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microInteractions for better Product Usability

Updated 1 October 2019

microInteractions are small animations which accomplish the user’s main action. microInteractions not only makes a product human-friendly but also helps to create a very delightful and engaging user experience for the end-users.

microInteractions are one of the core fundamentals of Interaction Design (a system which defines how machines behave with humans across different environments).

a small microInteraction for a state where a user performed some sort of action and got a behavioural response from the system can be seen right below –

We can also use microInteractions to seek user’s attention.

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A set of microInteractions helps a user to understand the product better and navigate across a different set of sections with an ease.

A lo-fi product prototype with set of continuous microInteractions is shown below –

We can add microInteractions to different entities like to a form’s field validation or a custom on/off switch. microInteractions can also create a smooth delight to the morphed state elements. You can see a few more examples below for different cases.

micronInteractions should go in contrast with the main process and should support the user’s action.

For example, if a user clicks over a hamburger icon and waits for the off-canvas content to appear, we can simply add a microInteraction to hamburger icon to help a user understand the button’s behaviour have now be toggled and it will now instead act as a trigger to close or hide the off-canvas data.

microInteractions can be added to the Web products using CSS Transitions or Keyframe Animations which can be controlled by JavaScript. You can get started with CSS Transitions and Animations in no time to enhance and deliver a better usability to end-users.

If you are looking for some ready to use alternative, you can use micron.JS to quickly add microInteractions to your DOM Elements.

micron.JS has been built to add multiple microInteractions to the DOM Elements on the go. A complete doc is also available if you need some help to get started.

You should add microInteractions to your products or applications right away to create a seamless and non-breaking experience for your end-users.

Hope you liked this piece of the sharing. Stay tuned for more.
Have a good day.

. . .

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