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Opencart Bulk Order Processing

Updated 10 October 2023

Opencart Bulk Order Processing allows users to process the orders in bulk in terms of changing the order status, adding tracking number for multiple orders and creating invoices for several orders at a time.

Through the Bulk Order Processing, a user can save a huge amount of time as users will not have to spend hours to process each order separately.

Imagine creating invoices or adding tracking number for one order at a time when there are thousands of products in the order list.

This scenario seems next to impossible and a huge amount of time will be wasted in the same process.

Therefore, this extension will simplify processing the orders in bulk and save users time.

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  • An extremely fast process to process the orders in bulk.
  • The admin can change the order status of multiple orders at a time.
  • The admin adds tracking numbers for bulk orders.
  • For multiple orders, the admin can create the invoices in bulk.
  • A mail is sent to  customers when the invoice is generated through bulk order processing.
  • The admin can change the order status of an order directly in the order list page.
  • Admin adds the order tracking number directly in the order list page.
  • Easy to use and user-friendly especially for those who want to make bulk orders in a Store.


Upload Files

First, extract the downloaded zip file. After that, open the correct Opencart Version Folder. According to Opencart Version installed in your system. Then, upload admin to the Opencart root directory.opencart bulk order processing

Upload ZIP

Now log in to admin backend and navigate through Extensions -> Extension Installer. Click the Upload button and browse the Zip file, this file is in the ocmod folder. Please select the correct ocmod folder. According to your Opencart version installed in your system.webkul-opencart-bulk-order-processing-upload-zip-1200x826-png-1200×826-

Click Continue after uploading the Zip file.

Refresh Modifications

After uploading the Zip file, please navigate through Extensions > Modifications. Now click the Refresh button as visible in below screenshot.opencart bulk order processing

Edit User Groups

After that, go to System > Users > Usergroups. And then edit ‘Administrator’. Click Select All for both Access Permission and Modify Permission and Save it.opencart bulk order processing


Now navigate to Extensions > Modules. Find Bulk Order Processing from the list. Click the Install button as visible in the screenshot below.

opencart bulk order processing

Admin-End Configurations

After the successful installation of the Opencart Bulk Order Processing module, the admin can view the Bulk Order Processing tab after navigating through the Extension > Extensions > Modules as shown in the image. webkul-opencart-bulk-order-processing-module-extensions-1-1200x552-png-1200×552-

The admin can manage the bulk orders under Extension > Extensions > Modules > Bulk Order Processing. 

The admin can click on the edit button for the Bulk Order Processing.

Thereafter, the admin can edit the status of the Bulk Order Processing by either choosing ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ against the Status option as shown in the image.webkul-opencart-bulk-processing-module-status-enabled-1200x447-png-1200×447-

Change Order Status

Once the admin configures the Bulk Order Processing module, under the Bulk Order Processing tab, the order list opens up.

Under the order list, the order id, customer, status, total, date added, date modified, the tracking number is present.


The admin can change the order status of the orders, by ticking on the checkboxes for the orders for which the admin wishes to change the order status.

This is achieved by clicking on the “Change Order Status” tab, after the ticking the checkboxes for the orders.

A pop-up opens up and the admin can change the status of the orders selected as shown in the image below.

The admin can notify the customers about the status of the orders as well as add a comment for the same. The admin can notify the customers through the mail.

When the admin clicks on a checkbox in order to notify the customers about the status of the orders, a mail will be sent to the customers.

The admin can change the status of the order directly in the Order List page.

Against the order id and customer, under the ‘Status’ tab, the admin can change the order status of an order. A success message will display on top of the Order List page as soon the admin alters it.

Add Order Tracking

The admin can add the tracking number of multiple orders at the same time.

The admin can tick the checkboxes for the orders and click on the “Add Order Tracking” tab to add a tracking number.

A pop-up appears where the tracking number can be added for the selected orders.

In the image below, a pop-up opens displaying the order id’s and their tracking numbers which the admin can add.

The admin can add the tracking number of an order directly in the Order List page.

Against the order id, under the ‘Tracking No.’ tab, the admin can add the tracking number of an order. A success message will display on top of the Order List page as soon the admin add the tracking number.



The admin can create invoices for multiple orders at the same time.

The admin can tick the checkboxes for the orders and click on a green tab, which is the “Invoice” tab, in order to create invoices for multiple orders.

webkul-opencart-bulk-order-processing-module-invoice-1-1200x486-png-1200×486-When the invoices are generated a success message would appear on top of the Order List page.

If the invoices are already generated for any order which the admin has selected, a message “Warning: The invoice has already been generated for order_id 288!” will display as in the image below.

A mail is sent to the customer to notify about the invoice which we generated.


Front- End

After the successful login, the user will be redirected to the product page (frontend).

On the frontend, the user can place the order for any product and add it to the cart.


A user can add the product to cart and proceed to checkout by fill in the billing details, delivery, details, delivery method, select a payment method.

The user can, then, confirm the order.

The user can check the Order History under My Account > Order History. Here, the user can view the list of orders which are placed.

opencart bulk order processing

That’s all for Opencart Bulk Order Processing. If you still have any issues, feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views on our Webkul Support System.

Current Product Version -

Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x

. . .

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