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Odoo Marketplace Seller Blogs

Updated 28 August 2023

Note: The User Guide describes the workflow of Odoo Marketplace Seller Blogs only. To know how the base module: Odoo Multi-Vendor Marketplace works; kindly refer to the User Guide Of Odoo Multi-Vendor Marketplace.


Content is anything that adds value to your business!! As today’s world runs on content, creating blogs for your customers or readers enhances your Marketplace value. To make this happen, Odoo Marketplace Seller Blogs enables your Marketplace sellers to post blogs on your website. The module will give Marketplace seller the opportunity to create relevant content for the customers and become a source of information for their products.

Odoo Marketplace Seller Blogs allows Seller to create and edit their own blog posts. Since the blog posts are ranked easily in search engines, you can also use this as a marketing tactic to increase your website’s traffic. This means for days, weeks, months, and years to come, you will continue to get traffic and leads from your seller’s blog posts.


  1. The Odoo Marketplace Seller Blogs Module allows sellers as well as you to create blogs and post it on your Marketplace website.
  2. You have the authority to manage all the blogs from the backend that are posted on your website.
  3. A separate blog for the sellers of the marketplace is defined where sellers can post blogs.
  4. Sellers will have a separate page for their own blog in their profile.
  5. You can set the configuration setting for publishing/ unpublishing of blog posts by the sellers.
  6. The module allows you to give permission to each seller separately for publishing/unpublishing of blog posts.
  7. It gives the facility to add tags based on different categories.
  8. Customers can see the seller’s blog by visiting the seller’s profile page.
  9. Any user whether you or the customer can comment on the blog posts by the seller.
  10. You can approve/disapprove/delete action for the seller’s blog.


  1. Once you have purchased the module from our Webkul store, you will receive a link to download the zip file of the module.
  2. Extract the file on your system after the download finishes. You will be able to see a folder named- ‘marketplace_seller_blogs’.
  3. Copy and paste this folder inside your Odoo Add-Ons path.
  4. Now, open the Odoo and click on the Settings menu. Here, click on Activate the Developer Mode. You can activate the developer mode by typing ‘debug’ after ‘web?’ in the URL as well.
  5. Now, open the Apps menu and click on the ‘Update Modules List’.
  6. In the search bar, remove all the filters and search ‘marketplace_seller_blogs’.
  7. You will be able to see the module in the search result. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.


Configuration of the module

  1. Once the installation is completed, log in as admin and visit the Odoo Seller Dashboard backend. You will be able to see the Seller Blog’s status on the DashBoard itself.
  2. Follow the path Configuration>> Settings.
  1. Here, set the default settings for the blogs of sellers. If the blog approval field is enabled then all the seller blogs will be approved automatically.

Admin View

  1. You can even allow individual sellers to post blogs on your website. For that, follow the path Sellers>> Sellers and visit the seller’s profile.
  1. In order to override the default setting, tick the checkbox, and change the default setting for that particular seller. This way you can allow the particular seller to publish or unpublish the blog.
  1. You can enable/disable this to allow auto publish of the blog by a particular seller.

Creating Blogs for Sellers

As you can also create and publish blogs as per requirement and assign them to a particular seller, here are the steps below to create blogs for your sellers.

  1. Follow the path Blog>> Blog Post.
  1. Here, you will see the list of blogs your sellers have created. Click on the ‘Create‘ button to create a new blog.
  1. Enter the details related to blog such as blog title, subtitle, tags, content of the blog, and save the details.
  2. The blog is created in the draft state, click on the request to approve button to approve this blog.
  1. Once the blog is approved by you, click on publish button to publish the blog on the website.

Seller View

As we know, the seller has the right to publish blogs on the website, here are the steps below to create a blog from the seller’s profile.

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  1. Login as seller and visit the Odoo Seller Dashboard app backend. Here, the seller will be able to see it’s blog status on the dashboard itself.
  1. Follow the path Blog>> Blog Post. Now, the seller will be able to see the list of its blog posts along with the status of the blog. The seller can click on the ‘Create‘ button to create a new blog for their customers or readers.
  1. The seller can add details related to blog such as blog title, subtitle, tags, the content of the blog, and save the details.
  2. Now, the seller has to click on ‘Request to approve‘ to send the request to you for his blog approval.
  1. After submitting the approval request, the blog will go to the Pending State as shown below.

Now, you have the right to approve the seller’s blog request from the backend. Once you approve the seller’s blog from your backend, the seller has to follow the steps below.

  1. The Seller has to click on the publish blog icon to publish the blog on the website. If the seller is allowed to publish the blog from the admin’s end then the blog will be published directly on the website.

Adding the blog snippet on website’s frontend.

  1. You can easily drag and drop the Blogs on the website to show the recently published five blogs of the sellers of the marketplace on the website. You can even customize the blog view as per your wish.

Website View

  1. All the Marketplace Seller blogs that are published on the website will appear on the blog menu. Click on the Blog tab on the website’s frontend.
  1. The customer can easily go through the Seller Blogs as shown below.
  1. Also, customers can even view the seller’s blog through his profile page. A new seller blog page will be visible on the seller’s profile page, where all the blogs of the seller will be visible.
  1. Finally, customers will be able to view the blog conveniently.
  1. Therefore, your sellers will be able to provide informative blogs for the customers.



If you have any issues/queries regarding the module please raise a ticket at

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For any doubt contact us at [email protected].

Thanks for paying attention!!

Current Product Version - Odoo V13, V12, V11

Supported Framework Version - 1.0

. . .

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