OpenCart SMS Notification provides text message notification functionality to the customer. They will receive SMS Notifications automatically after creating the account and placing the order.
The Customers will also receive SMS notifications at the time of account update and order update. In this module, customers will receive an instant text SMS notification on their mobile phones through SMS service providers.
SMS Services providers are Twilio, Clicksend, and Msg91.
Check a brief overview of the plugin –
Features of OpenCart SMS Notification
- Admin can select an SMS service provider.
- Admin can add credentials of the selected SMS provider.
- In this module, the admin can set an SMS template.
- Custom SMS can modify, add, and edit by the admin
- Customers will receive SMS Notifications automatically related to accounts and orders.
- Admin can select India, the USA, and other International countries
- Admin can add, edit, or delete templates for various SMS notifications.
First, extract the downloaded zip file then the customer will get a zip folder for installing the OpenCart SMS Notification. After that, they have to unzip the folder in the system. There will extracted folder of admin, catalog, ocmod, system, and Twilio.
After that, the Customer needs to transfer folders into the OpenCart root directory as shown below.

Then, click on Extensions then click on Installer. Extension installer screen will appear then upload the zip file.

After that, click on Extension and go to Modification. Then Modification screen appears in which a modification list is available.
Additionally, you can enable, disable and delete the modification. After that, you need to refresh to rebuild the modification cache.

Now, click on System then go to Users and click on the Usergroups. User Group screen will appear in your system.

Furthermore, click on the edit icon of the user group in which you want to provide Access Permission and Modify Permission. Then click on the save icon to save the

Twilio Setup
Admin needs to save details of Account SID, Auth Token, and Twilio Phone Number in the OpenCart SMS Notification.
For Twilio Account details, you need to register yourself on Twilio. So that you can receive messages.
Visit the Twilio website,, and click on the signup button for registration.

After that, the signup page will appear in your system. Now, fill in all details and click on ” Start your free trial “. So that you can start your account with Twilio.

As a result, a verification email is sent to your registered email id.

Now, you will get verified mail on your email ID. Click on the “Confirm your Email” link enclosed within the mail.

As a result, you will get a pop-up screen for the next process of phone number verification. You need to put your mobile number and click on Verify button.

After that, you will receive a verification code on your mobile phone. Put the verification code and click on verify.
Ultimately, you will get confirmation and your Twilio account will be active. Now, you need to choose answers to asked questions from Twilio.

Here, you have created your Twilio account successfully.

Now, you can have an API credential for OpenCart SMS notification navigation.
Clicksend Notifications
The second SMS service provider is Clicksend Notification, you can log in to Clicksend notification if you have an account already. Else you need to create a new account.
Visit Clicksend Notifications, to log in to your existing account and sign up for the new account.

If you are new and need to sign up for the Clicksend notification, then click on Sign up on Clicksend Notification. Then a form will appear in which you need to put our official information and verify by clicking on I’m not a robot. Now, click on START SENDING!.

After that, you can log in ClickSend Notification. You can have access to SMS details and your API credentials also.

After that, the API credential will be visible to you on the dashboard of ClickSend.

Therefore, you can log in ClickSend Notification and you can have access to an API credential. API credentials need to fill in the OpenCart SMS notification navigation.
MSG91 Notification
The third SMS service provider is MSG91 Notification, you can create an account in MSG91. So that you can get the API key from MSG91.
Visit the MSG91 website for API key access. Now, you can log in if you have an account on MSG91, else create a new account.

Now, click on Get Started for creating a new account. Then, you will get Signup to the MSG91 page. You need to select Billing country and enter your official email ID.
After that, you need to click to check on the terms of services and privacy policy.

After clicking on the Next button, you need to enter details related to the account. Now, you need to fill in all details and click on submit button.

After clicking on submit button, MSG91 will take 4-5 days to verify all your filled information. With the complete process of verification, you will get a text SMS of registration confirmation.

As well, the admin can access MSG91 notifications on their system. Then they can access all details of API.

Now, you can log in to MSG91 Notification for API credentials. API credentials need to fill in the OpenCart SMS notification navigation.
Module Configuration
With the successful installation of the SMS services provider and OpenCart SMS Notifications. To configure the extension.
Now, click on the Extensions then go to Extension. Then Extension screen will appear in which you can choose the extension type
After that, choose Module in the extension type. A list of the module will appear in your system then find OpenCart SMS Notification in the list.

Click on OpenCart SMS Notification, then the OpenCart SMS Notification screen will appear. Then you can change the status from disable to enable and fill in all details of SMS service providers.

After enabling the status, then you will get an OpenCart SMS Notification available separately in the navigation.

Therefore, the admin can select any one SMS service provider and mention all details of the service provider.
Twilio Notification
After selecting Twilio as an SMS provider, the admin will fill in details of Twilio Account SId, Twilio Auth Token, and Twilio Phone number in the OpenCart SMS Notification.
Account SID: Account SID (Security Identifier) will be entered by the admin.
AUTH Token: The admin will enter the authentication token.
Twilio Phone Number: Enter the Twilio phone number to send the notification.

ClickSend Notification
Admin needs to fill in details of Clicksend Username, Clicksend API Key, and Country To Send SMS in the OpenCart SMS Notification.
Clicksend Username: Admin can enter the username of Clicksend
Clicksend API Key: API key of Clicksend will be enter by admin
Country To Send SMS: Choose the country in which SMS will be delivered.

MSG91 Notification
Here, the admin needs to fill in details of the Msg91 Auth Token, Msg91 Sender Id, and Country To Send SMS in the OpenCart SMS Notification.
Msg91 Auth Token: Admin can enter the authentication token
Msg91 Sender Id: Admin will enter the verified Sender ID
Country To Send SMS: Choose the country in which the SMS will be delivered

SMS Template
Admin can set SMS template for account creation, account update, an order placed, and order update.
Account creation: At the time, the user will create the account
Account update: When the user will do an update in personal information
Order placed: when the user will place an order
Order update: The user will get a notification at the time of the order update

Additionally, the admin can customize the template of SMS. To customize the SMS template, click on OpenCart SMS Notification then click on SMS Template.

Therefore, the admin can customize the SMS template and set them for account creation, account update te, an order placed, and order update.
SMS Notifications
Customers will receive an SMS at the time they will create an account, update their account, place an order, and with an update on placed order. The customers will receive SMS notifications i.e account creation, account update, an order placed, and order update.
Account Creation
Customers will receive an SMS notification when they will creating a new account. So, customers need to fill in the all details in the form, click on the check box for the Privacy policy and click on continue.

Account Updation
When customers will do changes to their accounts then they will receive an SMS notification.
Now, customer can update their account information by going to My Account in the storefront and clicking on Edit your personal information. and other information.

Account SMS Notification – Customer End View
As a result, customers will receive an SMS on their mobile phones for account creation and account updates.

Order Placed
Customers will receive an SMS notification when the admin will do any updates to the product
Here, customers will click on Order History then they can access a list of orders. After that, they can click on the view button of the order.

Order Update
After purchasing an order, the status changes will occur that will receive by the customer as SMS notifications.
As in My Account click on Order History, and then the customer can access the storefront.

Account SMS Notification – Customer End View
As a result, customers will receive an SMS on their mobile phones for the order placed and updates on the order status.

That’s all about the OpenCart SMS Notification module.
If you still have any queries regarding the module, please feel free to contact us at our Webkul Support System or you can send an email to [email protected].
You can explore our more OpenCart extensions.
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