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Restart Auction: Product Auction App for Shopify

Updated 29 October 2024

The Product Auction app for Shopify is now come up with the option to restart unsuccessful auctions.

Here, unsuccessful auctions refer to the finished/ended auctions for which either no bidding is placed or no winner is declared.

Thus, you can set the configuration to restart auction if the auction is ended on the products with no-bid placed or no winner declared.

PLEASE NOTE:- The auction will not get restarted if the bidding has been stopped manually.

How to Configure?

In order to configure the settings, you need to first visit the ” Configuration” menu of the app.

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Now, go to the Auction Configuration.

There, you will get the feature “Restart Unsuccessful Auction”.

Enabling this option will let you choose one from the two options:-

1. Restart Auction if no bid is placed.
2. Restart Auction if no winner is declared.

  1. Restart Auction if no bid is placed:– You can select this option to restart a closed auction if no bid is placed for that auction product.

If selected, enter the no of time you want to restart auction on products.

Thus, as soon as the auction ends, the timer gets started automatically and the auction restarts for the same time period.

This process will be repeated for the n number of times that you set in the app i.e. option to set Restart Repetition Count.

Coming to the 2nd point.

2. Restart Auction if No Winner is Declared: You can select this option to restart a closed auction if no winner has been declared for that auction product.

Retain Previous Bidders

Enabling this option will also allow you to retain the previous bidders if no winner is declared.Just enable the checkbox to retain the bidders after the auction restarts.

Now, as soon as the auction ends, the timer automatically starts, and the auction restarts for the same time period. This process will repeat for the number of times you set in the app.

This is all about the feature to Restart Unsuccessful Auctions.

To know about the app in detail, Refer to this Blog!

Feel Free to Connect, in case of any assistance.

. . .

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