Using the Magento 2 Marketplace Etsy Connector, the admin and the sellers of the marketplace can import and export their products from Etsy.
After synchronization, the products, their specifications and variations will also get imported. Above all, the admin and sellers can also map categories of Etsy with Adobe Commerce.
When the orders are imported automatically or manually if the products are not synchronized. Then the products get created automatically. Moreover, the extension also supports product information updates from Magento (Adobe Commerce) to the Etsy store.
Note: This extension is an add-on to the Multi-Vendor Marketplace. Further, to make use of this extension, you must have first install Webkul’s Magento 2 Multi Vendor Module.
- The admin and seller can import and export products from Etsy.
- Simple, configurable, grouped and bundle products can get exported.
- The admin and seller can import orders from Etsy.
- The admin and seller can map categories of Etsy.
- Assign import products to the correct Magento category.
- The admin can allow using his map categories.
- The admin can add multiple seller Etsy accounts from the admin back-end panel.
- Synchronize Etsy products work like same as Magento marketplace products.
- The product can sync with Specification and Variation.
- Import Etsy orders according to date selection.
- Select the default website for importing products.
- Select Attribute Set ID for each Etsy account.
- View mapping process result after execution.
- Delete record entries from the product and order sync list.
- Set default shipping template for exporting products.
Customers will get a zip folder. They have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. The extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder.
After, this you need to transfer this app folder into the Magento 2 root directory on the server as shown below.
After the successful installation, you have to run the below commands in the Magento 2 root directory.
First command – php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Second Command – php bin/magento setup:di:compile.
Third Command – php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
After running the commands, you have to flush the cache from the Magento admin panel by navigating through System>Cache management as shown below.
For translating the module language, please go to app>code>Webkul>MpEtsyMagentoConnect>i18n. Then edit the en_US.csv file. Now, translate the words on the right. Then upload the modified file to the same location.
The file name of the translated file should be according to the language. The region code like de_DE.csv.
How to Get the Consumer Key & Secret Key?
Please note that you need to install/enable the following libraries on your Magento server. After that, follow the below steps to get the required credentials:
Step 1:
Navigate to Then click on the Register link as shown in the snapshot below.
Step 2:
Now on the pop-up, you can choose to register using your social account. Here, enter your first name, email address, and password, and reenter the entered password. Click the register.
Step 3:
After registering in the previous step, click the Register as a Developer menu link. Here, you will have to verify the email address that you entered while registering.
After this enable the Two-Factor authentication before creating the API key.
Enabling Two-factor Authentication:
Step 1: Click the Two-Factor Authentication link as shown below in the snapshot.
Step 2: This brings up the Security Settings section. Here, click the Enable button to enable two-factor authentication.
Step 3: Now, enter your mobile phone number with the correct country code. Select your Confirmation type as – SMS/Text Message or Phone Call as per your feasibility. Now click Confirm Phone Number button.
Step 4: This brings up a popup to enter the two-factor code. Enter the code and click the Confirm button.
You will also be able to backup codes(to sign in) that can be used to login in case you don’t have the mobile phone along.
You can see the Two-Factor Authentication is now enabled.
After verifying the email address and setting up the Two-Factor Authentication. Now you can go back to the Register as Developer section. Here, enter all the related information on the page to create the app.
Now, click the Read Terms and Create App button.
This brings a popup to accept the API agreement. Here check the agree to the terms and conditions checkbox. Click the Create App button.
This creates the app and you get the Consumer Key(Key String) and the Secret Key(Shared secret).
Lastly, you need to have a Shop name(required for module configuration). To create one go to the Shop Settings menu link and create one. Here, you can see the shop name as WebkulShop.
Admin Configuration
After the successful installation, the admin will have the Etsy Account Manager menu option. Here the admin can manage the various Etsy accounts.
Tapping the Etsy Account Manager will bring this section that displays all the Etsy Seller Accounts. Here, the admin can add/edit and delete the Etsy accounts as required.
Add Etsy Seller Account
To add a new Etsy seller account, tap the Add Etsy Seller Account button at the top right-hand side. This brings up a section to add the Etsy account information as shown below.
Here, the admin will enter the –
- Etsy Shop Name which should be the same as your Etsy account.
- Select the default Attribute Set.
- Select the seller for whom you are adding the Etsy Account Information.
- Enter the OAuth Consumer Key.
- Enter the OAuth Consumer Secret.
- After entering the details click the Save Etsy Account button to save the credentials.
Now, this brings the same section to complete the rest of the settings that are to be completed after authenticating the account.
Now, the admin will click the Authenticate button. After that, a pop-up appears click Allow Access to proceed further.
These grants access to the application and now you can see the authenticate is visible as authenticated.
Now, the admin will select –
- The default shipping template.
- The option to export the products to Etsy as Draft or Active products.
- Who made it?
- What it is?
- When it was made?
Click the Save Etsy Account at the top right-hand corner to save the Etsy account.
General Settings:
Under the General settings, we have 2 more configuration settings –
- Default Settings for Import Etsy Products
Default store view for order import – Select the default store view for order sync.
Etsy Imported Order Status – Set default status for orders imported from the Etsy store. The selected order status here will become the Etsy order status in Adobe Commerce (Adobe Commerce Cloud).
- Default Setting For Etsy Product
Default Website – The Selected website will be assigned to all Etsy products by default.
Product Revision on Etsy – If set Yes product will get revised on Etsy whenever you update mapped products with Etsy on Magento.
Magento Product Delete on Etsy Map Record Delete – If set Yes products will get removed from Magento whenever you delete mapped products record with Etsy on Magento.
Use Admin Categories – If you choose this option as Yes then admin mapped categories will be used.
Category Sync: Sync Etsy to Magento 2 Category
After entering the correct Etsy seller account details, the admin will have to map the correct Etsy category with the Magento category.
It allows adding the imported products from Etsy to the correct Magento category.
The admin can not change the default category of imported products. As already there is a Category Sync option for the seller and admin.
If the category is not mapped then no category gets assigned to the imported product.
To map the categories tap the Map Categories button, which brings up a section to map the Magento category with the Etsy category.
Please note that you need to map the sub-category of Etsy with a sub-category of Magento. Now, click the Save button.
Example – We have mapped the Magento store’s Shirt sub-category with the Etsy Store’s T-shirt sub-category.
The admin will be able to remap the existing mapped categories but only One(Magento) to N(Etsy) mapping is available.
Product Sync: Import Products From Etsy
Under this section, the admin will be able to import products from Etsy by selecting the status for import.
After selecting the Etsy product status for import. Further, Click the Import Products From Etsy button.
As the products at Etsy are simple products, they will get imported to your store as simple products.
A pop-up appears with the total number of products to be imported. Here, click the Ok button to import the products from Etsy.
After this, click the Create Imported Product In Store button to create the imported products within the store. Now, you can see the Run Profile window showing the total number of products to create.
After the product gets imported these details get imported along with -Product name, Product images, SKU, Description, Price, Quantity, product variations for config product, Who made it? What is it? When did you make it?
Order Syn And Sync Order Via Cron
Under here, you will find the list of all the synced orders. To import the Orders from Etsy; first, click Import Order From Etsy button.
Also, note that – If the orders are fetched automatically via Cron and order items do not exist in Magento. It will automatically get created from Etsy to Magento 2 store only.
Then a pop-up window will appear for selecting the order date range. Otherwise, tick the option Import Store All Orders for getting all Etsy orders. Click the Import button to import the orders.
After importing the orders from Etsy, they’ll be added to Magento 2 orders. You can directly click on the order to view the details of the respective order.
The admin will not be able to manage the imported orders. It’s only for inventory management and order information purposes.
Real-time inventory update is not possible but we have a cron setup for this every hour for order import for inventory management.
Export to Etsy From Magento 2
After product export, the following product information gets exported – Product name, Product images, SKU, Description, Price, Quantity, product variations for config product, Who made it? What is it? When did you make it?
Edit Seller Account
To edit the Etsy seller account tap the Edit link under the Action column. The brings up the section to alter the details like –
Seller Management
The sellers will get a new menu option within their account panel after the installation of this extension.
Hovering over the Etsy Connector menu option with the mouse brings the 6 sub-menu options:
Let’s go through all the sub-menu options available to the seller –
Etsy Account
Here, the vendors will be able to add their Etsy Seller account details. To do so, click the Etsy Account sub-menu option
General Settings
Under this section, the seller can manage the general settings for the product listings that are exported to Etsy.
Here, we have 4 settings –
1. Default Values For Product listing Which Exported to Etsy(select respective options) –
- Select who made it?
- Select what it is?
- Further, select when it is made?
2. Default Settings for Import Etsy Orders –
- Select the default Store View for order Import.
- Select the Etsy imported Order status.
3. Default Setting for Etsy Product –
- Select the default attribute set.
- Select the default website.
- Further, select Yes or No for product revision on Etsy.
- Select Yes or No for product delete on Etsy Map Record delete.
4. Default setting for Category mapping –
- Select Yes to make use of the admin mapped categories else select No to make use of your own mapped categories.
- Clicking the Link Click here to view administrator mapped categories shows the mapped categories by the admin as shown below in the snapshot.
Map Category:
Here, the sellers can map the categories of Etsy with their Magento store categories. The products get synced between Magento and Etsy. If the setting is under General settings, the option Use Admin Categories is selected as Yes.
After that. seller will only be able to make use of the admin mapped categories as shown below.
If the setting is under General settings, the option Use Admin Categories is selected as No. Then the sellers will be able to map the categories on their own.
Here the admin can search the categories using the category name. Then click the submit button. To map categories, click the Map Categories button as shown below.
Tapping the Map Categories button brings up the pop-up. To map the Magento category with the Etsy category. Please note that you need to map the sub-category of Etsy with a sub-category of Magento.
Now, click the Save button.
Example – We have mapped the Magento store’s Shirt sub-category with the Etsy Store’s T-shirt sub-category.
Now a successful mapping is done. In addition, you can see a confirmation box for the same. After this click Ok on it to return.
Above all, you can see the mapped categories under this particular section.
The sellers will be able to remap the existing mapped categories but only One (Magento) to N (Etsy) mapping is available.
Import Product
Further, the seller will be able to check the products that have been imported from Etsy to Magento. Above all, a seller will be able to check the details like – Product Name, Etsy Listing Id, Magento Category, Sync Date.
The seller can edit or delete the products as required. The seller will be able to search the products using the product name. After this, click on Submit button.
Further, import products, first select the status of Etsy products that you want to import. After this, click on the Import Products button. It brings up a pop-up that shows the number of products that will be imported.
Now import the products, After that click on the Run Profiler button. Above all, this is to create the products within Magento.
Import Order
Further, to import orders from Etsy, navigate to Etsy Connect>Etsy Account. After that, you can find all the orders imported from Etsy to Magento Store.
Clicking the View Button brings up the details of the respective order as shown below in the snapshot.
Import Orders: Click on the Import Orders button. This brings up a pop-up to choose the date range or the option to import all the orders. After that, making the required selection, the seller will click on the Import button.
Further, to create the orders. Click the Create Imported Orders button. Then start creating the orders in Magento as shown below.
However, the sellers will not be able to manage the imported orders. It’s only for inventory management and order information purposes.
Export Product
Under this section, the seller will be able to export products from Magento to the Etsy store. Here, the seller can see all of his own products. The seller can start exporting them to Etsy.
To export the products, select the products. Then tap the Export Products To Etsy button. It starts the export of the products from Magento to Etsy.
That’s all for the Magento 2 Marketplace Etsy Connector. However, if you have any queries, looking for Adobe Commerce Cloud Development or have doubts, get back to us at [email protected]. You can raise a ticket at our HelpDesk System.
You may also browse other Magento 2 marketplace addons. Also our quality Magento 2 extensions.
Current Product Version - 2.0.0
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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