Opencart Grid Order Edit: In default Opencart, if the admin wishes to edit any order then it is a stepwise procedure. This means the admin cannot edit a particular section directly by navigating to that section. The admin first has to visit the sections defined prior to that section. This infuses a lot of time.
But using the Opencart Grid Order Edit module, the admin can edit the order from a single page. The quick order edit page display all the sections of order like customer details, products, payment details, shipping details, and order total within a single page.
This allows the admin to edit any section of the order without navigating to the steps which are prior to a particular section.
Check the workflow of the plugin here –
- The admin can enable or disable the module as per the requirement.
- The Quick Order Edit page displays all the sections of the order within a single page.
- Each section can be saved individually instead of saving the complete whole order.
- The admin can randomly edit any section of the order without following the step-wise procedure.
- The admin can easily edit a particular section of any order.
- Can easily edit any existing order from the orders page.
- Can quickly edit orders from the order view page.
Upload Files
Installation of the module is easy. Under the module zip, there are 3 folders image, catalog, and admin, you just need to upload these folders to the root directory of the website.
Upload ZIP
Now log in to admin backend and navigate through Extensions -> Extension Installer. Click the Upload button and browse the Zip file, this file is in the ocmod folder. Please select the correct ocmod folder. According to your Opencart version installed in your system.
Refresh Modifications
After uploading the Zip file, please navigate through Extensions > Modifications. Now, click the Refresh button as visible in below screenshot.
Edit User Groups
After that, in Admin panel go to System -> Users -> Usergroup and edit ‘Administrator’ and select all for both Access and Modify Permission then save it.
After that under Extension > Modules install the module as shown below.
Module Translation
Opencart Quick Order Edit module supports multiple languages. So, this section will describe how to make the module work in different languages. Please check this link for language translation
Module Configuration
After the module installation, the admin can easily configure the module settings. For this, the admin will navigate to Extensions -> Modules as per the below image.
Here, select the module and then click on the Edit icon. This will navigate the admin to the module configuration page as per the below image.
Here, the admin will:
- Status: enable the module by selecting “Enable”. Else select “Disable” to disable the module.
And, lastly will hit the Save Config button to save the module configuration successfully.
Quick Edit The Orders
After enabling the module, the admin can easily quick edit the orders. For this, the admin will navigate to Sales -> Orders as shown below.
Here, the admin clicks the Click Order Edit option for the order which the admin wants to edit. This will navigate the admin to the Quick Order Edit page as shown below.
The Quick Order Edit page displays all the sections of the order within a single page. This will allow the admin to edit any section of the order without following the step-wise procedure.
After editing the order, each section can be saved individually instead of saving the complete whole order.
Order View Page
The admin can also quickly edit the order from the order view page.
Clicking the View link will navigate the admin to the Order View page as shown below.
Here, the admin will click the Quick Order Edit button. This will navigate the admin to the Quick Order Edit page as shown below.
The Quick Order Edit page displays all the sections of the order within a single page. This will allow the admin to edit any section of the order without following the step-wise procedure.
That’s all for the Opencart Quick Order Edit module. Still, have any issue please feel free to add a ticket at
Current Product Version -
Supported Framework Version - 3.x.x.x
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