Note: User Guide covers the Odoo Marketplace Q&A & FAQ workflow. For details on the base modules like Odoo Multi-Vendor Marketplace, Odoo Custom Product Tabs, and Odoo Website Product FAQ .
Refer to their respective User Guides – Odoo Multi-Vendor Marketplace, Odoo Custom Product Tabs, and Odoo Website Product FAQ.
Odoo Marketplace Q&A & FAQ builds strong customer relationships by solving queries instantly, adding value to your marketplace.
Module adds FAQ and Q&A features to your marketplace, helping customers resolve queries quickly and encouraging instant purchases, boosting sales and profits.
Answer the queries before they make one!!
The Q&A feature allows customers to find answers to product-related queries, while the FAQ provides common questions and answers on specific topics, enhancing the shopping experience.
This module allows customers to instantly access commonly asked questions, fostering direct interaction and maintaining strong harmony between you and your customers.
Odoo eLearning Marketplace helps you bring classes online so students can learn from home. With this module, you can invite teachers to put their courses online.
You can then approve or disapprove these courses. Students can choose the courses they want and pay for them.
- The Odoo Marketplace Q&A & FAQ Module allows your customers to ask the question for the seller’s and admin’s products.
- Customers can ask the question about the seller and his/her shop.
- The sellers can also respond to the questions asked by the customers.
- Customers can search for questions and also answer questions that are asked by other customers.
- Product-related queries can be posted in the form of FAQ on the product page.
- A seller can manage their product faqs easily from the backend.
- Customers can refer to those faqs before making the purchase and resolve their queries.
- Marketplace related queries are posted in the form of FAQ on the selling page.
- You can manage your marketplace faqs easily.
- You and the seller will get a mail when a question is put up from the frontend by the customer.
- A Mail is sent to the customer when his/her question is answered by you or the seller.
- A login required by the customer to place questions, answer questions, vote questions.
- The module is fully Ajax based with no page reload.
- Odoo Google reCAPTCHA verification is included in the module.
- Once you have purchased the module from our Webkul store, you will receive a link to download the zip file of the module.
- Extract the file on your system after the download finishes. You will be able to see a folder named- ‘marketplace_qna_and_faq’.
- Copy and paste this folder inside your Odoo Add-Ons path.
- Now, open the Odoo and click on the Settings menu. Here, click on Activate the Developer Mode. You can activate the developer mode by typing ‘debug’ after ‘web?’ in the URL as well.
- Now, open the Apps menu and click on the ‘Update Modules List’.
- In the search bar, remove all the filters and search ‘marketplace_qna_and_faq’.
- You will be able to see the module in the search result. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.
- Once the installation is completed, log in as admin and follow the path Seller Dashboard>> +>> Settings.
- Here, under Mail & Notifications tab, enable the Q&A settings and save the information.
Admin View
- Now, you can view all the questions and answers related to a seller product from Seller Dashboard>>Product Q&A. You have all the right to manage every question and answer to the marketplace.
- You can answer any of the questions submitted on the product of a seller.
- Once you create the product Q&A, you will be able to see the list as shown below.
- You can also handle the Q&A of a seller profile page Follow the path Q&A>>Seller Q&A>> Create. Enter the question and select the seller for whom you want to create a question.
- Queries submitted on the seller shop page can be edited and made to be published/unpublished on the website by you.
- Now, follow the path Q&A>> Shop Q&A>> Create. Create a shop Q&A as shown below and save it.
- The FAQ is an online document that poses a series of common questions and answers on a specific topic. Herewith this module, you can create FAQs for his marketplace which will display on the “sell” page.
- Follow the path +>> Marketplace FAQ’S>>Create and create a FAQ for your Marketplace.
- Now, you will be able to view the list of all the Marketplace FAQ’s created by you.
- You can also create an FAQ category by following the path +>> FAQ’s Category>>Create. So from now, the FAQs published will belong to a specific category.
- And now you will be able to see the list of FAQ’s categories.
Seller View
- Now, log in as seller and follow the path Seller Dashboard>>Products>> Products Q&A. The seller can handle all the queries related to his product from the Product Q&A menu.
- Questions submitted to a seller’s profile will be visible under Q&A>>Seller Q&A. A seller can answer the questions from this page and can provide his customers with relevant information.
- Customer’s questions displayed in the Q&A>> Shop Q&A menu.
Website View
- This is the product page from where a buyer can post his question about this particular product.
- A popup shown asking the customer’s query as shown below.
- Customers can also place query by clicking on the Q&A option and the same popup as shown below.
- On a seller’s profile, the Q&A is the last tab under which a customer can find the answer to his dilemma. Also, he can post a query if he does not find a similar answer to his question.
- Marketplace FAQ available on the “sell” page.
- Odoo Marketplace Advertisement Manager
- Marketplace Advance Commission
- Odoo Marketplace Custom Product Tabs
- Odoo Marketplace Seller Slider
If you have any issues/queries regarding the module please raise a ticket at
Did you find the guide helpful? Please feel free to share your feedback in the comments below.
For any doubt contact us at [email protected].
Thanks for paying attention!!
Current Product Version - Odoo V13, V12, V11
Supported Framework Version - 1.0.0
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