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Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS)

Updated 10 October 2023

Opencart Marketplace point of sale system(POS) allows an Opencart online store owner to have one or multiple outlets of the store. The store owner can assign one or multiple user agents for each outlet.

The admin can assign products to each outlet according to the requirement. The user agents have their POS panel to handle then-order transactions of their respective outlets.

OpenCart POS panel can work on both online offline modes to give seamless functionality. The Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS) gives the same features for the marketplace environment.

The Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS) expands the scope of the point of sale system by covering the sellers of your Opencart online store. Now your sellers can have the outlet which can be managed by them. The seller can enable products for POS.

The seller can decide the product’s quantity which will be used in their POS. You can choose to display the seller’s products on your admin outlet POS panel. You can manage your suppliers and supply-demand for your admin outlets.

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Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS) panel can work on both online and offline modes to give seamless functionality.

The Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS) is an add-on to the Opencart Marketplace. You must have Opencart Marketplace installed for using this add-on module.

Check a brief overview of the vendor pos view and the account options –

Features – Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System


  • The admin can create one or more outlets.
  • The admin can choose to display the seller’s products on his/her outlet POS panel.
  • Admin-outlet dedicated admin agents to handle the admin’s outlets.
  • The admin can manage POS products and their quantity.
  • Admin can manage the POS orders.
  • Supply management for the admin to manage suppliers and supply demands.
  • Admin can generate then manage barcodes for the POS products.
  • The login screen of the POS can be configured by the admin.
  • Low stock quantity can be set by the admin.
  • The agent can request for the products on the basis of the low stock quantity set by the admin.
  • Admin can allow the sellers to add/use customers for the POS system.
  • Payment methods and their order completion status can be managed by the admin.
  • The admin can configure then manage the customer receipt contents according to the requirement.
  • Admin can create a default customer for the orders which do not have any customers assigned to them.
  • The admin can see their sales stats report on a monthly basis or a daily basis along with the most used payment mode and products sold most and seller specific also by filtering them.


  • Sellers can have a POS outlet.
  • One or more products can be assigned to an outlet according to the requirement by the seller.
  • Sellers can add customers.
  • The seller can handle orders and transactions via the POS panel.
  • Sellers can manage his/her POS products and their quantity.
  • POS login option from the seller’s panel.
  • The POS panel can work on both online and offline modes for providing seamless functionality.
  • The seller can hold any order for the later processes to carry out or handle more urgent orders.
  • The price of the products can be changed in the cart by the seller according to the requirement.
  • Easy real-time offline and online data synchronization.
  • Barcode scanner input available to add products to the cart.
  • The vendor can see their sales stats report on a monthly basis or a daily basis along with the most used payment mode and products sold most 

Please Note-

  • The Opencart Marketplace POS connects only to the Printer, and barcode reader, whereas it doesn’t connect directly with the cash drawer and card swapping machine.
  • Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS) requires a browser to work on it.
  • The Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS) supports a 7.5 screen size minimum.
  • New customers cannot be added in offline mode.

Installation-Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS)

Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS)

The installation of the Opencart Marketplace POS System module is very simple. You just need to move or upload the admin, catalog, image and mapps folders into the OpenCart root folder.

After that, transferring the folders, first, use the extension installer for uploading the XML file- mppos.ocmod.xml which you will find in ocmod folder.


After uploading the file go to the Extensions > Modification then click on refresh field.

Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS)

Go to System -> Users -> Usergroup then edit ‘Administrator’ then choose to select all for both Access and Modify Permission then save it.

Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS)
Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS)

In the Extension > Module, you can install or uninstall the module and can edit the module.

Admin Configuration-Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS)

An admin can configure the Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS) module by navigating through Extensions > Modules(Extension Type) > Marketplace Point of Sale (POS) System.

The module configuration has six sections to configure.


Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS) – General Settings

  • Status: The admin can enable or disable the module.
  • Store Country: Country name where the store is located.
  • Store Region / State: Region / State name where the store is located.
  • Heading on Login: Set the primary heading of the login page.
  • Sub-heading on Login: The admin can also set the secondary heading of the login page.
  • Login Content: The admin can provide read-only content for the login page.
  • No. of Popular Products: Set the maximum number of the product that will be visible on the popular products.
  • Quantity for Low Stock Warning: The admin can set the low stock quantity threshold for the POS products.
  • Send Order E-mail to Sales Agent/Seller: The admin can allow or disallow order emails to the sales agent/seller.
  • Show Seller’s Details on POS Invoice: The admin can enable or disable the display of the seller’s detail on the POS Invoice.
  • Only Use Admin’s Products for Admin Outlet: If this field is enabled then only admin products will be displayed in the admin outlet. But if this field is disabled then admin can also display seller’s products on his/her outlet.
  • Allow Seller to Add/Use Customer: The admin can allow sellers and seller agents to add/use customers in the POS system.

Admin can check heading, sub-heading, and content after saving configuration by redirecting to the POS login page by clicking on “POS Front End” button.
POS login page

Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS) Customer Settings

  • New Customer Details
  1. Customer Group: The admin can set the customer group for the new customers.
  2. Newsletter: The admin can enable or disable newsletter subscription for the new customers.
  3. Default Password: The admin can set the default password for the customers added from the POS panel.
  • Default Customer Details: If no customer is added or used in any order of POS then the order is made by using default customer as the customer.
  1. Customer Group: The admin can set the customer group for the default customer.
  2. First Name: Provide the first name of the default customer.
  3. Last Name: Provide the last name of the default customer.
  4. E-mail: Set the email id of the default customer.
  5. Telephone: Contact number of the default customer.
  6. Fax: Fax detail of the default customer.
  • Default Customer Address
  1. Company: Company name of the default customer.
  2. Address 1: Address line 1 of the default customer.
  3. Address 2: Address line 2 of the default customer for detailed address information.
  4. City: City name of the default customer.
  5. Postcode: Postcode of the default customer address location.
  6. Country: Country name of the default customer.
  7. Region / State: Region / state name of the default customer.

Payment Settings– Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS)

The third section is the payment setting.

  • In Cash Status: Here the admin can enable or disable the cash status.
  • Cash Title: The admin can set the title for the cash payment method.
  • Cash Complete Order Status: You can choose a cash order completion status.
  • In Card Payment Status: You can enable or disable the card payment method.
  • Card Payment Title: The admin can set the title for the card payment method which will be displayed on the POS panel.
  • Card Payment Complete Order Status: The admin can choose card order completion status.
  • Discount Status: The admin can enable or disable discount options for POS.
  • Discount Sort Order: Set the sorting order at which the discount part will come in order total and subtotal area.
  • Coupon Status: The admin can allow and disallow coupon usage for the POS.
  • Tax Status: The admin can enable or disable tax for the POS.

Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS) Customer Receipt

  • Admin can choose the details displayed on the customer receipt of POS according to the requirements. Admin has 10 content which can be set to “Yes” to enable its display on the customer receipt. The admin can also set “No” to disable the display of the respective content.

Admin can enable or disable the following content on customer receipt :

  1. first Show store logo
  2. second Show store name
  3. Show store address
  4. The Show order date
  5. Show order time
  6. Show order ID
  7. The Show cashier name
  8. Show shipping mode
  9. TheShow payment mode
  10. Show order note in invoice
  • Extra Information: The admin can also provide extra information on the customer receipt like TIN no., GST registration detail, etc.

Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS) Barcode Settings

  • Barcode Width: The admin can set the barcode width(in pixels).
  • Print Product Name With Barcode: The admin can set this field to “Yes” to enable the display of product name with the barcode else “No” to disable the display of product name with the barcode.

Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS) PWA Manifest

In PWA Manifest the admin will implement the settings for the PWA of the POS.


Here the admin could define-

  • Application
    • name- The admin can enter the name of the application as one wishes to represent the application.

However, the admin here could represent the name of the application in multiple languages. This depends on the Opencart default language settings.

  • Short Name- This name is visible when the shortcut of the application is created.
  • Icon- The application launcher icon is added here.

Lastly, the admin can save the POS module configuration by the Save button icon.

Admin – Add Outlets

After the successful installation then configuration, the admin can add outlets from the Marketplace POS tab on the admin panel. The admin can add outlet by navigating through Marketplace POS tab > Users > POS Outlets > Add Outlet
add outlet admin
After clicking on the Add Outlet button the admin will be redirected to the add outlet page.
add outlet admin page

  • The Outlet Name: Set the name of the outlet.
  • Outlet Address: Provide the address of the outlet.
  • Outlet Status: The admin can enable or disable the outlet.

Manage Outlet Products

The admin can manage outlet products by navigating through POS Outlets > Manage Products(of the required outlet).
manage outlet product admin
After clicking the Manage Product icon then admin will be redirected to manage outlet product page.
manage outlet product admin page

  • The admin can search the products for adding or managing the product for the outlet.
  • The products can be searched by filter created on the basis of the product Name, Model, Price and Status of the product.
  • The admin can add the products to the outlet by enabling the product from the POS Status column.
  • The admin can assign the quantity of the product for the POS of the respective outlet via Assigned POS Quantity Column.

Lastly, the admin will save the outlet with the products. The admin can also Edit any outlet via the Edit button present at the outlet list. The admin can delete the selected outlets via the “Delete Outlet” button.

Admin – Add Users(Sales Agent)

The admin can add outlets from the Marketplace POS tab on the admin panel. The admin can add outlet by navigating through Marketplace POS tab > Users > POS Users > Add Users
add users navigate
After clicking the Add Users button the admin will be redirected to the add users page.
add users admin

  • Username: Set the POS username of the admin user.
  • Outlet: Set the outlet for which the user is been created.
  • First Name: First name of the admin user.
  • Last Name: Last name of the admin user.
  • E-Mail: Provide the email id of the admin user.
  • Image: The admin can set the image of the admin user.
  • Password: Set the admin user password for the POS panel.
  • Confirm: Confirm the user admin password for the POS panel.
  • Status: The admin can enable or disable the admin user.

Lastly, the admin can Save the admin user. The admin can also Delete or Edit the selected admin users via Delete Users and Edit Users button successfully.

POS Products

Admin can view all the POS products and print their barcodes according to the requirement. The admin can view POS products by navigating through Marketplace POS tab > POS Products
POS products

  • Admin can search the POS product by using filters based on the product name, Price, Status, POS quantity, Model, and Quantity.
  • The admin can see the details of the POS products from the informative columns of the POS product list like Image of the product, product name, Price, Status, POS quantity, Model, and Total Quantity.
  • The admin can print the barcode of the product by clicking on the Print Barcode button in the “Action” column. After clicking the Print Barcode button of the POS product a pop-up window appears. The admin can provide the number of copies required for the POS product’s barcode.
print barcode popup
  • The admin can print the barcode of the selected product from the Product List by clicking on the Mass Print Barcode button. After clicking the Mass Print Barcode button of the POS product a pop-up window appears. The admin can provide the number of copies required for the selected POS product’s barcode.
mass print barcode popup

Admin – POS Orders

The admin can view all the POS orders and edit them according to the requirement. Admin can view POS orders by navigating through Marketplace POS tab > POS Orders
POS Orders

  • Admin can search the POS orders by using filters based on Order ID, Order Status, Data added, Transaction ID, Customer, Total, Date Modified, and User.
  • The admin can see the details of the POS order from the informative columns of POS Order List like order ID, Order Status, Date Added, Transaction ID, Customer, Total, Date Modified, and User.
  • Transaction ID with Online Order status is generated when the POS system is connected to the internet (Online Mode) and Transaction ID with a unique number is generated when the POS system was not connected to the internet (Offline Mode). 
  • The admin can View and Edit the order via View POS Order and Edit POS Order button.

Admin – POS Report

Here the Admin can see all of the reports in this section including the product report, sales report, sales chart on daily basis or monthly basis as required by the admin. 


And by clicking on the Product report admin will be able to see all the product details about the quantities they have and how much they sold along with the supplier details. 

And by clicking on the Sales report admin will be able to see all the details about the product sales, order, order status, total earning from that products as shown in the below images.


By clicking on the sales chart, the admin will be able to see all the stats details of the products in the chart. And they can also see the stats of the products most sold, sellers sold most, and most used payment methods. 


Discount Basis of the customer group 

Go to the catalog ->product. Click on a new product or edit any product, for a discount goes to the discount option.


Here you can enter the quantity and date of the discount for the customer group.

In the front-end, when a customer selects any product then an option will open here the discount applied depend upon the product weight.


Admin Supply Management – POS Suppliers

The admin can manage the supply of POS products by creating then managing POS product suppliers. Admin can manage the POS product demand raised by the POS admin user. The admin can approve the supply-demand or disapprove of the supply-demand.

POS Suppliers

The admin can add suppliers from the Marketplace POS tab on the admin panel. The admin can add suppliers by navigating through Marketplace POS Tab > Supply Management > POS Suppliers > Add Supplier
POS supplier add button
After clicking on the Add Suppliers button the admin will be redirected to the add supplier page.
POS supplier add page

  • Supplier First Name: Provide the first name of the supplier.
  • Supplier Last Name: Provide the last name of the supplier.
  • The Supplier Email: Email Id of the supplier.
  • Supplier Telephone: Provide the supplier’s phone number.
  • Supplier Company: Provide the company name of the supplier.
  • The Supplier Website: Provide the URL of the supplier’s company.
  • Supplier Extra Info: The admin can provide an extra description of the supplier.
  • In Supplier Outlet: Choose the outlet for which the supplier will do the supply.
  • Supplier Address: Provide the supplier’s address.
  • Supplier Post Code: Postcode of the supplier’s address location.
  • In Supplier Country: Choose the supplier’s country.
  • Supplier Zone: Choose the supplier’s zone.
  • Supplier Status: The admin can enable or disable the supplier.

Lastly, the admin can Save the supplier via the Save Supplier button.

Manage Supplier Products:

The admin can add/remove POS products for supply from the respective supplier. Admin can restrict the minimum and the maximum quantity of the product supply from the supplier(Product Wise).

Supplier product manage
  1. The admin can search POS products by using the filter based on product name, Model, Price, and Status.
  2. Admin can enable or disable products for supply from the respective supplier via drop-down options in the rows of the “Supply Status” column.
  3. The admin can restrict the quantity of supply of a product by providing the minimum quantity and maximum quantity of products that can be supplied by the supplier.

POS Supply Request

After the admin has set the low stock quantity for the POS products. The admin agent can see the low stock products separately by navigating through Marketplace POS tab > Supply Management > POS Supply Requests and from there only they can raise the supply request for the product.
Supply request

  • The admin can view the supply request via the View button in the “Action” column.
  • Approve button in the “Action” column to approve the supply request.
  • The admin can cancel the selected uncancelled supply request from the list of supply requests via the Cancel button.
Supply request pop up

Admin – POS Menu Setting for Seller

The admin can enable the POS menu tabs for the seller by navigating through Extension > Module(Extension Type) > MarketPlace > Catalog Module Configuration.

POS Menu Setting
  • Select the “MP POS” and “POS Product” from the “Allow Account Menu” option then save the configuration.
  • After saving the configuration, the seller can see the Use POS and Manage POS Product tab at their My Account panel.

Seller POS Management

The seller can have a POS outlet. The seller can add products to his/her POS and can use the POS system from his/her seller account. A seller can manage POS products by navigating to the Manage POS Product tab from the seller my account panel.

seller point of sale management
  • The seller can search for products by using the filter based on product name, Price, Status, POS Quantity, Model, and Quantity.
  • A Seller can enable products for his/her POS via the “POS Status” column.
  • The seller can Assign POS Quantity of the product via the “Assign POS Quantity” column.
  • A Seller can print the barcode of the product via the “Print Barcode” button present in the “Action” column. The seller can also decide the number of copies required by mentioning the number of copies in the pop-up.
number of barcode slips
  • A Seller can print barcodes of the products by “Mass Print Barcodes“. The selected products’ barcode can be printed in the required number of copies.
enter the number of barcodes to generate

POS System (Frontend) –  POS Seller

The seller can go to the seller POS panel by clicking on the “Use POS” tab present at the seller’s my account panel.

After the successful Login, the POS user (sales agent) will be redirected to the POS System (fronted) where he/she can view all the categories, products, then checkout panel.   Also, the POS user can manage his account information then can view the orders list (a list of orders which is generated by the sales agents).


Popular Category will have all products that have a high selling rate or most purchased items/products.

The 3 symbols (Warning, Question mark, and Star) have the details about the particular products.

  1. Warning – The product is out of stock and you can’t add that product to the cart.
  2. Question Mark – The product with custom options.
  3. Star – The product has offers/discounts.

Added Option to calculate price basis of product weight in POS 

This represents the weight of the product which could be entered in the popup which appears on clicking the product.


The customer must add the weight of the product chosen in the pop up as shown in the above image.

Likewise, on tapping the Add to Cart button, the product will be added to the cart along with the updated price as per the weight of the product.

For instance, the weight of the product is 500gms then it bears a price of $100. The customer can choose to add 1000gms of that product and on adding it to the cart its price gets updated to $200.

POS Seller Orders

Solution-In the Orders Panel, the user can see all the orders which have been sold by him/her.

Also, the Sales Agent (POS user) can view the order details then can print the receipt of that particular order by clicking on the Print tab.


POS Seller Setting

In the user Setting Panel, the user can view or change his/her account information the user also can change the password.


Also, He/she can change the language and currency for the POS system.


POS Seller Report

Here sellers can see and filter their daily and monthly stats report on the basis of products, total sale, payment mode used as shown in the below images. 




Easy Product Search- POS Seller

From the product search feature, the user can easily search any products by entering the keyword of a particular product. The user also can add to cart the product from the search result.


Checkout Panel (Shopping Cart)- POS Seller

The user can add products to the cart then can select the customer for a particular order.


Adding Custom Product to the POS Cart

Adding custom products to the cart is as easy as adding a normal product to the POS cart. A custom product can be something like a warranty for a product, a service, or a product that is not in the physical store but that’s launched. Now, after you have added products to the cart then if you want to add custom product just tap on the “Add” button as shown below in the snapshot.


After clicking the “Add” button above, you will see a pop-up wherein you have to set the –

  • A product name
  • The product cost
  • The product quantity
Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS)

After entering the info. for the custom product, just click the “Add” button on the pop-up to add the product to the cart. After the custom product gets added to the POS cart you can see the product, remove the product, increase or decrease the product quantity in the POS cart.


Custom price update for any product which is already added to cart

If you want to change the price for a product that is already added to the cart, you just need to tap on the product’s price when it’s in the POS cart.

Tapping the price, a pop-up will appear wherein you can change the price/ set the custom price of the selected product. webkul-opencart-pos-set-new-price


Then taping on the “Apply” button in the above snapshot you can see the price of the product in the cart will get changed. webkul-opencart-pos-new-price-

when the POS user needs to click on the Select Customer tab. Here he/she can select the customer. If the customer is already registered then the POS user can search the customer through the customer’s name or mobile or telephone number.


If the customer is not registered yet then the POS user can add/register the new customer then can proceed to Checkout. After clicking on the Add Customer, a pop-up will be opened for Customer Details. The POS user needs to fill all the required details to save/register the customer.

Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS)

The seller’s sales agent can give the discount on the Total Amount of the Cart by using the discount tab. The sales agent can give the discount offers as a Fixed Amount or Percent (%) Value of the Total or can apply both the discount methods together on the Total.


After we click Apply, the discount is reflected in the sub-total detail.


Payment method

When the POS user (Sales Agent) will click on the Proceed to Checkout tab then a checkout panel will be opened where the POS user can select the payment method then can accept the payment for the particular order or the user can also hold the order then can complete later.


The POS user can add a note about the transaction. After accepting the payment, a pop-up screen will appear on the Invoice. The sales agent can Print Invoice or can Skip this step to complete the checkout process.

print invoice option

Now, the cart will be empty for the other orders.

Additional Payment Gateway

Apart from the cash payment, you can also make use of the card payment by making use of an external card swiping machine. Clicking the Proceed to Checkout tab brings a checkout panel where the POS user can select the payment method as card payment then can accept the payment for the particular order.

If the agent selects Card payment then, he has to enter the name of the card being swiped(as a record) for the payment then tap the “Accept Payment“. After this, the agent will have to confirm a pop-up on the window as shown below.

After this, the agent can take out the printout or skip this step to proceed further.
Heading name goes here
Now, you can check the order by going to the “Orders” section of the POS system then you can check the mode of payment with the selected card for making the payment.

Now, the cart will be empty for the other orders.

Offline Mode – POS Seller

The POS System for Opencart provides the most valuable and unique feature so that your sales agent, cashier, etc. can work on the POS system in offline mode also. They can use all the functions then features of the POS in offline mode. They can complete all the transactions without the use of the internet. This feature will also benefit you when you are having your store in a poor internet connectivity area or no internet area.


They can view all the transactions or orders that they have made in offline mode in the Orders > Offline. As you can see in the below image.


When you or cashier or sales agents have the internet connection or in online mode then you or they can sync all the offline orders to the online Opencart Store.

Order on Hold/ Multiple Cart System – POS Seller

The Sales Agent can hold the transactions at any time. He/She can easily proceed to next the transactions/orders without deleting the uncompleted order/hold order.

When the sales agent will hold the order then he/she can add a Note to mention the reason for holding the order.

Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS)

The Sales Agent can view all the hold orders under the  Orders > Hold Order.


When the sales agent will click on any hold order then the hold order will be redirected to the cart then the sales agent can view the order details then can Proceed to Checkout.

POS System (Frontend) –  POS Admin User Management

The admin user can easily log in to the POS System (frontend) by using the Username then Password which is created by Admin.

For the application, you can click on the (+) button then the Install popup will show in the storefront.


After the successful Login, the POS user (sales agent) will be redirected to the POS System (fronted) where he/she can view all the categories, products, then check out panels.  Also, the POS user can manage his account information then can view the orders list (a list of orders which is generated by the sales agents).


The Popular category will have all products that have a high selling rate or most purchased items/products.

The 3 symbols (Warning, Question mark, and Star) have the details about the particular products.

  1. Warning – The product is out of stock and you can’t add that product to the cart.
  2. Question Mark – The product with custom options.
  3. Star – The product has offers/discounts.

POS Orders -Admin

Solution-In the Orders panel, the user can see all the orders which have been sold by him/her.


Also, the Sales Agent (POS user) can view the order details then can print the receipt of that particular order by clicking on the Print tab.


POS Setting – Admin

In the user Setting Panel, the user can view or change the account information then you also can change the password.


Also, He/she can change the language then currency for the POS system.


Easy Product Search -Admin

From the product search feature, the user can easily search for any product by entering the keyword of a particular product. The user also can add to the cart the product from the search result.


Checkout Panel(Shopping Cart) – Admin

The user can add products to the cart then can select the customer for a particular order.


Adding Custom Product to the POS Cart

Adding custom products to the cart is as easy as adding a normal product to the POS cart. A custom product can be something like a warranty for a product, a service, or a product that is not in the physical store but that’s launched. Now, after you have added products to the cart then if you want to add a custom products just tap on the “Add” button as shown below in the snapshot.

After clicking the “Add” button above, you will see a pop-up wherein you have to set the –

  • Product Name
  • The product cost
  • Product Quantity


After entering the information for the custom product, just click the “Add” button on the pop-up to add the product to the cart. After the custom product gets added to the POS cart you can see the product, remove the product, increase or decrease the product quantity in the POS cart.


Custom price update for any product which is already added to cart

If you want to change the price for a product that is already added to the cart, you just need to tap on the product’s price when it’s in the POS cart.


Then tapping the price, a pop-up will appear wherein you can change the price/ set the custom price of the selected product.


After taping the “Apply” button in the above snapshot you can see the price of the product in the cart will get changed.


After that, when the POS user needs to click on the Select Customer tab. Here he/she can select the customer. If the customer is already registered then the POS user can search the customer through the customer’s name or mobile or telephone number.


If the customer is not registered yet then the POS user can add/register the new customer then can proceed to Checkout. After clicking on the Add Customer, a pop-up will be opened for Customer Details. The POS user needs to fill all the required details to save/register the customer.


The sales agent can give a discount on the Total Amount of the Cart by using the discount tab. The sales agent can give the discount offers as a Fixed amount or Percent (%) value of the Total or can apply both the discount methods together on the Total.


After we click Apply, the discount is reflected in the sub-total detail.


When the POS user (Sales Agent) will click on the Proceed to Checkout tab then a checkout panel will be opened where the POS user can select the payment method then can accept the payment for the particular order or the user can also hold the order then can complete later.


The POS user can add a note about the transaction. After accepting the payment, a pop-up screen will appear on the Invoice. The sales agent can Print Invoice or can Skip this step to complete the checkout process.

Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS)

Now, the cart will be empty for the other orders.

Additional Payment Gateway

Apart from the cash payment, you can also make use of the card payment by making use of an external card swiping machine. Clicking the Proceed to Checkout tab brings a checkout panel where the POS user can select the payment method as card payment then can accept the payment for the particular order.


If the agent selects card payment then, he has to enter the name of the card being swiped(as a record) for the payment then tap the “Accept Payment“. After this, the agent will have to confirm a pop-up on the window as shown below.

After this, the agent can take out the printout or skip this step to proceed further.
Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS)
Now, you can check the order by going to the “Orders” section of the POS system then here you can check the mode of payment with the selected card for making the payment.


Now, the cart will be empty for the other orders.

Offline Mode – Admin POS

The POS System for Opencart provides the most valuable and unique feature so that your sales agent, cashier, etc. can work on the POS system in offline mode also. They can use all the functions then features of the POS in offline mode. They can complete all the transactions without the use of the internet. This feature will also benefit you when you are having your store in a poor internet connectivity area or no internet area.


They can view all the transactions or orders that they have made in offline mode in the Orders > Offline. As you can see in the below image.


When you or cashier or sales agents have the internet connection in online mode then you can sync all the offline orders to the online Opencart Store.

Order on Hold/ Multiple Cart System – Admin

The Sales Agent can hold the transactions at any time. He/She can easily proceed to next the transactions/orders without deleting the uncompleted order/hold order.

When the sales agent will hold the order then he/she can add a Note to mention the reason for holding the order.


The Sales Agent can view all the hold orders under the  Orders > Hold Order.


When the sales agent will click on any hold order then the hold order will be redirected to the cart then the sales agent can view the order details then can Proceed to Checkout.

Other – Admin POS

In the Other section of the POS,  the sales agent will find three options – Low Stock Products, Request, then Request History. In Low Stock Products Section, the sales agent can view all the products which have low quantity in the stock. The low stock quantity that you can set from the admin backend panel.


In the Request Section, the sales agent can create a request to the supplier to fulfill the stock. The sales agent can generate a request with product quantity that he/she needs to fulfill the stock with the product details.

The sales agent also can choose the supplier to fulfill the request. He/She can create multiple requests at a time.


In the Request History section, the sales agent can all the requests that he/she has created against the supplier to fulfill the stock.


He/She can also check the requested date, request details then the status of the request.

Sync orders

Once the connectivity improves sales merchant can sync all the offline orders to the online orders to update the inventory and sales report.


Reports – Admin POS

Here the Admin can see all of the reports in this section including the product report, sales report, sales chart on daily basis or monthly basis as required by the admin. 





The sales agent can easily transform POS into a PWA. This will allow POS to be accessible then faster.


The sales agent can easily click on the “Plus Sign”, in order to add the POS to the homepage of the device.

Need Help?

This was all about Opencart Marketplace Point of Sale System (POS).For any query or doubt, please add a ticket at

Current Product Version -

Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x

. . .

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