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User Guide for Odoo Website Product Multi Images

Updated 1 December 2023


Captivate Customers with Interactive Views Using Odoo Website Product Multi Images!

While shopping, customers often inspect the entire product from front to back and top to bottom. The process helps them form a better understanding of the products.

But how can a customer view the different angles of the product on the Odoo website?

Odoo Website Product Multi Images allows you to add multiple images to the products available on your Odoo eCommerce.

Moreover, website owners can add numerous images to a product, as it looks more attractive and interactive to the customers.

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Further, website multi-image helps gain customers’ attention and influence them to make purchases.

Your website customers can easily view the added images. In addition, they can simply go back and forth and use the slider to view every image.


1. Odoo Website Product Multi Images allows you to add multiple images to a product available on your website.

2. Further, the module allows you to make the product page more interactive and appealing.

3. Every product image is displayed in a slider, and the user can select an image to view them.

4. The multi-image slider is fully responsive, and customers can also view the multi-image from their mobile.

5. The admin can add multiple images in the Odoo product variants or attributes.

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1. Once you purchase the App from the Webkul store, you will receive the link to download the zip file of the module.

2. Extract the file on your system after the download finishes. You will be able to see a folder named- ‘website_multi_image.’

3. Copy and paste this folder inside your Odoo Add-Ons path.

4. Now, open the Odoo App and click on the Settings menu. Here, click on Activate the Developer Mode.

5. Then, open the Apps menu and click on ‘Update Modules List.’

6. In the search bar, remove all the filters and search ‘website_multi_image.’

7. You will be able to see the module in the search results. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.



1. Under the Sales Module, select ‘Products’ under the ‘Products’ tab. Select any product.

Navigating to Products page on Sales module in Odoo Website Product Multi Images

2. Navigate to the ‘Sales’ Tab of the Product and click on ‘ADD A MEDIA’

Searching for Add a Media button in Sales Tab of Product

3. Click on the pencil icon and select the photos you want to upload. Also, an option is present to add a YouTube video URL.
This replaces the image with the video thumbnail.

Create Extra Product Media in Odoo Website Product Multi Images

4. Sizes of all images are visible under their pictures. After adding multiple pictures, it looks like the screen below.

Display of all uploaded files with their Size


1. Select Product under the Shop Tab of the Website.

Shopping for Products as a User in Odoo Website Product Multi Images

2. On the product page, all the added images are in a row.
You can view each of them by scrolling the mouse wheel or by clicking the next or previous arrow present next to images.

Viewing Extra Media Images in a Row as a user

3. Also, the module supports the responsive mobile view.

Mobile View for Odoo Website Product Multi Images


Hope you find the guide helpful! Please feel free to share your feedback in the comments below.

If you still have any issues/queries regarding the same, please raise a ticket at the UV Desk.

For any doubt, contact us at our support mail.

Thanks for paying attention!!

Current Product Version - 1.0

Supported Framework Version - Odoo 16,15,14

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