Now get the detailed information of your products on Point of Sale Screen! Our module Odoo POS Product Detail allows the seller to view the details of any product in POS by using the “click and hold the event” on any product’s image or any order line on the cart.
In this way, a seller can easily select the product which he wishes to add to the cart and he doesn’t need to switch to the Odoo backend every time. Hence it is time savvy and expedites the process of the sale.
It also gives the ability to the POS user to toggle the Action Pad display in the POS interface. This is helpful in the cases when the Action Pad utilizes most of the screen’s space and the cart is not fully visible. Isn’t it User friendly?
- A seller can view the details associated with any product in the POS interface.
- ‘Click and Hold’ event on any product’s image or any order lines on the screen is used to achieve the same.
- A seller can toggle the display of the Action Pad and the Num Pad by using the toggle button.
- It provides an efficient way to view product information at POS Screen.
- Once you have purchased the module from our Webkul store, you will receive a link to download the zip file of the module.
- Extract the file on your system after the download finishes. You will be able to see a folder named- ‘pos_product_detail’.
- Copy and paste this folder inside your Odoo Add-Ons path.
- Now, open the Odoo and click on the Settings menu. Here, click on Activate the Developer Mode. You can activate the developer mode by typing ‘debug’ after ‘web?’ in the URL as well.
- Now, open the Apps menu and click on ‘Update Modules List’.
- In the search bar, remove all the filters and search ‘pos_product_detail.
- You will be able to see the module in the search result. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.
- Go to – Point of Sale > Configuration >under Settings, mention the details on “POS Product Detail Tab ” and then “Apply” it. Only those details will appear on POS Screen which is added here.

2. Start the POS Session.

3. Click & Hold on any product to see product details.

4. Also, you can click & hold on the order line in order to see the product details.

5. Toggle the display of Action Pad to hide the NumPad.

6. This is how the cart screen looks after clicking on the toggle.

Was this guide helpful? Please share your feedback in the comments below.
If you have any issues/queries regarding the module please raise a ticket at
For any doubt contact us at [email protected].
Thanks for reading!!
Current Product Version - 1.0.0
Supported Framework Version - Odoo V14, V13, V12, V11, V10 & V9
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