Shipping Availability Check Module allows the customer to check the availability of the product using the area zip code. The customers can check the availability on the product page itself by entering their area zip code.
The admin can add multiple regions and assign these regions to a product from the backend very easily. For existing users, the zip code field will be auto-filled. The zip code search history will be visible to the users.
Most importantly, customers must know whether the product they are going to order will be available to that particular address or not. This module can easily check the shipping availability of any region.
Watch the below video tutorial to understand the extension workflow:
- It allows the users to know about the shipping availability on the product page.
- The admin can add, edit, view, and delete multiple regions.
- The admin can select multiple available regions for a product.
- Available Regions can be assigned to both new and existing products.
- Every zip code and a region have a unique Id assigned to it for better management.
- Region Status can be enabled or disabled by the admin.
- Zip codes can be updated and deleted by the admin.
- Filter option can be used to search for any specific region or a zip code.
- Shipping Availability Check supports multiple languages and translation.
- The registered users saved address automatically appears in the zip code field.
- The recent history of the zip code search for a product can also be seen by the users.
- GraphQl has been implemented in the Shipping Availability Check for Magento 2.
- The extension is also compatible with the Hyva theme.
Installation Process
Customers will get a zip folder. Then they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. The extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder.
Customers will get a zip folder. Then they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. The extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder.
Customers will get a zip folder. Then they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. The extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder.

You need to transfer this app folder into the Magento2 root directory on the server as shown below.
After the successful installation, you have to run these commands in the Magento2 root directory.
First command – php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Second command – php bin/magento setup:di:compile

Third Command – php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

After running the commands, you have to flush the cache from the Magento admin panel by navigating through System > Cache management as shown below.

Multi-Lingual Configuration
For Multilingual support, please navigate through Store > Configuration > General > Locale Options and select your desired language from the locale option.

Module Language Translation
The language of this module can be translated to your desired preference.
You need to go the back end system and follow this path app/code/Webkul/ZipCodeValidator/i18n and edit the file named en_US.csv as shown in below screenshot.

After opening the CSV file for editing, replace the words on the right after comma , with your new translated words.

Now once you have translated all the words on the right, you need to save your edited CSV file and copy it to the same path as above with a new filename.

Module Configuration
After the Shipping Availability Check module installation, the admin will configure the module settings. The admin will navigate to Stores > Configuration > Webkul > Zip Code Validator as per the below image.
In addition, the admin can manage settings as shown below:

Zip Code Validator Configuration
- Enable Zip Code Validator: The admin will select Yes to Enable the module and No to Disable the module.
- Zip Code Validator Availability: The admin will have two options, the first is Apply to individual products and another is Apply to all products.
Apply to Individual Products
In the Zip Code Validator availability configuration, when the admin selects Apply to individual products then while adding a new product the admin can assign multiple regions to that product from the available list.

Now the admin needs to assign the region to the individual product. Admin needs to navigate through Catalog > Products. The admin can assign regions to both a new product or an existing product.
When “Apply to individual product” is selected in Module configuration then admin needs to select regions in the Individual product page as well. Then only the zip code check field will appear for that particular product on the storefront.
If in “Apply to individual product” condition store admin do not select the regions and product individually, then on those product pages, the zip code field will not be visible.

Apply to all Products
In the Zip Code Validator availability configuration, if the admin selects Apply to all products a zip code validation dropdown will appear.
When “Apply to All product ” is selected in module configuration then the regions selected will be applicable to all products and repective zipcode check field will be visible for all products in the storefront

1. Apply default configuration: If the admin selects this option, all the regions which are selected by the admin at the backend will be assigned to the product.

2. Particular Product: Under this section, the admin will select particular regions from the available options in the dropdown. The admin can select multiple images as per the image below:

3. No Validation: If the admin selects this option then the product will be delivered to any region. Moreover, the product will be available for all the regions and the zip code, entry field will not be visible in the front-end.

Admin Back-end Management
Firstly, go to the admin panel and navigate to Zipcode Validator > Manage Region.

Manage Regions
Under the Manage Regions section, the admin will manage all the regions of the store. The admin can view information such as: region Id, region name, status, and region zip codes.
- Click the Add Region button to create a new region entry.
- Use Actions drop-down menu to enable/disable or delete any existing region.
- Admin can use the Filter option to search any particular region from the list.
- Use Click link to view all the zip codes of the region or add a zip code to the list.
To Enable/Disable or Delete an existing region click the Action link.
And to edit the existing region click on the Edit link.

Add Region
To add any new region, first, click on the Add Region button. After that, the admin will add the details as mentioned below :
- Region Name: Under this field, the admin will enter a region title.
- Status: Set the status as Enable to use this region, else select Disable if don’t want to use.
- CSV: The admin will click the Choose file button to browse and upload the new zip code CSV file.
Click the Save Region button to add this region to the list.

Below is the sample zip code CSV:

During adding the region from the admin we can also attach the products in it at the same time for that particular region.

View All Zip Codes Range
To view all the zip codes of a region, navigate through Zipcode Validator > Manage Regions, after that Click link to view all the zip codes. So, now the admin can view the list of all the zip codes of the selected region. Every zip code has a serial number.
By using the Actions drop-down option the admin can delete any zip code(s) from the list.
Similarly, to find any particular zip code from the list, use the Filters option.

The Admin can add a New Entry just by clicking on the Add Entry button and can enter the Zipcode Information.

Edit Entry : Moreover the admin can also Edit the Zipcode Information by clicking on the Edit section under the Action tab and can enter the Zip code range.

User Front-End View in Shipping Availability Check
Firstly, the customer will simply enter the zip code on the product page to find the product availability. After that, the customer will click on the Check Button.
If “Apply to all Products” is selected in admin configuration then zip code validator field will be visible on all the products on the storefront.
If “Apply to Individual Products” is selected in admin configuration and regions are assigned on the particular product page then zip code validator field will appear on that particular product on the storefront.
And if regions are not assigned to the products in the “Apply to Individual Products” condition in admin configuration then zip code validator field will not be visible on the storefront.
If the product is available then the message will appear saying “Product is available at (zip code)”.

When the searched product is not available then the message will appear saying “Product is not available at (zip code)“.

The zip code field will be auto-filled for the existing customers because their details are already saved in the backend. The users can also see the recent search history.

Guest users can also view the recent zip code searches made for the product.

When the user will click on the login link, a pop-up log-in page will appear, then the users can log-in directly from here by filling up the credentials.
User Front-End View Checkout Process
Firstly when a buyer goes for the checkout process after adding his product in the cart. as shown below

At the time of Checkout the buyer can select the shipping Address by clicking on the Ship here button below the address if the product is not available at that particular Zip code then the default message will appear as shown in the image below,

Here, the user will be restricted from placing an order for non-shipping available regions, the restriction will not work for the orders placed through the admin end.
Also, the Customer can add New Address or choose another address and if the product is available at that particular Zipcode he can proceed for the checkout process by choosing the desired Shipping Methods and click on Next button, as shown in the image below.

That’s all for the Shipping Availability Check For Magento2 module. If you still have any issue, please feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make this module better
Current Product Version - 5.0.2-p1
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
During installation when i run compile command it throw the error :
syntax error ‘??’ on app/code/Webkul/ZipCodeValidator/Ui/DataProvider/Product/Form/Modifier/ ZipCodeOptions.php :
error on below line
static::FIELD_ZIP_CODE_VALIDATION => $this->locator->getProduct()->getZipCodeValidation() ?? 2
kindly revert back as my website is in production