “Local” to select the file. This attachment will be visible in the customer order details attachment section.
Admin End: Order Attachment
The admin can also check order attachment details by simply need to follow a few steps.
Admin needs to click on the “View Order”.
Here the admin can view the order list and need to click on any particular order number.
After clicking on the order, the admin will get the “Attachment” section. Here the admin can check order attachment details, manage order attachment status, download attachments, and delete attachments.
After checking the order attachment details, the admin can also add attachments by clicking on “Add Attachment”.
Here the admin can upload a file by clicking on “Local”. This attachment will be visible in the customer order attachment section.
Search Attachment Orders
Here the admin can filter only attachment-related orders from the order list. The admin needs to click on “Advance Search”.
After clicking on “Advanced search” the admin needs to scroll down and then need to click on “Show Attachment Order”. Then the admin will get only attachment-related orders.
Order Attachment Communication
Admin End Communication
To communicate with the vendor and the customer, the admin needs to click on “Communication with Vendor” and “Communication with Customer”.
“Communication With Vendor” Here the admin can communicate with the vendor and send an attachment.
“Communication with Customer” Here the admin can communicate with the customer regarding order attachments and send an attachment.
Vendor End Communication
Here the vendor can communicate with the admin and customers and send an attachment. By clicking on “Communication with Administrator” and “Communication with customer”.
“Communication with Administrator” Here the vendor can communicate with the admin and send an attachment.
“Communication with customer” Here the vendor can communicate with the customers and send an attachment.
Customer End Communication
Here the customer can communicate with the admin or vendor and download the attachment or upload the file.
That’s all about the “CS-Cart Order Attachment“.
However, if you still have any questions regarding the CS-Cart extensions.
Please create a support ticket by clicking Webkul Support System or send an email to [email protected].
Current Product Version - 1.2
Supported Framework Version - 4.18
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