We have come up with a ‘Social Login’ integration with the Mobikul mobile app for Shopify. Using this integration, customers can sign up on your Shopify store using their social media accounts.
To be more precise, Social Login is a single sign-on for end users. That means customers can use social networking services such as Facebook, Twitter or Google, to sign in to your Shopify website instead of creating a new login account specifically.
With that said, let’s see how you can configure this integration within the Mobikul mobile app.
Social Login App Installation
To enable this feature, you need to visit the Mobikul Mobile App backend & then, click on the Integration section > App Store. From here install the app as shown below.
Now, click on the Integration section > Configuration App: Enable the feature.
This is all that you need to do in order to set up this integration. Furthermore, let’s check the customer end flow.
Social Login Configuration
Afterward, successfully enable the module and then go to Configurations>Social Login for configuring login platforms i.e. Facebook, Twitter, and Google.
Facebook Social Login Setup
Afterward, go to the manage column and click on the Facebook platform and enter the API id as shown below snapshot.
NOTE- Moreover, to know how to get credentials for the Facebook app.
Twitter Social Login Setup
Furthermore, credentials for Twitter and click to manage as shown in the below snapshot.
Afterward, enter the API id and App Secret to configure the Twitter app.
Twitter API Credentials
How To Set-Up Application For Twitter
You can create a Twitter application using this link https://apps.twitter.com/
Steps To Create A Twitter Application:
1. Click on “Create New App”
2. After that, fill out the form to Create a New Twitter Application.
Set the Callback URL as – www.example.com/socialsignup/twitter/connect/
3. Before moving forward, you need to agree to Twitter’s Developer Agreement and Policy. Once you are done reading all the policies and use cases, click on Create button.
4. In the end, receive your Consumer Key and Secret under Keys And Access Tokens
Twitter doesn’t send the Email Id of the customer at the time of logging in. It sends only Screen Name. So kindly update your Email Id and Password after signing up with Twitter.
Google Social Login Setup
Therefore, configure the google app proceed with setting up and marking as enabled.
Flow: Customer End
This is how customers can sign up on your Shopify store via gmail account.
Need help?
Drop your query/suggestion at [email protected] or create your ticket at Webkul UV Desk.
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