A sub-domain is a subsection of the website that can exist as a new website without having a new domain name. Sub-domains can be used to create memorable URLs for different content areas of your site.
Similarly, Opencart POS Subdomain module allows the admin to have the POS sub-domains. This module creates memorable sub-domain URLs for each POS outlet. The separate web page address will be created for each outlet automatically as per the outlet name.
This way the admin can have POS sub-domain which can be accessed by POS users for accessing the POS panel/outlets. The admin can also add a prefix for the sub-domain URLs.
Note: This extension is an add-on to the OpenCart Point Of Sale System(POS). Before using this add-on, you must have first installed the OpenCart Point Of Sale System(POS).
- Enable or disable the module.
- Every POS outlet gets a unique URL.
- Subdomain URL is based on the outlet name.
- Redirection is available after the login to the main URL.
- Add any prefix for the subdomain URLs.
Upload Files
Installation of the module is easy. Under the module zip, there are 3 folders admin, system, and wkpos. You just need to upload these folders to the root directory of the website.
Upload ZIP
Now log in to admin backend and navigate through Extensions -> Extension Installer. Click the Upload button and browse the Zip file, this file is in the ocmod folder. Please select the correct ocmod folder. According to your Opencart version installed in your system.
Refresh Modifications
After uploading the Zip file, please navigate through Extensions > Modifications. Now, click the Refresh button as visible in below screenshot.
Edit User Groups
After that, in Admin panel go to System -> Users -> Usergroup and edit ‘Administrator’ and select all for both Access and Modify Permission then save it.
After that under Extension > Modules install the module as shown below.
Module Translation
Opencart POS Subdomain module supports multiple languages. So, this section will describe how to make the module work in different languages. Please check this link for language translation
Module Configuration
After the module installation, the admin can easily configure the module settings. For this, the admin will navigate to Extensions -> Modules as per the below image.
Here, select the module and then click on the Edit icon. This will navigate the admin to the module configuration page as per the below image.
Here, the admin will –
- Status – Enable or disable the module as per the choice.
- URL Prefix – Enter the prefix for the subdomain URL of the POS.
- Redirection – If Enabled then, if user login from root domain will be redirected on the sub-domain. Else, set Disabled.
And, lastly will hit the Save Config button to save the module configuration successfully.
Note – For using this module, Wildcard must be configured and mapped to the root folder on your server.
POS Sub-Domain
The admin can easily create the POS subdomains using the existing POS domain which the admin already own. The subdomain will be created on the basis of POS outlets.
For Example –
Windsor Outlet is a POS outlet. Now, the prefix Webkul and the outlet name Windsor outlet will be added to the POS base link pos-oc.webkul.com – and creates the sub-domain URL as – webkulwindsoroutlet.pos-oc.webkul.com for the POS users assigned the Windsor outlet.
Another Example –
Canada Outlet is a POS outlet. Now, the prefix clothing and the outlet name Canada outlet will be added to the POS base link pos-oc.webkul.com – and creates the sub-domain URL as – clothingcanadaoutlet.pos-oc.webkul.com for the POS users assigned the Canada outlet.
This way the admin can create the subdomain URLs for every POS outlet. The separate web page address will be created for each POS outlet automatically as per the outlet name.
POS Panel With POS Sub-Domain Settings – Disabled
POS Panel With POS Sub-Domain Settings – Enabled
If the POS Sub-Domain module is enabled, then the POS panel login URL will appear like as shown below.
After a successful login, the POS user will be redirected to the POS sub-domain URL.
And finally, POS user will be navigated to the POS panel under POS sub-domain URL.
Here, the POS sub-domain URL is webkulwindsoroutlet.pos-oc.webkul.com –
- webkul is the prefix which the admin has defined while configuring the module.
- windsoroutlet is windsor outlet assigned to the POS user demo3.
That’s all for the Opencart POS Sub-Domain module. Still, have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views at http://webkul.uvdesk.com/
Current Product Version -
Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x
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