The Images tab is used to upload and manage the display of images for the current product. You can upload multiple images for each product, and maintain different images for each store view. If you have a large quantity of images to manage, you may prefer to import, rather than upload each one individually.
Product Extra Images Customizations module for Magento Bridges. Using this module along with our base Magento-OpenERP Bridge, enable synchronization of multiple images for each product.
Prerequisite :
Product Extra Images Customizations module depends upon our Magento-OpenERP Bridge (MOB) Base module. You need to install it before you can use this maintenance module.
After installation Extra Images tab will be added to product form view.
- Synchronization of multiple images for each product, and maintain different images for each store view.
This module need to install only at Openerp side, you just need to copy “Mob_extra_images” directory to your OpenERP addons and install it on your Openerp only.
The following image types are used throughout the catalog, and you can choose which image you want to use for each. If you do not assign an image to each type, a placeholder image will be used instead.
- The thumbnail image appears in the thumbnail gallery, shopping cart, and in some blocks such as Related Items.
- The small image is used for the product images in listings on category and search results pages, and to display the product images needed for sections such as Up Sells, Cross Sells, and the New Products list
- The base image is the main image on the product detail page. Image zoom is activated if you upload an image that is larger image than the image container.Example Size: 370 x 370 pixels (without zoom) Example Size: 1100 x 1100 pixels (with zoom).
The Images tab is designed to manage images for a single product. As define in following screen shots.
Do Synchronization of product, while synchronization it will sync all images(base, small, thumbnail) to openerp. Have a look of following screen shots.
You will get same product at openerp, and product base image will synchronize as openerp product image, other images like small and thumbnail, will synchronize inside “extra image” tab. Like following screen shots.
Similarly, while product synchronization from openerp to magento, product image will synchronize to magento product’s base image, small type will be as small, and thumbnail type with thumbail.
During product update, either from openerp to magento or vice verse, corresponding product images type will be updated from both end.
For any kind of technical assistance, just raise a ticket at : and for any doubt contact us at [email protected]
Current Product Version - 1.0
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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