You might be using the Seller Product Sync feature app with the Multi-vendor Marketplace app for Shopify to let you sellers sync their Shopify store products to the admin’s Shopify store.
It’s not too simple to sync products live from one platform to another in a go. You definitely need to keep a few things in mind to make the best use of the Seller Product Sync app.
As per the merchant’s requirement, we have put together some essential points need to be taken care of while using the Seller Product Sync feature app.
FAQs by the merchants using the app:-
Question 1
My Sellers have synced all the products on their Shopify store but the products are not reflecting on the admin’s marketplace. What could be the possibilities?
Sellers must not have updated all the synced products from their respective seller app.
Update All Products
Make sure to Update all the Synced Products from the seller app even if you make a minor change.
Sometimes it just happens that the seller has synced his/her Shopify store products to the admin’s Shopify store. Later, the seller has made some changes in the product but is not reflecting on the store.
Example:- Suppose a seller has updated an image of a product (that is already synced with the admin’s store) and has not updated the product in the seller app. In this case, the updated product image will not be visible with the product on the store front end.
So, make sure that your sellers have updated the synced products from the seller app.

What does the Seller need to Do in this case?
Login to the seller’s Shopify store>> Seller Sync app, go to the Products section and click the “Update All Products” button.
Once done, the changes will be updated for the synced products.
Question 2
My sellers are getting the session expired issue while syncing their Shopify store products with the admin’s marketplace. What could be the case?
If the seller has not login to their Shopify store seller app, it won’t be possible to sync products with the admin’s marketplace. This leads to the session expired issue.
Session Expire Issue
First, Create a session for the seller app and then, sync products with the admin’s store.
Sometimes, sellers use to sync products without getting into the seller app and face the session expired issue. So, make sure that the sellers are login to their Shopify store with the seller app opened into it and then, can proceed to sync products with the admin’s store.
Question 3
My sellers don’t want to approve the synced products manually from the app. How to get them approved directly after they get synced with the admin’s marketplace?
If the sellers don’t want to approve products manually from the app, You can assist your sellers to keep enable the auto-sync new products button from the seller app.

Enable Auto-Sync Product Tab
Assist Sellers to enable the Auto Sync Option for New Products.
It happens most of the time that the Auto-sync product tab is disabled & the seller has synced the products with the admin’s store. In this case, the products will be synced and will be listed in approval pending state and the seller needs to approve products manually.

Question 4
What if my seller wants me to check the sync process on his Shopify store?
In this case, make sure that the seller has granted access to the Apps section.
Permission to Apps section, to check the Sync Process
In order to check the sync process, sellers do provide their store access to the admin. But sometimes it just happens that the seller has granted access to the admin but has not permitted to access the Apps section. This also results in the session expired issue.
In order to check the sync process, you must have access to the Apps section to let the system communicate with the sync app.
You may get the session expired issue if your seller has not provided you the access to the Apps section of his/her Shopify store.
Question 5
My sellers have already synced their Shopify store products but all the synced products are not reflecting in the Products section of the app. What could be the case?
Once you sync the products, all the synced product may not reflect on the admin’s marketplace just after the sync process. The process may take some time as the data first goes in the queue and then, will be synced after some time.
Product data first go in a queue, then, the synced products will be updated after some time. So, Please Have Patience!
As soon as the seller syncs the products with the admin’s marketplace, all the products may not get synced in a go. Products may take some time to get listed in the app.
Learn to Create An App For Your Sellers & let the Sellers sync their Shopify store products with the admin’s Shopify store.
Connect in case of any assistance.
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