Fed up with missing the quotations created? Too much crowd at your store? Now, POS users can save the order as a quotation and can load the quotation whenever required. Odoo POS Save Quotations provides a special feature such that the seller can create quotations for any order in running POS sessions as well as from the backend. Also, it allows the seller to reload any quotation from the list of saved quotations at any time.
- With Odoo POS Save Quotations, the POS users can create a quotation for any order in running POS Session.
- The POS User can also create quotations from the backend.
- POS Users can load quotations at any time in POS Session from the list of saved quotations
- The POS User can download the quotation receipt while saving the quotation.
- A POS User can print a quotation receipt while saving the quotation.
- POS User can send quotation report to the customer on save quotation via email.
- POS Seller can also send quotation reports to customers from the backend via mail.
- Once you have purchased the module from our Webkul store, you will receive a link to download the zip file of the module.
- Extract the file from your system after the download finishes. You will be able to see a folder named- ‘pos_quotation’.
- Copy and paste this folder inside your Odoo Add-Ons path.
- Now, open the Odoo and click on the Settings menu. Here, click on Activate the Developer Mode. You can activate the developer mode by typing ‘debug’ after ‘web?’ in the URL as well.
- Now, open the Apps menu and click on ‘Update Modules List’.
- In the search bar, remove all the filters and search ‘pos_quotation‘.
- You will be able to see the module in the search result. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.
- Login to your Odoo database and click on the ellipsis to visit the POS app from the backend.

- Visit the POS Session as shown. Here you can save or load existing quotations in running POS Session.
- On adding products to the cart user can save the quotation for the future and load it accordingly.
- Save and Print Quotation– When Seller click on “Save Quotation” a unique Quote Id is generated with an internal note.
- On clicking the ‘Print’ button, a quotation will be saved at the backend and a quotation receipt will be generated automatically.
- Load Quotation – When a user clicks on Load Quotation on the POS screen, a window will appear consisting of all the Quotes generated, a user can select and search for the quotation that he wishes to load.
- Click on the ‘Load’ button to load the quotation in POS.

- Finally, the quotation is loaded in POS.
- After loading Quotation in POS, a user can proceed with the payment procedure and on the basis of that POS Order is created.
Backend View of saved quotations
- Follow the path Orders>> Quotations.

- The quotations that are created from POS Session will be saved in the backend. Also, a user can send the Quotation through the mail to customers.
- After that, follow the path Orders>>Orders as shown.

- The Order that is created after loading the quotation in POS will be saved in the backend with the related Quotation Id.
- Click on the ellipsis to open shop settings as shown.

- Here, the POS user can select the option to print the Quotation from POS Box(XML Report) or Browser-Based (Pdf Report).

- Related Quotation Id will be displayed on POS Receipt
- Odoo Marketplace Advertisement Manager
- Marketplace Advance Commission
- Odoo Marketplace Custom Product Tabs
- Odoo Marketplace Seller Slider
If you have any issues/queries regarding the module please raise a ticket at
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For any doubt contact us at [email protected].
Thanks for paying attention!!
Current Product Version - Odoo V15, V14
Supported Framework Version - 1.0.2
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