Magento 2 ( Adobe Commerce) Marketplace Advanced Booking System module introduces new product type, Booking Products. This will allow the marketplace sellers to sell booking services as a product.
Now your customers can easily purchase and book everything online including Appointments, Event tickets, Rental products, hotels, tables etc. Magento 2 Marketplace Advanced Booking System module will create dynamic booking and reservation like Appointment, Event, Rental, Hotel, and Restaurant Booking. This will convert the store into a dynamic event-driven site.
This product type lets sellers manage all necessary details of the Booking product like date available, slot period, stock value and price settings and much more.
- This module is an add-on to Magento 2 Marketplace Module. To use this module you must have installed Webkul Magento 2 Multi Vendor Module first.
- The Magento 2 Marketplace Advanced Booking System module is compatible with Marketplace version 2.1.7 and above.
- The Marketplace Advanced Booking module is compatible with the Adobe Commerce Cloud Edition.
Check the brief overview of hotel product type –
Check the brief overview of rental product type –
Check the brief overview of event product type –
Check the brief overview of appointment product type –
Features of Advanced Booking System
- Dynamic Booking product creation for Booking and reservation.
- The seller can add Booking product like Appointment, Event, Rental, Hotel, and Restaurant Booking.
- Cancellation option can be enabled for the admin and seller booking products.
- Admin can configure the mail template for contact to the seller regarding Booking Product.
- The seller can set the location name of the Booking product.
- The seller can enable to show the map of the location of the Appointment, Event, Rental, Hotel, and Restaurant Booking.
- Dynamic time settings like create multiple time slots and also set the time span of the slots.
- The seller can set the break time between the slots.
- The seller can set the minutes to prevent the booking before the start time of the slot.
- Days/Slot-based quantity can be configured.
- Customers can book the booking product.
- Brilliant UI and UX for event display and booking.
- Built on top of the Magento MVC and ORM system.
- The extension is compatible with GraphQL.
Customers will get a zip folder and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. The extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder. You need to transfer this app folder into the Magento 2 root directory on the server as shown below.
After the successful installation, you have to run these commands in the Magento 2 root directory.
First command-
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Second Command –
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
Third Command –
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
After running the commands, you have to flush the cache from the Adobe Commerce admin panel by navigating through->System->Cache management as shown below.
Advanced Booking System module needs to be uninstalled and reinstalled in the following way.
Note: After uninstallation, all data of the module will be deleted from the instance. It will completely uninstall the module.
Please follow the steps for uninstallation-
1. Run Following Command via terminal
php bin/magento mpadvancedbookingsystem:disable
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
2. Flush the cache and reindex all.
If this module has been uninstalled by using the upper #Uninstallation process then Please follow the steps for reinstallation-
1. Run Following Command via terminal
php bin/magento module:enable Webkul_MpAdvancedBookingSystem
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
2. Flush the cache and reindex all.
Multi-Lingual Configuration of Advanced Booking System
Language Translation
If you need to do Advanced Booking System module translation, please navigate to the following path in your system app/code/Webkul/MpAdvancedBookingSystem/i18n.
Open the file named en_US.CSV for editing as shown in the below screenshot.
Once you have opened the file for editing. Replace the words after the comma(,) on the right with your translated words.
After editing and translating the CSV file, you need to save the translated file name according to your region language and country code such as – de_DE.CSV.
Then upload the translated file to the same folder from where you have obtained it. Now Advanced Booking System module translation is complete.
Module Configuration of Advanced Booking System
After the installation, the admin can configure the Advanced Booking System module settings by navigating to the Stores -> Configurations -> Webkul -> Marketplace Advanced Booking System as per the below image.
Here, the admin will:
- Google API Key: Enable the Google API key for “Search nearby” map to work Properly. Please click here to generate the key. And have to select these APIs of Google-
Admin/Seller Approval Required for Questions: Here, the admin can set this option as a Yes or a No for admin/seller approval required for questions.
Booking Configuration-
- Enable Booking System for Sellers: enable the sellers to add booking product type by selecting “Yes”. Else disable the sellers to add booking product type by selecting “No”.
- Allowed Booking types for Sellers: Select the booking type which the admin wants to enable for sellers to add.
Transactional Emails-
- Contact to seller regarding Booking Product Template: Configure the mail template for contact to the seller regarding Booking Product.
- Customer asked a Question Regarding Hotel Booking Product Template: Configure the mail template for the customer who asked a question regarding the hotel booking product.
Booking Cancellation Options-
Here, the admin will –
- Allow Booking Cancellations- Here, the admin needs to set whether to provide this feature to the customer or not.
- Display Cancellation Info at Product Page – Here, the admin needs to set if this cancellation info will be visible or not on the product page.
- Cancellation Charge in %- If the admin wants to set any cancellation charge it can be set here.
- Allow Cancellation before Booking Start in(minutes)- Here, the admin can set if there is any timeline to set till when the customer can apply cancellation on any order.
Admin End – Advanced Booking System Options
Here, the admin will get 5 options –
- View Booking Orders
- View Booking Products
- View Questions
- Cancellation Requests
- View Calendar
View Booking Orders:
Under this section, the admin can see the complete list of booking orders.
Tapping the View link brings up the details of the booking order as per the snapshot below.
View Booking Products:
Here, the admin can see the complete list of booking products that have been added. Apart from that, the admin can add the Booking product as well.
To do so navigate through Marketplace Management -> View Bookings Products.
Now, to create the Booking Product, simply select the Booking type as per choice.
There is another way also of creating the Booking product. The admin will navigate through Menu item Products -> Catalog -> and then click the Add Product drop-down on the right top-hand side. Here you will find the Booking Product option, click it to create a booking product as shown below in the screenshot.
This will navigate the admin to the New Product page as per the below image.
View Questions:
Here, the admin will be able to view all of the questions asked by customers for the hotel booking product types.
Tapping the View Answers brings up the section to view the answers to the question asked. Apart from that, the admin can delete the answers posted for the respective question.
Cancellation Requests:
Here, the admin can view the cancellation requests made by the customers for the booking products.
Tapping View under the actions column brings up the details of the cancellation.
View Calendar:
Here, the admin can view the bookings in a calendar view.
Apart from that, the admin can tap on a particular booking to view the details of the booking order.
Seller End – Advanced Booking System Options
The sellers will get 3 options –
- Add Booking Product
- Booking Product List
- View Questions
Once the admin configures the module settings, the sellers will have a menu option “Add Booking Product” in their accounts to add the booking product.
Add Booking Product:
For this section, the seller will navigate to the Add Booking Product as per the below image.
Now, to create the Booking Product, simply select the Booking type as per the choice. And this will navigate the seller to the New Product page.
Booking Product List:
Here, the sellers will be able to view the complete booking product list of the booking products. Apart from that, the admin will be able to edit any of the booking products by tapping the edit option under the action column.
View Questions:
Here, the seller can view the list of the questions asked for their Hotel booking products. Apart from that, the sellers can also update the status of the asked questions and delete the questions as well.
The sellers can also view the replies made to the asked questions and can delete the answers as required.
Appointment Booking – Admin End
The admin can create an Appointment booking product as shown below in the screenshot.
On the New Product page, the admin will select the Appointment Booking Product type. Apart from that after filling in the basic information, the admin will set whether the cancellation will be available for the booking product or not.
After entering the basic details of the product the admin will set the –
Cancellation Available: The admin can set whether the cancellation will be available for the product or not.
- Location: Set the location name.
- Show map with Location: Enable to show the map of the location.
- Show contact button to: Select to whom the admin wants to display the “Contact Us” link – “Everyone” or only the “Logged in Customer”.
- Slot Duration(mins): Set the time span of a slot.
- Break Time b/w slots(mins): Set the break time between the slots.
- Prevent Scheduling(mins): Set the minutes to prevent the booking before the start time of the slot.
- Available Every Week: Enable this to configure the time slots for all the days of the week.
Else disable this if don’t want to configure the time slots for all the days of the week. - Same slot for All Day: Enable this to configure the same slot for all the days. Else disable this if want to set the different slots for each day.
- Slot has quantity: Enable this to configure the per-slot stock value. Else disable this if want to configure the same stock value for all the slots.
Under this, the admin will configure the slot time span and its quantity.
Now click on the save button on the top and we are done configuring the product.
Appointment Booking – Seller End
The seller can create an Appointment booking product as shown below in the screenshot.
Here, the seller will select the Appointment Booking Product type and proceed further clicking “Continue”. This will navigate the seller to the New Product page as per the below image.
After entering the basic details, the seller will enter the Booking information of the product –
Cancellation Available: The seller can set whether the cancellation will be available for the product or not.
- Location: Set the location name.
- Show map with Location: Enable to show the map of the location.
- Show contact button to: Select to whom the seller wants to display the “Contact Us” link – “Everyone” or only the “Logged in Customer”.
- Slot Duration(mins): Set the time span of a slot.
- Break Time b/w slots(mins): Set the break time between the slots.
- Prevent Scheduling(mins): Set the minutes to prevent the booking before the start time of the slot.
- Available Every Week: Enable this to configure the time slots for all the days of the week.
Else disable this if don’t want to configure the time slots for all the days of the week.
- Same slot for All Day: Enable this to configure the same slot for all the days. Else disable this if want to set the different slots for each day.
- Slot has quantity: Enable this to configure the per slot stock value. Else disable this if want to configure the same stock value for all the slots.
Under this, the seller will configure the slot time span and its quantity.
Now click on the save button on the top and we are done configuring the product.
Appointment Booking – Frontend
On the Product Page, you can select the Book Now option to Book the reservation.
Here, the customer will:
- Select the date from the calendar for which they want to book the slot.
- The customer can see if the cancellation is available for this or not.
- Select the slot for the selected date and set the quantity.
- Then click on “Book Now” button.
Tapping the Book Now button will add the slot to the cart and you will see a success message for the same. Now, click the Proceed to Checkout button to block the added slots by making a purchase.
The customer will select the payment method at the checkout page and will tap the Place Order button to complete the purchase.
After the order is placed, the customer will be able to see the order details under My Orders section.
The time slot gets disabled if it is completely filled as per the image.
Event Booking – Admin End
The admin can create an Event booking product as shown below in the screenshot.
On the New Product page, the admin will select the Event Booking Product type.
After entering the basic details, the admin will enter the Booking information of the product –
Cancellation Available:
The admin can set the option to enable the cancellation of the booking product by the customer.
- Location: Set the location name.
- Show map with Location: Enable to show the map of the location.
- Show contact button to: Select to whom the admin wants to display the “Contact Us” link – “Everyone” or only the “Logged in Customer”.
- Event Date: Set the Start date and End date.
- Event Map/Chart Available: Upload the Map image of the location of the Event.
- Price Charged Per: Configure tickets Charges.
- Multiple Tickets: Can create types of tickets.
Now click on the save button on the top and we are done configuring the product.
Event Booking – Seller End
The seller can create an Event booking product as shown below in the screenshot.
Here, the seller will select the Event Booking Product type and proceed further clicking “Continue”. This will navigate the seller to the New Product page as per the below image.
After entering the basic details, the seller will enter the Booking information of the product –
Cancellation Available:
The seller can set the option to enable the cancellation of the booking product by the customer.
- Location: Set the location name.
- Show map with Location: Enable to show the map of the location.
- Show contact button to: Select to whom the admin wants to display the “Contact Us” link – “Everyone” or only the “Logged in Customer”.
- Event Date: Set the Start date and End date.
- Event Map/Chart Available: Upload the Map image of the location of the Event.
- Price Charged Per: Configure ticket Charge basis.
- Multiple Tickets: Can create types of tickets.
Now click on the save button on the top and we are done configuring the product.
Event Booking – Frontend

Here, the customer will:
- Select the ticket which the customer wants to buy.
- Can see that booking cancellation is available.
- View the ticket amount calculation as per the ticket type and its quantity selected.
- Then click on “Buy Tickets” button.
Tapping the Buy Tickets button will add the tickets to the cart and you will see a success message for the same. Now, click the Proceed to Checkout button to block the added tickets by making a purchase.
The customer will select the payment method at the checkout page and will tap the Place Order button to complete the purchase.
After the order is placed, the customer will be able to see the order details under My Orders section.
The customer will see out of-stock while trying to purchase the tickets which are Out of stock.
In the cart as well they can see the error message.
Rental Booking – Admin End
The admin can create a Rental booking product as shown below in the screenshot.
On the New Product page, the admin will select the Rental Booking Product type.
After entering the basic details, the admin will enter the Booking information of the product –
The admin will set the cancellation availability for the rental booking product.
- Location: Set the location name.
- Show map with Location: Enable to show the map of the location.
- Show contact button to: Select to whom the admin wants to display the “Contact Us” link – “Everyone” or only the “Logged in Customer”.
- Available Qty to Rent: Set the quantity available to rent.
- Renting Type: Select the rent type as Hourly Basis, Daily Basis or both.
- Daily Price: If you have configured the “Renting Type” as Daily Basis or the Both. Then set the per day rent.
- Available Always: Enable this to configure the time slots for all the days of the week.
Else disable this if don’t want to configure the time slots for all the days of the week. - Available From: If you have disabled the “Available Always” option then set the Start date and End date.
- Hourly Price: If you have configured the “Renting Type” as Hourly Basis or the Both. Then set the per hour rent.
- Prevent Scheduling(Mins): Set the minutes to prevent the booking before the start time of the slot.
- Same Hours for All Days: Enable this to configure the same time slots for all the days of the week. Else disable this if don’t want to configure the same time slots for all the days of the week.
- Hours has Quantity: Enable this to configure the per slot stock value. Else disable this if want to configure the same stock value for all the slots.
After this, the admin will configure the slot time span and its quantity as per the choice. And then click on the save button on the top and we are done configuring the product.
Rental Booking – Seller End
The seller can create Rental booking product as shown below in the screenshot.
Here, the seller will select the Event Booking Product type and proceed further clicking “Continue”. This will navigate the seller to the New Product page as per the below image.
After entering the basic details, the seller will enter the Booking information of the product –
The seller will enable the booking cancellation option for the customers.
- Location: Set the location name.
- Show map with Location: Enable to show the map of the location.
- Show contact button to: Select to whom the seller wants to display the “Contact Us” link – “Everyone” or only the “Logged in Customer”.
- Available Qty to Rent: Set the quantity available to rent.
- Renting Type: Select the rent type as Hourly Basis, Daily Basis or both.
- Daily Price: If you have configured the “Renting Type” as Daily Basis or the Both. Then set the per day rent.
- Available Always: Enable this to configure the time slots for all the days of the week.
Else disable this if don’t want to configure the time slots for all the days of the week. - Available From: If you have disabled the “Available Always” option then set the Start date and End date.
- Hourly Price: If you have configured the “Renting Type” as Hourly Basis or the Both. Then set the per hour rent.
- Prevent Scheduling(Mins): Set the minutes to prevent the booking before the start time of the slot.
- Same Hours for All Days: Enable this to configure the same time slots for all the days of the week. Else disable this if don’t want to configure the same time slots for all the days of the week.
- Hours has Quantity: Enable this to configure the per slot stock value. Else disable this if want to configure the same stock value for all the slots.
After this, the seller will configure the slot time span and its quantity as per the choice. And then click on the save button on the top and we are done configuring the product.
Rental Booking – Frontend

Here, the customer will:
- Choose the Rent option either Daily Basis or Hourly Basis.
When chooses the rent option as the Daily Basis, then the customer needs to select the dates as per the days the customer wants to hire the item.
When chooses the rent option as the Hourly Basis, then the customer needs to select the date, time slot and the hours as per the duration the customer wants to hire the item.
- Select the quantity.
- Then click on “Rent Now” button.
Now, click the Proceed to Checkout button to make the booking.
The customer will select the payment method at the checkout page and will tap the Place Order button to complete the purchase.
After the order is placed, the customer will be able to see the order details under My Orders section.
Hotel Booking – Admin End
The admin can create a Hotel booking product as shown below in the screenshot.
On the New Product page, the admin will select the Hotel Booking Product type. The admin first needs to create the configurations so that those will be visible as options in the drop-down lists, for example, Room type and Hotel type.
After entering the basic details, the admin will enter the Booking Information of the product –
Booking Cancellation:
The admin can enable the booking cancellation for the booking product via this option.
- Address Information: Set the address of the hotel which will be visible at the frontend to the customers.
- Show map with Location: Enable to show the map of the location.
- Show contact button to: Select to whom the admin wants to display the “Contact Us” link – “Everyone” or only the “Logged in Customer”.
- Show Near By: Enable to show the map of the nearby location.
- Price Charged Per: Configure the charge basis like night or day.
- Enable ask a Question: Allow the customers to ask questions or queries they will have.
- Amenities: Select the facilities as per the room type.
And then click on the save button on the top and we are done configuring the product
Note: The admin can view all the queries asked by the customers on the product edit page.
And can also revert to the customer queries as per the below image.
On the front end, the admin can view the questions along with the Write an Answer button. The admin will click on this button and write the answer and then submit it.
Hotel Booking – Seller end
The seller has to create a configurable Attribute for hotel booking. A seller can create a configurable attribute as per the below screenshot-
Now, the seller can create a Hotel booking product as shown below in the screenshot.
Now, the seller will select the Hotel Booking Product type and proceed further clicking “Continue”. This will navigate the seller to the New Product page then enter basic details as per the below image.
Edit Configuration:
After entering the basic details. The seller can create variations of the hotel rooms by using configurable attributes.
Booking Cancellation:
The seller can enable the booking cancellation for the booking product from here.
- Address Information: Set the address of the hotel which will be visible at the frontend to the customers.
- Show map with Location: Enable to show the map of the location.
- Show contact button to: Select to whom the admin wants to display the “Contact Us” link – “Everyone” or only the “Logged in Customer”.
- Show Near By: Enable to show the map of the nearby location.
- Price Charged Per: Configure the charge basis like night or day.
- Enable ask a Question: Allow the customers to ask questions or queries they will have.
- Amenities: Select the facilities as per the room type.
And then click on the save button on the top and we are done configuring the product
Note: The seller can view all the queries asked by the customers on the product edit page.
And can also revert to the customer queries as per the below image.
On the frontend, the admin can view the questions along with the Write an Answer button. The admin will click on this button and write the answer and then submit it.
Hotel Booking – Frontend of Advanced Booking System
On the Product Page, you can select the Book Now option to Book the reservation.
Here, the customer will:
- Choose the Hotel variant available.
- Select the Check-in and Check-out date.
- Set the quantities of Rooms required, Adults and kids.
- Then click on “Book Now” button.
The customer can search the nearby places and can also view the amenities offered by the seller.
The customer can even ask queries. Click on “Ask a Question” tab to ask your queries as per the below image.
Now, click the Proceed to Checkout button to make the booking.
The customer will select the payment method at the checkout page and will tap the Place Order button to complete the purchase.
After the order is placed, the customer will be able to see the order details under My Orders section.
The customer will get an error message when trying to book the item which is Out of stock.
Table Booking – Admin End of Advanced Booking System
The admin can create a Table booking product as shown below in the screenshot.
On the New Product page, the admin will select the Table Booking Product type.
After entering the basic details, the admin will enter the Booking information of the product –
Cancellation Available: The admin will enable the cancellation option for the customers for the booking product.
- Address Information: Set the location name.
- Show map with Location: Enable to show the map of the location.
- Show contact button to: Select to whom the admin wants to display the “Contact Us” link – “Everyone” or only the “Logged in Customer”.
- Charged Per: Configure the charge basis like per table, guest, plate etc
- Number Of guests: Set the charges per quantity like set the charges for per guest.
- Maximum Guests Capacity: Set the maximum number of guests the table can be booked for.
- Slot Duration(mins): Set the time span of a slot.
- Break Time b/w slots(mins): Set the break time between the slots.
- Prevent Scheduling(mins): Set the minutes to prevent the booking before the start time of the slot.
- Same slot for All Day: Enable this to configure the same slot for all the days. Else disable this if want to set the different slots for each day.
Configure the time slots for each day if want to have different slots for each day. Now click on the save button on the top and we are done configuring the product.
Table Booking – Seller End of Advanced Booking System
The seller can create a Table booking product as shown below in the screenshot.
Here, the seller will select the table Booking Product type and proceed further clicking “Continue”. This will navigate the seller to the New Product page as per the below image.
After entering the basic details, the admin will enter the Booking information of the product –
Cancellation Available: The admin will be able to enable the cancellation option for the booking product.
- Address Information: Set the location name.
- Show map with Location: Enable to show the map of the location.
- Show contact button to: Select to whom the admin wants to display the “Contact Us” link – “Everyone” or only the “Logged in Customer”.
- Charged Per: Configure the charge basis like per table, guest, plate etc
- Number Of guests: Set the charges per quantity like set the charges for per guest.
- Maximum Guests Capacity: Set the maximum number of guests the table can be booked for.
- Slot Duration(mins): Set the time span of a slot.
- Break Time b/w slots(mins): Set the break time between the slots.
- Prevent Scheduling(mins): Set the minutes to prevent the booking before the start time of the slot.
- Same slot for All Day: Enable this to configure the same slot for all the days. Else disable this if want to set the different slots for each day.
Configure the time slots for each day if want to have different slots for each day. Now click on the save button on the top and we are done configuring the product.
Table Booking – Frontend
On the Product Page, you can select the Book Now option to Book the reservation.
Here, the customer will:
- Select the date and time.
- Set the number of guests.
- Add message for the admin.
- Then click on “Book Now” button.
Now, click the Proceed to Checkout button to make the booking.
The customer will select the payment method at the checkout page and will tap the Place Order button to complete the purchase.
After the order is placed, the customer will be able to see the order details under My Orders section.
The customer will get an error message when trying to book the table which is not available.
Default Booking Product – Advanced Booking System
Many Bookings In a Day : Admin End
The admin can create a Default booking product as shown below in the screenshot.
After you select Default option above, then select the booking Information type as Many Bookings In a Day and configure it’s Booking details. Here, the admin can set the cancellation availability for the booking product as well.
Many Bookings In a Day : Seller End
Even the seller also can create default Booking product type – Many Bookings In a Day. Select Default Booking Product type, click Continue button to create a new booking product as shown below in the screenshot.
After clicking the Continue button above, the add new product page will open where the seller can configure the booking product.
Now after filling the information for the booking product, the seller will select the booking Information type as Many Bookings In a Day and configure it’s Booking details.
On the Product Page, the customer can select the Book Now option to Book the reservation.
After clicking on the Book Now button you will see a popup. Here, you need to first select the date for which you want the booking. After that, you will select the required slot and enter the number of slots required for the selected date. Now, tap the Book Now button to add the selected slot to the cart.
Tapping the Book Now button will add the slot to the cart and you will see a success message for the same. Available slots are underlined with a green color, unavailable with a yellow color, and completely booked are underlined with a red underline.
One Booking for Many Days: Admin End
The admin can create a Default booking product as shown below in the screenshot.
After you select Default option above, then select the booking Information type as One Booking For Many Days and configure it’s Booking details. The admin can also set the cancellation availability for the booking product.
One Booking for Many days : Seller End
Even the seller also can create default Booking product type – Many Bookings In a Day. Select Default Booking Product type, click Continue button to create a new booking product as shown below in the screenshot.
After clicking the Continue button above, the add new product page will open where the seller can configure the booking product.
On the Product Page, you can select the Book Now option to Book the reservation.
After clicking on the Book Now button you will see a popup. Here, you need to first select the date for which you want the booking. After that, you will select the required slot and enter the number of slots required for the selected date. Now, tap the Book Now button to add the selected slot to the cart.
Tapping the Book Now button will add the slot to the cart and you will see a success message for the same. Available slots are underlined with a green color, unavailable with a yellow color, and completely booked are underlined with a red underline.
Booking Product List – Admin End
Separate section to view the complete list of booking products. For this, the admin will navigate to Marketplace Management -> View Bookings Products.
Here the admin can view the complete list of the Booking products.
The admin can even view and manage the booking products of all the sellers. Click on the Edit link to edit the booking product details.
Booking Product List – Seller End
Separate section to view the complete list of booking products. For this, the seller will navigate to Bookings Products List as per the below image.
The sellers can view and manage their respective booking products only. Click on the Edit link to edit the booking product details.
Manage Orders – Admin End of Advanced Booking System
The admin can also manage the orders of the Booking Products. For this, the admin will navigate to Marketplace Management -> View Bookings Orders of Advanced Booking System.
Here the admin can view the complete list of the orders placed for the Booking product.
The admin can even view and manage the booking orders of all the sellers. Click on the View link to view the booking order details.
Manage Orders – Seller End Advanced Booking System
The seller can navigate to My Order History section to view the order list as per the below image.
The sellers can view and manage their respective booking orders only. Click on the View Order button to view the booking order details.
Cancellation Procedure
After the invoice for the order has been generated, the customers can see the cancel button for the respective order under their account panel.
Tapping on the Cancel booking button the below page appears where the customer can cancel the booking.
After tapping the cancel booking the customer can see a message for the same that the cancellation request has been sent.
That’s all for the Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce) Marketplace Advanced Booking System extension. Still have any issues, feel free to add a ticket at
Current Product Version - 5.0.2
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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