Having genuine traffic of customers on the eCommerce store is one of the major concerns of the store owner. Having said that we have built a solution to authenticate customers visiting your online store. Presenting OTP on Cart app for you to validate the cart through OTP before proceeding towards the checkout. Every buyer needs to register with a mobile number and when he will click on proceed to check out a screen pop-up to enter the one time password will appear right before the checkout page. Only after entering the correct OTP, the process will resume.
Both Twilio & MSG91 SMS engine is integrated into this to ensure that the OTP is sent to the customer’s contact number.
- Cart Validation Process
Every buyer needs to register with a mobile number and when he will click on proceed to check out a screen pop-up to enter the one time password will appear right before the checkout page. Only after entering the correct OTP, the process will resume. - Both Twilio & MSG91 SMS engine Integrated
Twilio & MSG91 is integrated within the app as an SMS engine for sending the OTP via SMS to customers. To enable you are required to have your own Twilio & MSG91 account. - OTP validated info at the backend
View all the validated information and their success status. - Cross-browser compatible.
- Easy installation.
To install this app click here, enter your domain name and then click on Install button to install the app.
After you have initiated the installation and completed the payment, your app will be visible here in the apps section of Shopify.
Click on the app to view and configure it further. Configuration
In the configuration menu, You will have three sections.
General Configuration, SMS Configuration, and Label Configuration
General Configuration
Allow Guest Checkout: Admin can enable this option if he/she wants his/her customers to check out as a guest.
Add a Note in Order Detail Section on Cart Validation: Admin can now enable/disable the option to get the detail in the Order detail section if the order gets verified by phone number ( i.e Cart will be validated via OTP).
Enable/Disable Cart Validation via OTP: In addition to it, admin can also enable/disable the OTP Validation on Cart Page.
SMS Configuration
Twilio SMS Integration:
You have to enter your Twilio account credentials and token keys to activate Twilio for sending SMS.
***Please note for this you are compulsorily required to have a Twilio account. And all the charges for SMS will be borne by you and your Twilio account. Here we just provide the integration of Twilio.
MSG91 SMS Integration:
We have now integrated MSG91 SMS Gateway with the app so that you can validate your cart via OTP from MSG91 SMS Engine.
Label Configuration
From this section of the app, the admin can configure the labels to be shown on Front End.
Important Note section
Important Note section just below configuration contains really important points, let’s have a look:
- Contains Twilio API detail link
- Contains Twilio Pricing details link
- To add Phone Number option during registration, you have to copy the below given code into customers/register.liquid file. <label class=”label”>Phone Number</label> <input type=”text” class=”text” size=”30″ name=”customer[note][PhoneNumber]” placeholder=”+1234567890″/> <strong>Note:</strong> Add ‘+’ and your country code before phone number
- For OTP validation during checkout, you have to copy the below given code into cart.liquid file <div id=”wk_cart_validate” customer-id=”{{customer.id}}”></div>
- Contains links to access theme file.
OTP Validated Orders
Admin can now have all the validated orders listed in this section. Orders that get validated on the cart via OTP will be listed in the OTP Validated Orders section of the app.
Let’s have a look:
Cart Validation section
Cart validation section shows the data of cart token validated so far along with their status of success or failure.
On the front end, firstly you are required to make your ‘customer account creation’ feature mandatory from your Shopify account for all the customers so that when they check out they are popped up to log in or signup (if they initially haven’t).
For that go to settings of Shopify account >>> and click on checkout.
Refer to the image below
If your customer is logged in but the contact number is not registered with the store, then click on proceed, he will have to first enter the mobile number with country code and then the OTP pop up will come. Refer to this image:
–If your customer is NOT logged in as the customer then after clicking on proceed to checkout he will first be taken to the login or signup page. If already have an account then sign in else sign up.
While signing up you will be asked to enter the phone number as well, on which the OTP will be sent.
Once the account will be created, then the customer will be back on the cart page. Clicking on continue a pop to enter the OTP will get displayed. In case the customer has not received the OTP he can click on the ‘Resend OTP ‘ button.
Check the Demo: https://otponcart-demo.myshopify.com/collections/all
Furthermore, if you need any kind of support/Consultancy then please raise a ticket athttp://webkul.uvdesk.com/ or drop a mail at [email protected]
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