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Guide for Odoo Employee Loan Management System

Updated 4 October 2023


Simplified loans with Odoo Employee Loan Management System!

Simplify your loan management with complete approval, disbursed, and declined loan recordings, maximize efficiency, and save time.

The Odoo Loan Management System module allows you to create loan categories as per your choice.

Also, if you wish to implement a loan management feature purely for the employees, this module is the perfect solution.

Employees can apply for the loan under the relevant category and track their loan status from their dashboard.

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Additionally, the admin can approve, disburse, and settle down the loan after completion of the tenures.

Further, the admin can set the loan conditions like maximum amount, and maximum emi tenure, along with the terms and conditions.


  1. Odoo Employee Loan Management helps you to effectively use the loan management system in your Odoo.
  2. A user-friendly and effortless interface.
  3. Simplifies and automates their loan processes.   
  4. Admin has full access rights.
  5. The module further helps you to manage various loan categories according to your preferences.
  6. Manage the entire process from application to repayment, including loan durations, collections, and post-completion settlement.
  7. The module also allows the admin to fully automate the decision-making process.
  8. The module helps employees to track their loan status and see the completed tenures as well.
  9. Moreover, it offers a single dashboard showing all loans, their categories, and current statuses.
  10. Employees are permitted to access solely their own loan records.
  11. Reduces manual tasks, saving time and resources. 
  12. Allows you to pay two installments at a time in case of any missed Emi.


  1. Once you purchase the App from the Webkul store, you will receive the link to download the zip file of the module.
  2. Extract the file on your system after the download finishes. You will be able to see a folder named- ‘odoo_maintenance_mode.’
  3. Copy and paste this folder inside your Odoo Add-Ons path.
  4. Now, open the Odoo App and click on the Settings menu. Here, click on Activate the Developer Mode.
  5. Then, open the Apps menu and click on ‘Update Modules List.’
  6. In the search bar, remove all the filters and search ‘odoo_maintenance_mode.’
  7. You will be able to see the module in the search results. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.


Moving on to the configuration of the Odoo Employee Loan Management System.

Admin Workflow 

1. Initially, log in to the Odoo Instance and go to Employees.

Odoo Instance- Odoo Employee Loan Management System

2. Go to loan types.

Loan types- Odoo Employee Loan Management System

3. Click on the “NEW” Button to register a new loan type.

Select New loan type- Odoo Employee Loan Management System

4. Complete all the fields in accordance with your new loan type. Enter the Loan eligibility criteria based on employee experience. Employees will be able to avail loans based on the criteria they fell in.

creating loan type in Odoo Loan Management System

5. Go to Employee Loans under the Employee Loan tab.

Employee all loans- Odoo Employee Loan Management System

6. To view the current status of the loan, navigate to the “Employee loans” section under Employee loan.

Check the status  of the loan- Odoo Employee Loan Management System

7. Confirm the loan to approve or deny, as requested by the employee.

Loan Confirmation - Odoo Employee Loan Management System

8. Admin can approve or deny the loan based on the decision taken on the request.

Loan approval - Odoo Employee Loan Management System

9. After approval click on the disburse button to disburse the payment to the employee.

Loan Disbursal- Odoo Employee Loan Management System

10. Admin can see the loan emi tenures prior to approval of the loan.

Loan tenure- Odoo Employee Loan Management System

11. Admin can settle down the loan post-completion of the tenure.

Loan Settle - Odoo Employee Loan Management System

12. Navigate to my dashboard to see all the new requests raised by the employee.

All Loans - Odoo Employee Loan Management System

12. If a loan EMI is missed, or an employee has requested to not deduct the loan the admin has the option to defer it to the next month for combined payment of the missed EMI and the current month’s EMI.

MIssed Emi- Odoo Employee Loan Management System

13. Admin can regenerate the tenure of the loan.

Regenerate the loan tenure - Odoo Employee Loan Management System

Employee Workflow

1. To begin, access the Odoo Instance and navigate to the Employees section.

Navigate to employee section

2. Go to the “Loan types” section within my loan types to explore the various loan facilities provided by the company.

Loan types

3. To initiate a new loan application, navigate to the “Employee Loans” section and select the “New” option to proceed.

New loan

4. Complete all the fields in accordance with your loan.

Complete all fields

5. You have the option to cancel the loan if you decide not to proceed with it after submitting your application.

Cancel loan

6. Track your loan progress under Employee Loans under the Employee Loans.

Loan tracking


Hope you find the guide helpful! Please feel free to share your feedback in the comments below.

If you still have any issues/queries regarding the same, please raise a ticket at

Also, please explore our Odoo development services & an extensive range of quality Odoo Apps.

For any doubt, contact us at [email protected].

Thanks for paying attention!!

Current Product Version - 1.0.1

Supported Framework Version - Odoo 16, 15, 14

. . .

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