Magento 2 Print Catalog plugin allows the webstore owner will now be able to generate and download the store product catalog as PDF.
Apart from generating the store product catalog, the admin can add the cover for catalog as required and can print a hard copy of the same.
The admin can add a single or multiple products within the catalog to create and can see a preview from the backend even before creating the same.
A Printed catalog or in other words a graphic interface is still the main source of information to the customers letting them know what’s about to come.
Also, portray a complete list of selective products that are about to be launched within your online store.
It’s kind a handy guide for the users wherein you can setup the required details catching up the customer eye so that they are aware of what’s being presented or about to be released in a brief.
Check the plugin workflow in the video below –
- The admin can generate PDF of there store catalog.
- admin can upload front and back covers for the catalog.
- Choose from 3 available layouts for the catalog.
- Select the products that admin needs to add to the catalog.
- The admin can edit the front and back cover pages.
- View the preview of cover and page layouts.
- Choose the associated products of the configurable, grouped, bundle products for creating the product catalog.
Installation Steps
For installing Magento 2 Print Catalog extension, follow the steps mentioned below:
Step 1: The customers will get a zip folder and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. Please select the correct folder according to your Magento version (2.1.x, 2.2.x, or 2.3.x ).
Now, unzip the respective extension zip and then move the “app” folder (inside “SRC” folder) into the Magento root directory on the server.

Step 2: After the above step, run the below mentioned commands in the Magento 2 root directory via terminal.
composer require mpdf/mpdf
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush
Translation Steps
For translating the module language, navigate through app>code>Webkul>PrintCatalog>i18n and edit the en_US.csv file.
Now, translate the words on the right and upload the modified file to the same location. The filename of the translated file should be according to the language and region code like de_DE.csv.

Initial Configuration
After the successful installation, the admin will navigate through Stores->Configuration->Webkul->Catalog Print to configure the initial module settings.

Before using the plugin, the admin will make few initial configuration settings wherein the admin will be able to –
- Enable the plugin by choosing the option as a Yes or Disable by selecting a No
- Choose the product Attributes that will be the default ones if the admin forgets to add them while creating a new catalog(Priority is always given to the catalog selected attributes that are to be displayed)
- Choose the page size(paper size) for printing as A4 or A3 as required
- Upload the default image which is used in place of the product image within the catalog for the products that do not have an image.
- Set the Minimum Image DPI for the image quality.
lastly, tap the Save Configuration button to save the initial configuration settings.
Catalog Print – Available Sub-Options
On the admin’s side panel the Catalog Print menu option can be seen. Here, the admin has two sub-menu options.

Catalog Print –
- Product Catalog
- Catalog Cover
Creating – Catalog Cover
Under this section, the admin can add new covers for the catalog to create and can find the list of already created ones.
The admin can also delete the created covers and filter the covers by using -ID, Date, and Cover Name.

Add/Create a New Cover
To add a new cover, tap the Add New Covers button to bring in the section to create a new one.

Here, the admin will be able to –
- Enter the Name for the Cover to create
- Upload the Front cover image for the catalog
- Add a back cover image for the catalog
- Add a Page Background Image
Lastly, tap the Save button to save the new cover and is available under the Catalog Cover section thereafter for use.

The admin can also edit the created catalog cover by tapping the Edit button under the Actions column on the right-hand side.

After making the changes, tap the Save button at the top right-hand side to save the changes.
Creating – Product Catalog
Under the Product Catalog section, the admin can create multiple number of product catalogs as required.
Apart from that, the admin can also find all of the created product catalogs, edit them, and can download the PDF as well.

Add New Product Catalog
Tap on the New Catalog button at the top right-hand side to bring up the New Product Catalog for creating the product catalog.

Here, the admin under the different sections will setup the product catalog options which includes –
General Settings
Enter a Catalog Name that lets know which catalog we have created for easy recognition under the product catalog list.
Cover Settings
From the Covers drop-down option select a cover from the list of already created ones.

Here, the admin can also tap the Layout Preview link to the right of the Covers drop-down option to preview the cover.

Set the Front Cover Title, Front Cover Title Color, Front Cover Title Size, and font style for the same. Apart from that, set the settings similarly for the Front Cover Sub-Title as well.
Enter the Back Cover Title along with the content you want to display within Lines 1, 2, and 3. This gets visible on the Back Cover as shown in the snapshot above.
Page layout
Here, the admin can choose the page layout from the 3 available layouts that allows the admin to display the selected products as 1, 2 or 4 items per page.
For now, we have chosen 2 items per page as shown below in the snapshot. The page layout also displays the page background image that the admin had uploaded while creating the cover.

The admin will enter header line that is displayed on the product pages. Now, select the product attributes that should get displayed along with the product on the product page itself.
According to the attribute selections the same gets reflected on the product pages.

Under the products section choose the products that the admin wants to add to the catalog. The admin can choose a single or multiple products as required.

After downloading the PDF for the created catalog, the admin can print a hard copy of the catalog as well.
PDF View of the Catalog as per created catalog –

Support – Issues/Suggestions
That was much about the Magento 2 Print Catalog plugin. For more information or customization request send an email to [email protected] or raise a ticket at our HelpDesk system.
Current Product Version - 4.0.3
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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