The Opencart Advanced Product Discount allows the admin to provide a custom discount based on the product, category, customer group, and date range.
The discount can be in percentage or in fixed value. As there are multiple discounts are available, the admin can set the priority for the discount type.
Watch the below video tutorial for the above user guide:
- The admin can enable or disable the advanced product discount.
- The admin can set a custom title for the discount.
- A minimum amount can be entered to avail discount.
- Select types applicable to the store – product, category, customer group, datewise.
- Set the priority/sequence for the discount types.
- The admin can manage the category discount priority as a parent to child or child to parent.
- Discount, based on a percentage or fixed value.
- Create multiple discounts and then view the list.
- The admin can also edit the existing discounts.
The installation of the Opencart Advanced Product Discount is very simple. The admin just needs to move or upload the admin, and catalog folders into the Opencart root folder.

Note – You can also install the OpenCart Advanced Product Discount module by uploading the ZIP or XML file from the ocmod folder. Please upload the ZIP file for version 3.X and upload the XML file for version 2.X.
After transferring the folders, use the extension installer for uploading the wk_advance_discount.ocmod.xml file which you will find in the ocmod folder.

Now go to the Extensions>Modification then click on the refresh field as shown in the image below –

Now in the Admin panel go to System>Users>Usergroup and edit ‘Administrator’ and select all for both Access and Modify Permission then save it.

After that under Extensions>Module, you can install or edit the module.

Module Configuration
The admin can configure the module from the admin panel easily and it can be done by navigating to Extensions> Extensions> Modules> Opencart Advanced Product Discount

Please Note –
The customer can get a discount during checkout however, for this it is mandatory for the admin to enable Opencart Advanced Product Discount.
Firstly, go to the Extensions > Extensions > Order Totals > Opencart Advanced Product Discount.
Further, click on the edit Opencart Advanced Product Discount as shown below.
Here, enable the status and enter a Sort Order and click Save.
Here, the admin can –
- Enter the Discount Title according to their needs.
- Enable or Disable the module.
- Enter the Minimum Sum that will be required for the minimum purchase for the working of this module.
- The admin can select the Discount Types in order of the priority for which the admin wants to enable Advance Product Discount i.e. Product, Category, Customer Group, and Datewise.
- The admin can select the Discount Types Sequences and then it can be managed by dragging upward and downward.
- Category Preference Type can be selected as Parent To Child, or Child To Parent.
NOTE: If the discount is not applicable for the customers according to the first discount sequence type, then the customer will get the discount based on the second discount sequence and it will work in the same way for other discount sequences.
Manage Advanced Discount
Using the OpenCart Advanced Product Discount the admin can manage the advanced discount based on Product Discount, Category Discount, Customer Group Discount, and Datewise Discount.
Manage Product Discount –
The admin can create a discount on the products here, filter the product on the basis of product name, discount type, discount status, price, and discount value.
Moreover, the admin can delete the created discount individually or in bulk by selecting and then clicking on the delete button.
Already created discounts can also be seen here. Furthermore, the admin can see the image of the product, along with the product name, discount type, discount value, price of the product, discount status, and action to edit the discount.
Now, by clicking on the plus sign, the admin can create a new discount on the products as shown in the image below –

Here, the admin can select single or multiple products to apply the discount. Furthermore, the admin can select the discount type for the products as a Fixed Discount or Percentage Discount.
Now, the admin can enter the values for the discount that will be applicable to the selected products. Moreover, the admin can enable or disable the discount accordingly as shown in the image below –

Now the admin can save the created discount. A new message will be displayed to the admin showing “Discount has been set for specified products“.
The admin can also edit the existing discount by clicking on the edit button under the action –

Here, the admin can edit the discount type, discount value, and discount status.

Manage Category Discount –
To manage the category discount, the admin can navigate to Category Discount under the Advanced Discount.
Here, the admin can filter the discount by applying the filter on the basis of the category name, discount type, discount status, and discount value.
Moreover, the admin can also delete the created discount individually or by selecting multiple discounts at a time.
further, to create a new category discount the admin can click on the plus button to add a new discount on the category as shown in the image below –

Now, the admin can fill in the required details to create a category discount.

Here, the admin can –
- Select Categories.
- Discount Type as a Percentage or Discount.
- Enter the value of the Discount.
- Enable or Disable the discount.
and now the admin can save the category discount. The admin can also edit the existing category discount by clicking on the edit button under the action.
Customer Group Discount –
To manage the customer group discount the admin can navigate to Customer Group Discount under the Advanced Discount.
Here, the admin can create a discount based on the customer group. The admin can filter the customer group discount on the basis of the customer group name, discount type, discount status, and discount value.
Furthermore, the admin can delete individual or multiple discounts at once.
To create a discount based on customer group the admin can click on the plus button and then add a new Customer-Based Discount as shown in the image below –

Here, the admin can fill in the required details to create a discount based on the customer group.

Here, the admin can –
- Select the Customer Group for which the admin wants to create a discount.
- Select the type of Discount Type i.e. Fixed Discount, or a Percentage Discount.
- Enter the Discount Value.
- Enable or Disable the discount for the selected customer group.
Moreover, the admin can also edit the existing customer group discount by clicking on the edit button under the action.
Datewise Discount –
The admin can create the datewise discount by navigating to the Datewise Discount under the Advanced Discount.
The admin can filter the datewise discount by selecting the date, discount type, discount status, and discount value. Moreover, the admin can add a new discount on the basis of the date.
The admin can also delete an already created discount, even the admin can delete the multiple discounts at once.
To create a datewise discount the admin can click on the plus sign as shown in the image below –

Further, the admin can select the date and enter the required details to create the datewise discount.

Here, the admin can –
- Select the date between the admin wants to create a discount for the products.
- Select the Discount Type as Fixed or Percentage.
- Enter the value of the Discount.
- Enable or Disable the discount.
Moreover, the admin can also edit the created discount by clicking on the edit button under the action of the selected discount.
Front-End View
From the front-end, now when a customer will select the product and add the product to the cart, then the discount will be applied automatically according to the discount configured by the admin.
Product Base Discount –
Now, when a customer will select the product and then add that product to the cart the discount will be applied to the product automatically.

Now, the customer can see the applied discount on the product as shown in the image below –

Category Base Discount –
Category based discount will be applicable when a customer will select the product from a category that has a discount applied by the admin.

Now, after adding the product to the cart, the category discount will be applied automatically as shown in the image below.

Customer Group Base Discount –
This discount will be applicable based on the customer group.
When a customer from a customer group, for which the admin has applied the discount will add the product to the cart, enabled discount for that customer group will be applied automatically as shown in the image below –

Datewise Discount –
A datewise discount will be enabled when the admin has created a discount according to the date. The admin can create a datewise discount from a starting date to the end date.
Now when a customer will visit the website between the date for when the discount is created, the customer will get the discount on the products as shown in the image below –

That’s all for the OpenCart Advanced Product Discount. However, if you still, have any issue feel free to add a ticket here – Also, let us know your views to make the module better. ツ
Current Product Version -
Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x
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