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Multiple Wishlists for WooCommerce

Updated 18 June 2024

Introduction – WooCommerce Multiple Wishlists

WooCommerce Multiple Wishlists plugin allows the customers to create multiple wishlists to categories their favorite products according to their convenience.

The customer can add as many products in a single wishlist as they want. The user can easily categorize their liked product into different wishlist’s.

The customer can make their wishlist private or public. If they have created the wishlist as public, then they can share their created wishlist(s) with their friends and family through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Whatsapp.

The customers can directly add their wishlist products into the cart.

Note: This module is now compatible with WooCommerce’s new High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) feature.

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Additional Info: Multiple Wishlists for WooCommerce is now compatible with WooCommerce’s latest feature Cart and Checkout blocks.

To get more clear idea on the plugin, kindly review the video below-


  • The customers can save the products of their interest.
  • The registered, as well as guest users, can create multiple wishlists.
  • The customers can add multiple products to the wishlist.
  • The visibility of the wishlist can be Public or Private.
  • The customer can copy and share the URL of the wishlist.
  • The customer will get notified when the product goes out of stock in their wishlist.
  • They also get notified through email when the product comes in of stock.
  • Share the wishlist through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Whatsapp.
  • The customer can edit the existing wishlists.
  • The products from the wishlist can be moved to the cart.
  • The admin can decide the wishlist tab name and wishlist button position.
  • The admin can also decide the wishlist icon and title color.
  • The customer can change the status of the wishlist after creation.
  • The customer can delete the wishlist.
  • They can add multiple products into a single wishlist.
  • The admin can see the user list who have created the wishlist.
  • The admin can also delete or edit the wishlist from the back-end.
  • The wishlist can also be created by the admin from the back-end.
  • The admin can enable or disable the option to Share Wishlist for the customers.
  • The admin can check the guest user list separately who has created the wishlists.

Use Case of Multiple Wishlists

WooCommerce Multiple Wishlists module is an absolute solution to create multiple wishlists and provide your customers with this ability to make their shopping more convenient and organized.

The module also helps the customers to plan the budget before placing the order.

The customer can create an unlimited number of wishlists for future events.

For example, one list for holiday presents, one for regular purchases, one for sports equipment, etc. and can share it with friends and family also through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Whatsapp.

woocommerce multi wishlist frontend

Jetpack Installation

The Jetpack plugin is required to be installed prior to using the WooCommerce Mutiple Wishlists plugin.

It can downloaded by clicking on the download button provided and adding it to WooCommerce using the Add New Plugin button.

Module Activation

Check how to activate your WooCommerce plugin through the purchase code.

Installation – WooCommerce Multiple Wishlists

The user will get a zip file which he has to upload in the “Add New” menu option in the WordPress admin panel.

For this, login to WordPress Admin Panel and then Under the Dashboard, hover your mouse over the “Plugins” menu option which brings out a Sub-Menu and then select the “Add New” option.


After this, you will see an option on the top of your page that is “Upload Plugin”, Now clicks the option to upload the zip file.


By clicking on the “Upload Plugin” option, below that you will see a button “Choose File” click on the button to browse for the zip file as per the snapshot below.

woocommerce add new plugin

After browsing the file, click the “Install Now” button to install the plugin as per the snapshot.

woocoomerce multi wishlist zip file added

Now when the plugin is installed correctly, then you will see the success message and an option to activate the plugin. Henceforth now, click on “Activate Plugin” to activate the installed plugin.

Thus, in this installation of the module completes.

Manage Multi Wishlist

After the successful installation of the WooCommerce Multiple Wishlists module for WooCommerce, the admin can navigate towards the Webkul WC Addons > Multi Wishlist to configure the module, as per below image:

woocommerce multiple wishlist manager

To configure the module, the admin has the following sections available,

Manage Wishlist

Under this section, admin can manage the wishlists created by the customers. They have the following functions available,

Bulk Actions: Using it, admin can change the status of multiple wishlists either to Public or Private. They can also move them to trash.

They can search using Wishlist name from the Search bar and also filter them based on registered customer.

Admin can also edit the wishlist by clicking on Edit and is displayed in the below image,

woocommerce multi wishlist admin edit wishlist

Admin can also view the products associated with the particular wishlist.

Manage Users

The admin can check the Wishlists created by Users and the total number of products available in them through this section.

woocommerce multi wishlist admin manage users

Manage: By clicking on this button, the admin will be redirected to display the wishlists created by that user under the Manage Wishlist section.

The admin can check wishlist information of registered and guest users both and can filter the registered customers as well.

woocommerce multi wishlist manage guest users

Under the Guest User, the admin can see the User IP, the number of the Wishlist(s) the customer is having, the total number of Products in Wishlist.

The admin can search the guest customer via their IP’s.

Also, the admin can manage the guest user’s wishlist(s) under the Action button.

Once, the admin will click on the Manage button, it will redirect them to the list of the wishlist(s) of that particular user.


Under this section, the admin has the following configurations available:

General Settings

  • Enable / Disable: The admin can enable or disable the module from here as per their need.
  • Show in Product Listing: By Enabling it, the admin can allow to display add wishlist button in product listing.
  • Send Notification: When enabled, the customer will get notifications whenever a wishlisted product goes in stock or out of stock.
  • Require Login: This option will allow only logged in users to be able to create wishlists and add products into them.
  • Show Move to Cart: If Enabled, it will display the Move to cart button on the wishlist page.
woocommerce multi wishlist general settings

Add to Wishlist Settings

  • Show Per Page: Field to input the number of wishlists to be displayed per page.
  • Product List Button Position: Admin can change the position of the wishlist button on product list.
  • Single Page Button Position: The admin can decide the position of the wishlist button on the product page. There are various positions where the customer can add the wishlist button such as:
    • Before Product Title
    • After Product Title
    • After Product Description
    • Before Product Description
    • After Add to Cart
    • After Product Meta
  • Icon Color: Select Color of wishlist icon.
  • Title Color: Select color of wishlist title.
woocommerce multi wishlist add to wishlist settings

Wishlist Page Settings

  • Wishlist Menu Name: Field to input wishlist menu name which will displayed on the dashboard.
  • Wishlist Button Title: Field to input the name of button title which will be displayed on the customer’s “My Account” page.
  • Remove Wishlist Text: Inout the text for the “Remove Wishlist” link.
  • Share Wishlist: If Enabled, the admin can allow customers to share their wishlists along with sharing them on social media channels as well,
    • Social Sharing Options: Admin can select the social media channels to be displayed for direct sharing.
woocommerce multi wishlist page settings

Thus, in this way the configuration of the module completes.

Wishlist Widgets

The admin can decide where to show the wishlist widgets at the front end. Wishlist widgets are used to display the user wishlists.

The admin can show the user wishlist at Sidebar, below the header and several positions in the footer. For the reference, you can check below:

woocommerce multi wishlist widget settings

Here, the admin has put the Wishlist widgets into the Sidebar. Hence, the customer will see their wishlist at the sidebar of the website.

Customer View

The customer can see the add to wishlist option on the products at the category page and on the product page as per below image:

At category page:

woocommerce multi wishlist category page

At the product page:

woocommerce multi wishlist product page

The customer can click on the Add to Wishlist button, to add the product into the wishlist.

Once, the customer will click on the Add to Wishlist button a pop up will appear at the screen to select the Wishlist or to Add New Wishlist as per below image:

woocommerce multiple wishlists add to wishlist

Select the Wishlist: From here, the customer can select the created wishlist from the drop-down list. They can also select a wishlist from the suggestions provided.

Add New Wishlist: From here, the customer can create a new wishlist.

woocommerce multiple wishlists create new wishlist

Once the customer clicks on Add New Wishlist the Wishlist Title and Description is displayed for adding information.

So the customer can add and after that, they can click on the Save Item button to save the product.

woocommerce multi wishlist product added to wishlist

Also, the customer can see all the created wishlist under the My Account section or by clicking on the My wishlist button.

woocommerce multi wishlist frontend
  • The user can Share the public wishlist via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Whatsapp from here.
  • The customer can edit or delete the existing wishlist.
  • The customer can perform Bulk Actions on the wishlists such as:
    • Change Status to Public – The customer can change the status of the wishlist from Private to Public.
    • Change Status to Private – The customer can change the status of the wishlist from Public to Private.
    • Empty Wishlist – The customer can clear the wishlist in one go from here.
    • Delete wishlist – From here, the customer can delete the wishlists by selecting them.

**After selecting the bulk actions, the customer needs to click on the Apply button to apply that particular action.

  • The user can see the Total Product(s) in the wishlist and Wishlist Creation Date in their respective columns.

Wishlist Creation- Customer End

The customer can create a new wishlist under the My Wishlist > Create New Wishlist section as per below image:


After clicking on the Create New Wishlist button, the customer has to enter several details as per below image:


General Setting(s):

Wishlist name – Here, the customer can enter the name of the wishlist which they want to create.

Description – The customer can describe the wishlist from here.

Visibility – From here, the customer can decide the visibility of the wishlist as private or public.

  • Public – The customers can share the public wishlist.
  • Private – The customer can not share the private wishlist and no one can access it.

Now, at last, the customer can click on the Save button to save the wishlist.

Edit Wishlist- Customer End

The customer can edit the existing wishlists by clicking on the Edit icon.

woocommerce multi wishlist edit wishlist

Customer can edit the Wishlist Name, Description of the Wishlist. They can set the visibility of the wishlist as Public or Private.

A Move button is available using which customers can move products from one wishlist to another using it.

They can also share their wishlists using the Share URL and Share Wishlist options provided.

The customer can also see the product list of the wishlist as per below image:

woocommerce multiple wishlist product list

Form here, the customer can directly add the product into the cart by clicking on the “Add to Cart” button or can move the product into the cart by clicking on the “Move to Cart” button.

**If the customer added the product into the cart, then that product will remain in the wishlist.

**If they move that product into the cart, then the product will be moved from the wishlist to the cart.

Wishlist Notification

The customer will get notified whenever any product(s) in their wishlists comes in stock or goes out of stock. For the reference please check the below image:

In-stock Notification-


Out of Stock Notification-


Product List

In the products list, there is a column of Wishlists, from here the admin can see the list of the customers who is having that particular product into their wishlist.

woocommerce multi wishlist product list

Once, the admin will click on the number under the wishlists column, it will redirect them to the list of wishlists that are having that product.

woocommerce multi wishlist manage wishlist


Thus, that’s all for the WooCommerce Multiple Wishlists module. Still have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better at

Current Product Version - 1.2.0

Supported Framework Version - WordPress: 6.5.4 WooCommerce: 8.9.2

Blog Version - WordPress: 6.5.4 WooCommerce: 8.9.2
  • Version WordPress: 6.5.4 WooCommerce: 8.9.2
  • Version WordPress: 6.0.1 WooCommerce: 6.7.1
  • Version Version Wordpress 4.6.x, 4.7.x, 4.8.x, 4.9.x, 5.0.x, 5.1.x,5.2.x,5.3.x Woocommerce 3.0.x, 3.1.x, 3.2.x, 3.3.x, 3.4.x, 3.5.x, 3.6.x,3.7.x, 3.8.x
. . .

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