Shopware Multi-Vendor Grouped Product helps the sellers to add the grouped product on the website. The seller can now increase the spectrum of the business by the addition of a new type of product. With this extension, the vendors just like the admin can take advantage of selling grouped products. This extension gives the customer a variety of product purchase. Thus, enhancing user engagement.
Basic Requirements –
- This module is an addon of the Shopware Multi-Seller Marketplace. To use this module you must install Shopware Multi-Seller Marketplace for Shopware 6. For more details refer to this guide.
Check a brief overview of the plugin –
- The seller can create a Grouped product with multiple products.
- Grouped products are shown on the detail page.
- Customers can select a choice of grouped products to add to the cart.
- Customers can update quantity or remove any of the grouped products.
- Admin also creates a Grouped Product from the product detail page.
Shopware provides two ways to upload the plugin to the server.
- Using Command
- Manual Installation
Installation using commands
Customers will get a zip folder, then they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system.
After extracting the WebkulGroupedProduct folder, the customer needs to transfer these custom > plugins on the server, as shown in the image below:

After the successful installation, you have to run these commands in the Shopware root directory.
Go to your Shopware installation Root directory then run this command to install then activate the plugin–
./bin/console plugin:install --activate WebkulMPGroupedProduct
To installing the assets(CSS/JS)
./bin/console assets:install
To clear the cache run this command –
./bin/console c:c
Now refresh the administration.
Manual Installation
1) Extract the zip file of the plugin.
2) After that go to your Shopware 6 installation backend panel after that navigate to Extensions -> My Extensions after that you can find all the installed plugins in it.

For installing the plugin, the user can click on the Upload Extension button. The user can upload the plugin zip(WebkulGroupedProduct) here.
3) After uploading the plugin zip, after that the user can see the plugin in the list.

4) After the installation of the plugin, the user can click to activate the plugin.

While in the process the admin can see the success message ‘Plugin has been activated‘.
After the installation process and plugin configuration if the Shopware Multi-Vendor Grouped Product option is not visible then run this command to clear the cache:
php bin/console cache:clear
Admin Management
After the successful installation of the Shopware Multi-Vendor Grouped Product module, the admin can easily add grouped products for that admin will navigate to Catalogues>>Products.

The admin will tap the “New Products” to add a new product as shown below in the image. Also, the admin can add grouped products in previously created products.

On the product general information page, the admin will find the option to Grouped Product as shown below in the snapshot.

Clicking the “v” brings up another page to select the products. These products will be the constituents of this grouped product.
After that click on the check box of the product, you want to add as a grouped product.

After clicking the “Add Selected Products“, the selected products will be added to this grouped product.

Now, click save to save this grouped product.
Seller WorkFlow
The seller can easily add grouped products for that seller will navigate to Your Products.

The seller will tap the “Your Products” to add a new product as shown below in the image. Also, sellers can add grouped products in previously created products.

Now, another page to select the Product Category for the product will appear, here the seller will click on the check box “Grouped Product” to add grouped products.

After that the seller will find the option to Grouped Product as shown below in the image.

Clicking the “Add Grouped Product” brings up another page to select the products. These products will be the constituents of this grouped product.

After that click on the check box of the product, you want to add as a grouped product.

After clicking the “Add Selected Products“, the selected products will be added to this grouped product.

Now, click save to save this grouped product. That’s all how to add the grouped product.
Note –If default quantity is set 2 then when adding the main product with a single quantity then grouped product added with quantity 2
Example – If you add 2 shoes and the seller added default grouped product quantity 2 belts then the total group product added to the cart will be 4 belts.
The quantity could also be changed manually at add to cart or product detail page.
Customer WorkFlow
At the front end, the customers will be able to see the Grouped Product as shown below in the images.

After that click on the product you want to add to cart.

Then click on the check box to add the grouped product to add the products in shopping cart.

After selecting the grouped product click on the Add to shopping cart button.
The customer has to enter the quantity that he wants to purchase for each of the products and then tap the “Proceed to checkout” button to proceed to the checkout.

After clicking “Proceed to checkout”, the grouped product details are visible on the order review page as well. Here the customer will click the “Submit Order” button to complete the purchase.

Customers can also see the details of the grouped products purchased. The customers can check under the “Your Order” section as shown below in the snapshot.

This was all about the Shopware Multi-Vendor Grouped Product. I hope you must have the got the idea of our module. Thanks for taking the time in reading this blog. Also, please doesn’t forget to share your feedback and suggestions under the comment box given below.
Moreover, If you have any queries or suggestions, then feel free to add a ticket to our HelpDesk system.
Please explore our shopware development services and Quality shopware extensions.
Current Product Version - 1.0.3
Supported Framework Version - Shopware
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