If you are working on checkout page functionality, and you are updating the totals by js. After this total is not reflecting/updating on summery block, then to update amount by JS after your request without reloading your page, you can use following process:
you need to add following code in your js file:
/*browser:true*/ /*global define*/ define( [ 'ko', 'jquery', 'Magento_Checkout/js/model/cart/totals-processor/default', 'Magento_Checkout/js/model/cart/cache' ], function (ko, $, defaultTotal, cartCache) { 'use strict'; return Component.extend({ updateamount:function () {//your function to update amount //your code to update amount //after successfull execution you need to add these lines. cartCache.set('totals',null); defaultTotal.estimateTotals(); } }); } );
Here, firstly you need to define js
'Magento_Checkout/js/model/cart/totals-processor/default', 'Magento_Checkout/js/model/cart/cache'
after this create objects for the same, i used here defaultTotal and cartCache.
Now, add these lines in your file after which you want to update the totals.
cartCache.set('totals',null); defaultTotal.estimateTotals();
cartCache.set(‘totals’, null) : set the cart total to calculate totals again, if not using this line then estimateTotals() returns the totals for cache.
defaultTotal.estimateTotals(): executing the process to calculate totals.
Order total in default process:
after executing code it will be like:
Hope this will help you in manage totals of cart.
I hope this blog will help you with Update Cart totals by JS on Checkout Page in Magento 2. You may also check our wide range of best Magento 2 Extensions.
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