Opencart Latest Tweet module display your latest tweet on Opencart. This module helps in Displaying and Managing Latest Tweets from Twitter. You can display any twitter-user tweets on your Opencart site by simply adding the twitter user-name.
Watch the video to understand the extension workflow:-
- Customer can see latest tweet on front end.
- Admin can manage status of the module.
- Compatible with all the latest web browser’s Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer-7,8 etc.
- Admin can select Module title, Twitter username, Top bar color.
- Very easy to use.
Installation of the Opencart Latest Tweet module is very simple. You just need to move Admin and Catalog folder into Opencart root.
You can also install this module by uploading the zip and xml file through Extension Installer.
After uploading the file go to the Extensions > Modification and click on refresh field.
After that under Extension > Module, install the Opencart Latest Tweet module like this way.
After click on edit option below page will be open. Admin can Enable or Disable the status of this module.
You can find Keys details and Access Token after creating a Twitter Application.
After entering all details, your Twitter application will be create and you can receive your Consumer key, Consumer secret key, Access token, Access Secret Token.
Front End
After entering all details you will get a beautiful page with latest tweets at front end.
For any query or doubt Please add a ticket at
Current Product Version -
Supported Framework Version - 2.0.x.x, 2.1.x.x, 2.2.x.x, 2.3.x.x
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