Odoo BigCommerce Connector: Handle BigCommerce operations with Odoo!!
Many people today struggle to manage their online stores efficiently. Even though eCommerce platforms have good website tools, they often don’t handle inventory well.
To ensure that no overselling is done on BigCommerce and orders are timely delivered, an automation tool is needed.
The tool should help manage the BigCommerce operation efficiently with Odoo.
To solve this, we have introduced the Odoo BigCommerce Connector. This tool helps sync products, orders, and customer data between Odoo and BigCommerce, making inventory tracking easier and improving overall operations.
Prerequisites For Using Odoo BigCommerce Connector
The Odoo BigCommerce Connector works in conjunction with the following module:
You must install this module first for the Odoo BigCommerce Connector to work.
- Imports categories, products, orders, and customers from BigCommerce to Odoo.
- It allows you to export categories and product templates from Odoo to BigCommerce.
- This module syncs product quantities from Odoo to BigCommerce in real time.
- This module updates sale order statuses, including cancel status and shipment status, in real time.
- Odoo BigCommerce Connector allows setting regular intervals for automatic data import using Cron.
- It also provides an option to avoid product duplication during imports.
- With this module, you can import data with various filters, such as all, ID, Date updated after and Date created after.
- It imports sale orders along with customer information.
- Option to map the order states between BigCommerce and Odoo.
- Track import history in the synchronization history tab.
- It also provides a dynamic dashboard for tracking imported data, with clickable data cards and visualization tools.
- Odoo BigCommerce Connector maintains a mapping history of synced data in the mapping tab.
- Once you purchase the app from the Webkul store, you will receive the link to download the zip file of the module.
- Extract the file on your system after the download finishes. As a result, you will be able to see a folder named- ‘Bigcommerce_Odoo_connector’
- Copy and paste this folder inside your Odoo Add-ons path.
- Now, open the Odoo App and click on the Settings menu. Here, click on Activate Developer Mode.
- Then, open the Apps menu and click on ‘Update Modules List.’
- In the search bar, remove all the filters and search ‘Bigcommerce_Odoo_connector’
- You will be able to see the module in the search results. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.
After the installation, log in to your Odoo account. Navigate to the multi-channel app and click the connect button.

Add the channel and select the channel type as BigCommerce. Once you configure the channel type, the BigCommerce channel configuration setting will be enabled.

To retrieve the access token and API path, log into your BigCommerce and navigate to settings. Under the store-level API account, create an account.
Choose a V2/V3 API token for the creation of the app at the store level. Further, select the permission you want to enable for the connection.

Save the setting, copy the API path and access token from the BigCommerce end, and paste it to the Odoo end.
Click on the test connection.

Congratulations, Connection is successful!!

Channel basic configuration: The basic configuration of the channel includes the following settings:
Auto-evaluate: When you enable auto-evaluate, it will evaluate the feed of the imported data automatically.
Company: Select the default company for the imported data from BigCommerce to Odoo.
API Record Limit: In the API record limit, you can set the limit of data that will sync between Odoo and BigCommerce.
Channel time zone: Select the timezone to maintain the time zone in order with the channel
Advanced configuration Under the advanced configuration for Odoo Multichannel Sale you can configure color, color index, blog URL, and store URL.

Channel Sales Order:The Channel Sales Order includes the following settings:
Payment Term: Configure the Payment terms for the payment of sale orders imported from BigCommerce to Odoo.
Sales Team: Configure the sales team for sale orders imported from BigCommerce to Odoo.
Salesperson: Configure the salesperson for sale orders imported from BigCommerce to Odoo.
Campaign: Configure the UTM Campaign for sale orders imported from BigCommerce to Odoo.
Medium: Configure the ordered medium for sale orders imported from BigCommerce to Odoo.
Source: Configure the order Source for the sale order imported from BigCommerce to Odoo.
Tax Type: Configure the Tax Type used in channel order. You can select the tax type as tax type tax included or tax excluded.
E-Commerce Order Reference Sync: If enabled order will created with the ecomm sequence at the Odoo end.
Channel Order Default Product
Discount Product: Configure the service product for the Service Product for Order Discount on the imported sale order.
Shipping Product: Configure the service product for the Service Product for Shipping product for the imported sale order.
Real time Sales Order Status Sync
With this setting, you can enable the real-time sync of the order status from Odoo to BigCommerce. You can configure the real-time sync of the cancel and shipment status from Odoo to BigCommerce.

Default Settings
Category: At the ecom end user can apply multiple categories but at the Odoo end only a single category is applied. Set the default category in which imported orders will be stored
Price-list: This price list stores the Original price of the product exported from ecom to Odoo.
Language: the set language in the language option will be applied to objects synced from ecom to Odoo.
Channel Category: while exporting the product from Odoo to BigCommerce, the product will be stored in the configured category.
SKU Pattern: The value configured here will be used as an SKU in case the SKU is not present.
Product avoid duplicity: If Enabled, Product duplicity will be avoided based on Internal Reference (SKU) along with Barcode during import.
Stock Settings:
Auto Stock: If enabled stock will be synced from Odoo to BigCommerce in real time
Stock Action: Product Quantity will sync According to the selected option Quantity on hand/forecast Field.
You can either select the sync of on-hand quantity or forecasted quantity.
Warehouse: It is the default warehouse that is used for the import of products from BigCommerce to Odoo.
Location: It is the default location where your stock will be stored when imported from BigCommerce to Odoo.

Here you can map the order state of BigCommerce with the order state of Odoo. You need to type the same name of the order status in the channel order status. You can also configure the map’s default state. Creation of invoice, and shipment( paid and open)

We have provided cron features that will import data from BigCommerce to Odoo. Data will be Imported Based on the Created/Updated after a defined date.

Cron Configuration
To configure the cron, navigate to Miscellaneous >> Global configuration >> Select the cron you want to configure. Here, You will find the order product customer category and feed cron.
NOTE: Data will be imported based on the created/updated or defined date.
Model: It is the module on which the server acts.
Allowed groups: It is the group that executes the server actions.
Scheduler User: This user will be responsible for running the scheduler.
Execute Every: Here you can configure the time interval for the execution of the cron.
Active: Enable if you want to enable the respective cron.
Next Execution Date: The next Planned execution date for this job.
Number of calls: How many times a method is called, a negative number indicates it has no limit.
Priority: The priority of this job (as an integer 0 is high and 10 is low)

Next, go to the ‘multi-channel> miscellaneous> global configuration.’ From here, you can configure the import scheduler and enable ‘Avoid Duplicity (Default Code)’ to avoid double imports or exports of unchanged data.

In the ‘Synchronization History’ option, you can view the entire history of every sync. On clicking anyone, you can see all the details of the history sync.

You can view the mapping of all the imported and exported data, such as products, categories, orders, customers, and shipping methods, in Odoo.
On opening any page from the mapping menu, you can view the list view of every mapping. On clicking any, you can view the details of that particular mapping.

You can import data from the connection’s operation tab. You can also use the import button on the dynamic dashboard.
Note: Order of importing data: categories >> product >> order.
To import the order, your product must be imported, and similarly, to import the product, your categories should be imported from BigCommerce to Odoo.
Moreover, you can only import the following data from BigCommerce to Odoo.
Products– You can import products using filters like all, ID, and Date updated after.
Order– Import using filters like all, ID, Date updated after and Date created after.
Category– Import categories using filters like all, ID, and date updated after.
Customer– Import them using the filters like all, ID, Date updated after and Date created after.
You can import all of this data using the filters mentioned above. Moreover, for data import, you must select the ‘channel instance, object, and filter’ in the import wizard.
Order Import

Category Import

Product Import

Customer Import

Shipping method Import: Import of shipping method is not available.
Navigate to the BigCommerce Odoo connector dashboard and select the export button.
For exporting, choose the ‘channel ID, operation (Export/Update), and object’ in the Export wizard.
Our module provides you with two objects for export/update:
1. You can export/update the category from Odoo to BigCommerce.

2. You can export/update the product template from Odoo to BigCommerce. It includes the product information.

Hope you find the guide helpful! Please feel free to share your feedback in the comments below.
If you still have any issues/queries regarding the same, please raise a ticket at the UV Desk.
I hope this helps. In case of any further queries, contact us at our support mail.
Thanks for paying attention!!
Current Product Version - Odoo 17, 16 and 15
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