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Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Shopify Connector (Merchant’s Public app)

Updated 4 August 2023

In the Multivendor Marketplace for Shopify, we have introduced a new feature called “Create an app for your seller.” With this feature, create an app for sellers to sync products with the admin Shopify store.

The app enables you to add sellers’ products from their Shopify store at runtime, making it more convenient and efficient.

This feature app costs $40/month, excluding the multi-vendor marketplace fee.

Here are the features of this app:

  • With the help of this app, the seller can sync their Shopify store products with the owner/admin’s Shopify store.
  • The Seller’s Shopify store’s inventory will sync with the admin Shopify store.
  • Admin needs to create a public app and the seller will install this app in his Shopify store.
  • If the seller uses this sync app, the admin can charge monthly for using this sync app from the seller.
  • The system will centralize inventory and sync orders to the seller’s Shopify store.
  • Sellers can now update products in bulk from the “products” section of the seller app.
  • Admin and sellers can now sync the seller’s products from the “Product Listing” section in their panels.
Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

NOTE: To ensure a seamless experience, make sure the seller’s email matches between the Multivendor App and the Shopify store. Please be aware that installing the Seller App creates a new seller in our Multivendor App.

How to enable this feature:

  • Go to Features App
  • Click on Enable
Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync
  • Approve the charges.
Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Enabling the featured app adds a new menu called “Seller Supported app configuration” to the multivendor marketplace app’s configuration menu.

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Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Select “Merchant public app” connection from here:


How admin can create an app for the seller:

Admin/store owner creates the app for the seller, and the seller installs it on their Shopify store.

NOTE: The admin needs to publish this public app by contacting Shopify directly.

To create the public app , you need to have a “Partner Account” on Shopify. Create Your Partner account

Open Shopify partner back-end and go to “Create app”

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Enter the provided App Name, App URL and Whitelisted redirection URL in the App.

This way, you can create an app for your sellers.

Configure Seller App Details

Once you create the app, you can choose the app name; however, the “App URL” must match the one provided in the “seller supported app configuration” menu in the multi-vendor marketplace app.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Now, open the app and in the “App info tab”, enter the App URL and whitelisted redirection URL as provided on the Seller Supported App Configuration page.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

To set the monthly subscription for your seller, specify the App price and trial days. Enter the API key and API secret key as mentioned in the app info as shown in the above screenshot.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Customize page templates

You can now customize the page templates by clicking on the “customize seller app pages” button as highlighted in the image below


You can edit the theme template for the thank you page, terms and condition page and the sync product page here.


In “Product Details Configuration,” the admin can enable/disable the fields for auto-update when the seller makes any changes on these fields from their end.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

You can now select the menu which you want to show in the seller’s store.


In Seller App, the admin can add frequently asked a question for the seller. To add a FAQ, click on “ADD FAQ” as shown in the screenshot below:

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Click on ADD FAQ and enter the detail and click on Save.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

After the admin creates an app for the seller on the Shopify store, they can share the URL with the seller, as shown in the screenshot below:

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Moreover, if you have requested us to create an app, we will provide you with an API key and a secret key.

Note: Please perform all the steps given in the note section of the “seller supported app configuration” page.

Moreover, we have provided the admin with an option to select products and disable products published by the seller on the store.

In order to add Product Sync and Product Hide options to the Seller’s Shopify Store, you must first create bulk action links in the app you have created.

For this, You can follow the instruction given in the Seller App details section of the app.

-Open the App that You have created for Your Sellers.

-Click on Extensions.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

-Go to Bulk action and click on Add a Link button.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

To Add Product Sync or Product Hide Option:

Enter the bulk action label, enter the target URL link as instructed in the multivendor app, and select the “Product action drop-down” Option as the Page to show the link and Save the Details.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

By doing this, you can add Product Sync and Product Hide options in your Seller App, allowing sellers to access these options on their store.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Now, Let’s Proceed to understand the workflow of the seller panel.

Seller End

Admin can provide the “Seller app installation URL” mentioned in the multi-vendor app.

Now once the seller has the URL then the seller needs to install the app to start the sync of the products to the admin Shopify store.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

The seller has to approve the monthly charge if the admin has set up. Now seller will have the new app “seller App” in the apps menu in the Shopify store.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

How to Sync Products?

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Once the seller proceeds to install the “Seller Sync App” provided by the admin, a pop-up appears asking to sync the published products from Shopify to the multivendor app. From there, you can proceed to configure the app as well.

Clicking on the Sync Products button, the seller needs to follow the below-given steps to Sync the published products from their Shopify store to the admin’s Marketplace.

  • Go to the Products section.
  • Choose the Products that the seller wants to sync with the marketplace.
  • After selecting the products, go to “Actions” and click on “Sync with Merchant” from the drop-down menu.
Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

This way, the seller can sync his/her Shopify Store’s products with the admin’s marketplace.

Similarly, the Seller can hide the products from the admin’s marketplace by referring below steps:

  • Go to the Products section.
  • Choose the Products that the seller wants to hide from the admin’s marketplace.
  • Once you select Products, go to “Actions,” and click on “Hide from Merchant” from the drop-down menu.

This way, products get to hide from the merchant.

Let’s See How The Seller Will Configure the “Seller App”

To configure the Seller Sync app, Seller first needs to visit his/her Shopify Store and open the Seller sync app.

Now, In the configuration menu, the seller can enable the option to automatically sync all your newly added products with the admin’s store.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync
Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Once the Products sync, the Seller Sync app may take some time to get updated. Once the update is completed, sellers can view the synced products in the Products section of the Seller app.

Furthermore, after the products sync, they will appear in the “approval pending state” on both the admin’s marketplace and the seller’s side.

The admin has the option to either approve or deny the products from their panel.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync
Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

In case you have disabled the “Auto Approve Product” tab from your end and at the same time the seller has updated some products on his store then, then the seller will get an Info in the seller app as shown in the screenshot below.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

By clicking the “View the products” button, your sellers will get redirected to a page where all the products will be listed that are not yet updated on the admin’s marketplace.

Now, the seller can update all the products in one go simply by clicking the“Update all products” button. Also, the seller can manually update each product as per his/her choice.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

In the manual update, each product will be updated in 3 steps.

  • Initially, the product will be in “Not processing” State.
  • Clicking the “Update Product” button, the product will be in the “Processing” state.
  • Lastly, the status will be updated to “In Processing Queue“.

And once the product gets updated completely on the admin’s marketplace, that product will be unlisted from this section.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync


In case the currency of your seller’s store is different from the currency you set on your marketplace, then, the sellers will have the option in the app to specify his currency rate with respect to your currency rate.

Based on this, your seller’s product price on your store will be calculated accordingly when an order is placed on your store.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Please Note:- After updating the currency rate, the price of all the synced products of the seller will get updated on the merchant’s store.

Third Party App for Drop Shipping

In case any of your sellers are using a third-party app, Oberlo for drop shipping then, products synced from Oberlo to seller’s Shopify store can easily be synced with the admin’s store at his store’s primary location.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

To import products from Oberlo to the seller app, the seller needs to enable the “Third-Party App for Drop Shipping” option from the Configuration menu. One the enabling is done, the products will import to the seller app.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

All the imported products will be listed in the Products section of the seller app that can be synced with the admin’s store.

This way, products will update on the admin’s marketplace.

Price Rule

In the price rule menu, the seller can create a price rule to manage the price of the product at the Shopify store. The seller has to set the price rule:

  • The seller has to enable or disable the price rule status.
  • Select the price rule, either to increase or decrease.
  • Select the Price change, either fixed or percentage.
  • Enter the amount of how much the sellers want to increase or decrease the price.
Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Once the seller adds the price rule, the same will be visible in the Price Rule section of the multi-vendor seller panel.

Price Rule Option in Multi-vendor App-Seller Panel: From this section, Sellers can view the Price Rule status and other details of the price rule. To change any detail, sellers need to visit the seller app and update the details.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

In the “Products” section, the seller can see the list of synced products. Also, the seller can edit the custom field and hide the product from the merchant.

For this click on three dots just below the action.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Bulk Update Products

Sellers can now update their synced products in bulk from the “Products” section of the Seller App.

Suppose a seller has synced their Shopify store products with the admin’s Shopify store; subsequently, they make changes to some products (updated products) on their Shopify store. In this scenario, the Seller will have the option to Update all the products in one go, available in the “Products” section of the Seller App.

When the Seller visits the “Products” section of the Seller App, they will receive a pop-up message at the top, asking them to update the products.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Now, once the seller clicks on the “Update All Products,” the changes will be updated for the synced products in the Seller App.

Furthermore, unmapped products refer to the Seller’s products that exist on the admin’s store but were not created with the help of the “app.” These are products that were not present on the seller’s Shopify store before the installation of the app.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

To map product click on three dots (…) just below the action, there is two option to sync the unmapped product:

  1. Map using SKU
  2. Map Manually
Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Clicking on “MAP USING SKU”, a box will open where you have to select the products. Products are the ones to which the seller wants to sync his unmapped product. In this option, both products must have the same SKU.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

If you click on “MAP MANUALLY”, a box will open, select the product you want to Map.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

The Seller Can Manage His Profile In “My Account Page”

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

In FAQ Seller Can See The Frequently Asked Question Mentioned By The Admin

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync


Sellers can view all the details related to the Seller sync app from their respective multivendor seller panel.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync
  1. Configuration: Sellers can view the auto-sync product tab if enabled or disabled from this section. Sellers can enable or disable the tab directly from the seller app that You have created for your sellers.
Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync


From the seller app, the seller will have the option to map the admin’s store collection with the collection of their Shopify store. For this, they need to click the Map Collection button.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Clicking the Map Collection button, the seller will have the option to choose one of the collections from the admin store and then, the seller will select a collection from his/her store & map them with each other.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

All the collections that are synced with the admin’s store will be listed in this section.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Product Type

From the seller app, the seller will have the option to map the admin’s store product type with the product type of their Shopify store.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Clicking the Map Product types button, the seller will get the option to select the product type of the admin’s store and map it with the product type of his/her (seller) Shopify store.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

This way, the seller can map the product type of the admin’s store with his own store (if product type is not restricted by the admin).

On Multi-vendor Seller Panel

The seller can view the list of all Product Types from this section of the app.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

In Order to make any change in the product detail on the seller panel, the seller needs to visit the Seller Sync App and update the changes accordingly.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync

Seller Product Sync App Compatible with Slot Pricing Feature

The seller product sync app is now compatible with the slot pricing feature app. Thus, sellers can now add different product prices for different customers on the basis of Customer Tags created by the admin.

These tags will be visible to the sellers in the “Configuration” menu of the seller app.

Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify- Seller Product Sync


Use below link and credentials to use the demo of the Multivendor Seller Product Sync Feature App for Shopify:-

Check the Frequently Asked Questions about the Feature App:-


Furthermore, if you need any kind of support/Consultancy then please raise a ticket at or drop an email at [email protected].

Thanks for reading this blog!!! 🙂

. . .

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