After launching a stable version of UVdesk Open Source we have added the Shopify Order fetch App. This app allows account owner or support agents to fetch the order related details on support ticket directly from the Shopify store for better response. Reply master can simply get the instant order result by entering order id on the ticket from UVdesk Open Source agent or admin panel to escape from fraud queries.
Note: Shopify Order Fetch module is only supported by UVDesk version 1.0 or greater. To use this module first, you must have to install UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk.
- Highly secure and flexible.
- Open Source and highly customizable.
- Save time and Sell more.
- Fetch order relation details directly on tickets using the order id
- The support agent can rectify the support ticket is either fraud or genuine.
- Confirm order details and priorities the support request to resolve the concern on time.
- No need to visit Shopify webstore again and again to validate order details.
- One can inspect the source code.
- Best for enterprise or SME business.
- Deliver excellent customer service in less time.
- Save time by avoiding bogus queries.
- Each agent has access to fetch the order details on the support ticket.
- This module improves the overall support system with the efficiency of support staff.
- With this module, admin can generate even more sale by providing quick support.
Why Is The Need Of Open Source Shopify Order Fetch Module?
This module gets the order related details like Order ID, description, quantity, Total Price, Unit price, Shipping, etc on the support ticket immediately for the support agent to confirm the Order Details and proceed with the needful resolution.
Installation of Shopify Order Fetch Module
Step 1: Make a directory with the name uvdesk inside the project’s App folder.
Note: This package is dependent on the free uvdesk/eCommerce package so ensure you’ve installed that package before proceeding with the installation also make sure your project must be running under development environment.
Step 2: The customer will get a zip folder after purchasing the extension. After that, unzip the respective extension zip and rename the extracted folder name to “Shopify” after that merge Shopify folder into the project root directory inside apps/uvdesk.
Step 3: Next, run these commands below to complete the setup in the Project root directory.
$ php bin/console uvdesk_extensions:configure-extensions
$ php bin/console assets:install
Now, clear project cache
$php bin/console c:c
Once the commands have executed successfully, you will see the Apps icon on the dashboard after login into admin panel.
Shopify Order Fetch Module Configuration
Once you are on the Admin dashboard, click the Explore Apps option which you will be redirected to the Application page.
Here, you will see the Shopify App, click on that App icon.
After that, you will enter into the integration page. Here, you will get the “+Integrate Shopify Store” button.
Once you clicked on that button, you will bring to the configuration setting page. In this setting page, you will get two fields Domain, and Access token.
Domain: Enter the Shopify domain name excluding https://
How to get the access token:
Now Go to Shopify app and follow the below steps for get the access token:
If you are doing the app development in Shopify first time then go to the settings -> apps and sales channel setting -> Click on allow custom app developement option:
After that click on create an app:
Next enter your app name and required details, then click on create app button:
This step when you created already multiple apps:
Go to settings .> click on apps and sales channel options :
After that click on develop apps:
Click on create an app button to create a new app:
Then you have to enter details like app name and app developer details.
After creating an app, select Configure Admin Api Scope and enter all provide scopes (Read Access to Orders, Transactions, and Fulfilments).
Permission need to be provided:
Assigned Fulfillment Orders:
- read_assigned_fulfillment_orders
- write_assigned_fulfillment_orders
Fulfillment Services:
- read_fulfillments
- write_fulfillments
Merchant-managed fulfilment orders:
- read_merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders
- write_merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders
- read_orders
- write_orders
Third-party fullfilment orders:
- read_third_party_fulfillment_orders
- write_third_party_fulfillment_orders
Custom fulfillment services:
- read_custom_fulfillment_services
- write_custom_fulfillment_services
Fulfillment constraint rules:
- read_fulfillment_constraint_rules
- write_fulfillment_constraint_rules
After the successful configuration, your Admin API Integration is looking as given below in the snapshot :
Now click on install app.
Then a pop-up will appear, requesting you to click on the install button.
Here you can see the access token, and to show it, click on reveal token once. Please copy and paste it in one place, as this token is not coming up again:
Now, go in to the uvdesk admin panel and add the following details: Your store’s domain and access token:
Domain: Enter the Shopify domain name excluding https://
Once you click on add shopify store this page will be updated.
Now, on the ticket system, the support staff can enter the Order ID and select the platform or the Marketplace and then click on Fetch Order.
That’s all for the Shopify Order Fetch Module of UVdesk Open Source if you still have any issue please raise a ticket on our ticket panel.
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