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PrestaShop Purchase Order Management | Supplier Management {User Guide}

Updated 13 March 2024

PrestaShop Purchase Order Management module helps shop owners to create & manage the order placed to the supplier for restocking the products.

After creating the order for a supplier, a supplier receives an email with all the order details. So, that they can accordingly fulfil it on time.

The management of the order is only available to the admin & a supplier can not manage or even update order status.

The module basically provides a shop admin with functionality to create & manage the order that he/she placed to the supplier.

Using such functionality, a shop owner will be able to keep a record of all the orders that he/she placed to a supplier.

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Note: PrestaShop Purchase Order Management module is compatible with PrestaShop version 8.x.x and multi-store feature.

Features of the PrestaShop Purchase Order Management module

  • Generate purchase order for the suppliers.
  • The management of order is available to the shop admin only not to suppliers.
  • A shop admin can manage the order by communicating with the suppliers.
  • It is helpful in keeping a record of all the orders an admin places to supplier for restocking the shop products.
  • Select the order status for the supplier order on which you want to restock the quantity of the product.
  • Customize the prefix of purchase order name as per your own suitability.
  • Choose to add current year & current month to order name.
  • Enter the order number from where you want to start the orders.
  • In total, eight default order statuses are available.
  • Also, choose to add order statuses of your own.
  • Notify supplier via email on placing an order, so that they can fulfil it on time.
  • Add tracking URL & supplier’s invoice to the order for reference.
  • Choose to download the order details in the PDF format.
  • Quantity of the product will update when the order reaches the status set for quantity update.
  • Add supplier email from the supplier details page.

How to install the PrestaShop Purchase Order Management module

  • Firstly, go to the module manager in back office and click on ‘upload a module’.
  • After that, drag and drop the module file or select the file from the system.
  • In this way, the module installation will be successful.
Click to upload PrestaShop Supplier Purchase Order module
Drop or select PrestaShop Supplier Purchase Order file
PrestaShop Supplier Purchase Order module installed on prestashop

How to configure the PrestaShop Purchase Order Management module

After the successful installation of the module, an admin can proceed to configure the module.

General Settings

In this section, there are multiple options available. So, let’s see each of the options one by one.

  • Order Status: Select the order status on which you want to update the quantity of the product.

It simply means that when the order status for the supplier order will reach this stage, the quantity of the product will update.

Also, please note that the product quantity will update according to the purchased quantity.

  • Purchase Order Name Prefix: Enter the prefix for the order name.
  • Purchase Order Number: Enter the number from where you want to start the orders. Set it to “0” to start it from 1.
  • Add current year to order name: Enable to add the current year to the order name. (For example 2021, 2022 etc.)
  • Add current month to order name: Enable to add current month to the order name. (For example 01 for January, 02 for February & so on.)
Configure PrestaShop Supplier Purchase Order

Order Status

In this section, 8 default order statuses are already available. However, you can not choose to delete any of them.

Supplier order statuses

In case, if you want to add an order status of your own, click on the add new state button. You can also choose to edit/delete them.

Create a new order status

Assign Supplier to Product

In order to assign a supplier to a product, firstly you need to ensure that you’ve created suppliers from the brands & suppliers section.

After that on the edit section of the product details page at the backend, assign a supplier to the product.

assign supplier to a product

Create New Supplier Purchase Order

Create Order

To create a new purchasing order for a supplier, an admin needs to enter the following details.

  • Firstly, select the name of the supplier.
  • Order name field is read only & value is not editable.
  • Add all the products which you(i.e., admin) want to order from the selected supplier.
  • At last, either click on the save & stay or save button to save this order as draft.
Create a new supplier purchase order

After clicking on the save or save & stay button, the order will be saved as a draft. In order to place this order & send it to the supplier, click on the edit button.

New supplier purchase order saved as draft

On clicking the edit button, the form will open again. But, this time a new button i.e., place order will be available.

place supplier purchase order

Place Order

After clicking the place order button, the view/form fields will change. Now, there will be following new things on the page.

  1. An option to update the status of the order
  2. Download the PDF of the order details
  3. An option to upload the invoice provided by supplier for future reference
  4. Option to add the tracking URL of the order
  5. Details of the ordered product, their quantity, unit price & the total price


  • A supplier also receives an email notification of the order when an admin clicks on the place order button.
  • And, an option to add the email for supplier also becomes available on the supplier information details page.
Update status of the order

Also, please note that the quantity of each product in the above order is 1(Just for future reference).

Currently, in the screenshot below you would be seeing the quantity of the following products as follows.

  • Hummingbird Printed T-shirt – 2097 quantities
  • Hummingbird Printed Sweater – 2399 quantities
Product quantity in product list

Now, suppose you update the status of the order to the status selected for quantity update in configuration settings.

You’ll be updating the order status on your own after getting the confirmation from a supplier via other mediums.

There is no functionality available to let a supplier update the order status for the admin order.

order status updated

Now, the quantity of the product in your shop will be automatically updated after the order status reaches the stage selected for quantity update.

As you may notice, that in the screenshot below the quantity of the product increased by 1 quantity.

Product quantity updated

Email Notification

After the installation of the module, a field to add the email of the supplier becomes available on the add/edit supplier page.

In case, if you want suppliers to receive an email with the order details, you must add the email of the supplier here on this page.

Add supplier email

Email Template

Here is a screenshot of the mail that a supplier receives when an admin creates an order for the supplier.

Email template order details

The mail also contains a PDF attachment for the order details. The screenshot below shows the details that are available in the PDF.

Order summary

So, this was all about the PrestaShop Purchase Order Management Module. I hope this document will help you in checking the functionality of the module in a better way.

Also, do let us know about your views in the comments.


For any kind of technical assistance or query, please raise a ticket at or send us a mail at [email protected]

Also, please explore our PrestaShop development services & vast range of featureful PrestaShop Addons.

Current Product Version - 4.0.2

Supported Framework Version - 8.x.x, 1.7.x.x

. . .

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