Frequently Bought Together for Magento 2 extension gives the solution to show how the admin can add frequently bought products on the product page viewed by customers.
The Frequently bought product most of the time are similar on go with each other. The admin can select the frequently bought product on the considered product edit page and new product page.
Summation of the pricing in the cart includes the price of the main product price and the product add-on.
Check a brief overview of the plugin –
- The admin can add the frequently bought product on the product edit page and on new product page also.
- Customers can select the addon by clicking on the checkbox of the product given in the Frequently bought Product.
- Total pricing will consist of the price of the product and the price of the addon.
- The admin can add any number of Frequently bought Products on the Product page.
- The extension is fully compatible with the Hyva Theme.
- The extension is compatible with all default Magento product types.
The installation is quite simple just like the standard Magento 2 extensions.
Customers will get a zip folder and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system.
The extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder.
You need to transfer this app folder into the Magento2 root directory on the server as shown below.
After the successful installation, you have to run these commands in the Magento2 root directory:
First command –
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Second Command –
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
Third Command –
php bin/magento setup:di:deploy
Installation using composer:
If the module is purchase from the official Magento Marketplace then please follow the below process.
Add the extension’s name and version to your composer.json
- Navigate to your Magento project directory and as well as update your composer.json file.
composer require <composer name>:<version>
For this module we need to run:
composer require webkul/frequently bought together:5.0.0
- Enter your authentication keys. Your public key is your username; your private key is your password.
- Wait for Composer to finish updating your project dependencies and make sure there aren’t any errors.
Verify the extension
To verify that the extension installed properly, run the following command:
php bin/magento module:status Webkul_FrequentlyBoughtTogether
By default, the extension is probably disable:
Module is disabled
The extension name is in the format <VendorName>_<ComponentName>
; this is a different format from the Composer name. Use this format to enable the extension. If you are unsure of the extension name, run:
php bin/magento module:status
and look for the extension under “List of disabled modules”.
Enable the extension
Some extensions won’t work properly unless you clear Magento-generated static view files first.
option to clear static view files when you’re enabling an extension.
1.Enable the extension and clear static view files:
php bin/magento module:enable Webkul_FrequentlyBoughtTogether --clear-static-content
2.Register the extension:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
3.Recompile your Magento project: In Production mode, you may receive a message to “Please rerun Magento compile command”. Magento does not prompt you to run the compile command in Developer mode.
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
4. Verify that the extension is enable:
php bin/magento module:status Webkul_FrequentlyBoughtTogether
You should see output verifying that the extension is no longer disable:
Module is enabled
5. Clean the cache:
php bin/magento cache:clean
6. Configure the extension in Admin as needed.
Now, after running the commands, you have to flush the cache from the Magento admin panel by navigating through System>Cache management as shown below.
Multi-Lingual Configuration
For Multilingual support, please navigate to Store > Configuration > General > Locale Options. And select your desired language from the Locale option.
Language Translation
If you need to do the module translation, please navigate to the following path in your system app/code/Webkul/FrequentlyBoughtTogether/i18n.
Open the file named en_US.CSV for editing as shown in the below screenshot.
Once you have opened the file for editing. Replace the words after the comma(,) on the right with your translated words.
After editing and translating the CSV file, you need to save the translated file name according to your region language and country code such as – de_DE.CSV. Then upload the translated file to the same folder from where you have obtained it. Now your module translation is complete.
Admin Process
Add frequently Bought Products
In existing products, the admin can select frequently add product in the product edit page as well as on the new product page, The option can be seen by navigating in the given process below.
The admin will go to Catalog>Product. After this, the product grid will appear. In the action column click on Edit then scroll down on the same page then select Frequently Bought Together.
After clicking on Frequently Bought Together select the option of Add Frequently Bought Products, then a list of products will appear. The admin will select the checkboxes of products that will be added in frequently bought together. Once the admin selected all the products that will be added, then click on Add Selected Products. Hence we can add the Frequently Bought Product in any product.
So, we can see that the selected product is added by the admin and it will appear on the product page which can be seen in the below image. To save this product click on the Save button.
Customer Process
When a customer clicks on any product on the storefront view, the product view page appears with all its details. Below of the same product page customer will see the section of Frequently Bought Together.
On this product page, when we will see the Frequently Bought Together options, we can see that these are very similar to the main product. These are those Frequently Bought Product options that are added by the admin while adding and editing the product.
In the below image, on each Frequently Bought Together Product, there is the check box on the right top. While selecting the checkbox, the price with addon(additional product) is added to the order summary also.
Let’s take another example of a grouped product. When customer will select the checbox of group product then a pop up will appear to configure the quantity of product.
Select the quantity of the groued product then price of this group product will be added to order summary.
Selecting Frequently Bought Together Products
After clicking on the checkbox of Frequently Bought together product when the customer selects the button of Add Selected Items to Cart then the addon(additional product) will be added as per the given below image.
Now go to the Cart, customers can see that when selected Addons are added, a total number of items will consist of the main product and add-ons.
When Customer clicks on Proceed to Checkout. Then they can place their order after filling required details. Customer can see the shopping cart with the main product and frequently bought product as the given image below
This is how via Frequently Bought Together Magento 2 we can see that how similar kind of products which can be used together can be shown and sell out to increase the sale. How the admin sales are increased and more products are sold out.
A customer might or might not add the addon so to increase, the chance of adding the addon one the admin can select a similar or ongoing product.
After clicking on the checkbox of Frequently Bought together product when the customer selects the button of Add Selected Items to Cart then the addon(additional product) will be added as per the given below image.
Now go to the Cart, customers can see that when selected Addons are added, a total number of items will consist of the main product and add-ons.
When Customer clicks on Proceed to Checkout then they can place their order after filling required details. Customers can see the shopping cart with the main product and frequently bought product as the given image below:-
This is how via Frequently Bought Together Magento 2 we can see how similar kinds of products which can be used together can be shown and sold out to increase the sale. How the admin sales are increased and more products are sold out.
A customer might or might not add the addon so to increase, the chance of adding the addon one the admin can select a similar or ongoing product.
Current Product Version - 5.0.2-p2
Supported Framework Version - 2.0.x , 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x
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