Memcached is a general-purpose distributed memory caching system that was originally developed by Danga Interactive for LiveJournal. However, many other websites use it.
However, it is often used to speed up dynamic database-driven websites by caching data and objects in RAM. Thus, reducing the number of times an external data source (such as a database or API) must be read.
So, Memcached is distributed under a permissive free software license.[1] – Source Wikipedia.
Every time when we are talking about site performance “Caching” came as the most frequent Technique.
Thus, caching is an awesome technique for the site performance but it also depends upon the cache handler as well. Moreover, there are some very good cache handlers
1 – Xcache
2 – Zend Optimizer
3 – A PHP accelerator
4 – Memcached etc….
Thus, by default, Joomla uses the basic file cache handler which is also really good. However, for the high traffic sites, we need some extra hardware and an awesome cache handler as well like Memcached.
How to Use Memcached in Joomla?
Thus, the Memcached installation must take place properly to make it usable.
However, there are tons of examples over the installation of it on the web. So we are not explaining this part.
Thus, if the Memcached is properly installed on the server or host you’ll see in your site configuration section of the Joomla administrator.
Now, put the HOST as localhost and PORT as 11211. However, don’t alter any settings like Persistent Memory cache or Memory Cache Compression in this step. Finally, press the save button. Never change the session settings.
However, we did the site Optimization, and the result where much effective.
So that’s all for the Memcached in Joomla, for more details kindly feel free to write to us on [email protected].
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